Subject: The mailing list for listmasters using Sympa
List archive
Re: [sympa-users] How to debug web interface failure? - STILL BROKEN
- From: "Stefan Hornburg (Racke)" <address@concealed>
- To: address@concealed
- Subject: Re: [sympa-users] How to debug web interface failure? - STILL BROKEN
- Date: Sat, 31 Jul 2021 12:02:56 +0200
On 30/07/2021 21:24, William F. Dudley Jr. wrote:
Sorry, sometimes I can be a real idiot.
Repeating my advice:
The problem is that you are using the insecure and deprecated CGI wrapper.
That explains why your HTTP environment information is missing.
Please follow the instructions from the official documentation:
log_level 1 results in sympa.log for browser url
Jul 30 15:15:16 dudley wwsympa[39174]: info main:: WWSympa started, process
Jul 30 15:15:16 dudley wwsympa[39174]: debug main:: ORIG_PATH_INFO=
Jul 30 15:15:16 dudley wwsympa[39174]: debug main:: ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME=
Jul 30 15:15:16 dudley wwsympa[39174]: debug main:: PATH_INFO=
Jul 30 15:15:16 dudley wwsympa[39174]: debug main:: QUERY_STRING=
Jul 30 15:15:16 dudley wwsympa[39174]: debug main:: REMOTE_ADDR=
Jul 30 15:15:16 dudley wwsympa[39174]: debug main:: REMOTE_HOST=
Jul 30 15:15:16 dudley wwsympa[39174]: debug main:: REQUEST_METHOD=
Jul 30 15:15:16 dudley wwsympa[39174]: debug main:: SCRIPT_NAME=
Jul 30 15:15:16 dudley wwsympa[39174]: debug main:: SERVER_NAME=
Jul 30 15:15:16 dudley wwsympa[39174]: debug main:: SERVER_PORT=
Jul 30 15:15:16 dudley wwsympa[39174]: debug main:: SYMPA_DOMAIN=
Jul 30 15:15:18 dudley wwsympa[39176]: info main:: WWSympa started, process
Jul 30 15:15:18 dudley wwsympa[39176]: debug main:: ORIG_PATH_INFO=
Jul 30 15:15:18 dudley wwsympa[39176]: debug main:: ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME=
Jul 30 15:15:18 dudley wwsympa[39176]: debug main:: PATH_INFO=
Jul 30 15:15:18 dudley wwsympa[39176]: debug main:: QUERY_STRING=
Jul 30 15:15:18 dudley wwsympa[39176]: debug main:: REMOTE_ADDR=
Jul 30 15:15:18 dudley wwsympa[39176]: debug main:: REMOTE_HOST=
Jul 30 15:15:18 dudley wwsympa[39176]: debug main:: REQUEST_METHOD=
Jul 30 15:15:18 dudley wwsympa[39176]: debug main:: SCRIPT_NAME=
Jul 30 15:15:18 dudley wwsympa[39176]: debug main:: SERVER_NAME=
Jul 30 15:15:18 dudley wwsympa[39176]: debug main:: SERVER_PORT=
Jul 30 15:15:18 dudley wwsympa[39176]: debug main:: SYMPA_DOMAIN=
Result is blank page, 421 error.
VirtualHosts stuff in apache 2.4 sites-enabled:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin address@concealed
Alias /.well-known/ /usr/local/www/sympa/docs/.well-known/
ErrorLog /var/log/
CustomLog /var/log/ common
LogLevel warn
DocumentRoot /usr/local/www/sympa
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^$ /cgi-bin/wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi [L]
RewriteRule ^/static-sympa/(.*)$ /docs/static/$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ /cgi-bin/wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi/$1 [L]
<Location /sympa>
SetHandler "proxy:unix:/var/run/wwsympa.socket|fcgi://"
require all granted
<Location /static-sympa>
require local
require all granted
<Location /sympasoap>
SetHandler "proxy:unix:/var/run/sympasoap.socket|fcgi://"
Require all granted
Alias /static-sympa /usr/local/share/sympa/static
<Location /cgi-bin>
require all granted
Options +FollowSymLinks
11.4-RELEASE-p9 FreeBSD
Bill Dudley
---------- Original Message -----------
From: "Stefan Hornburg (Racke)" <address@concealed>
To: address@concealed
Sent: Fri, 30 Jul 2021 07:52:03 +0200
Subject: Re: [sympa-users] How to debug web interface failure? - STILL BROKEN
On 30/07/2021 00:33, William F. Dudley Jr. wrote:------- End of Original Message -------
I spoke too soon. It loads an error page OK, but no useful content
is served. 421 error messages all the time.
I have a mailing list, called test2, and trying to look at it, I get this: - - [29/Jul/2021:18:30:45 -0400] "GET /info/test2 HTTP/1.1" 421
1 - - [29/Jul/2021:18:30:47 -0400] "GET /info/test2 HTTP/1.1" 421
other failures: - - [29/Jul/2021:18:28:34 -0400] "GET /my HTTP/1.1" 421 1 - - [29/Jul/2021:18:28:36 -0400] "GET /my HTTP/1.1" 421 1 - - [29/Jul/2021:18:28:54 -0400] "GET /search_list_request
HTTP/1.1" 421 1 - - [29/Jul/2021:18:28:56 -0400] "GET /search_list_request
HTTP/1.1" 421 1 - - [29/Jul/2021:18:30:07 -0400] "GET /wws HTTP/1.1" 421 1 - - [29/Jul/2021:18:30:09 -0400] "GET /wws HTTP/1.1" 421 1
This is not encouraging.
Bill Dudley
you neither posted the current Apache configuration nor the debug
output from WWSympa.
Without that I can't help you.
---------- Original Message -----------
From: "Stefan Hornburg (Racke)" <address@concealed>
To: address@concealed
Sent: Thu, 29 Jul 2021 21:17:43 +0200
Subject: Re: [sympa-users] How to debug web interface failure?
On 29/07/2021 20:22, William F. Dudley Jr. wrote:------- End of Original Message -------
Racke et al,
Using a path (like doesn't change the outcome, as I
already tried and as you discovered for yourself. You still get bupkus.
The problem is that you are using the insecure and deprecated CGI
wrapper. That explains that your HTTP environment information is missing.
Please follow the instructions from the official documentation:
The machine is running FreeBSD 11.4-RELEASE-p9 i386
Web server is Apache/2.4.48 (FreeBSD)
Here's the Apache virtual host stuff, entirely unchanged since this
was working 14 months ago:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin address@concealed
Alias /.well-known/ /usr/local/www/sympa/docs/.well-known/
ErrorLog /var/log/
CustomLog /var/log/ common
LogLevel warn
DocumentRoot /usr/local/www/sympa
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^$ /cgi-bin/wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi [L]
RewriteRule ^/static-sympa/(.*)$ /docs/static/$1 [L]
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ /cgi-bin/wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi/$1 [L]
Alias /static-sympa /usr/local/share/sympa/static
<Location /cgi-bin>
require all granted
Options +FollowSymLinks
These are the WWSympa related parameters from sympa.conf, also unchanged in
14 months (all other www-related settings are commented out):
static_content_url /static-sympa
static_content_path /usr/local/share/sympa/static
log_facility LOCAL1
default_home home
cookie_domain localhost
cookie_expire 0
cookie_refresh 60
use_html_editor 0
use_fast_cgi 0
This exists and has stuff in it:
ls /usr/local/share/sympa/static
css/ fonts/ icons/ js/ pictures/
and is owned by and readable and writable by sympa:
ls -ld /usr/local/share/sympa/static
drwxr-xr-x 7 sympa sympa 512 May 27 2020 /usr/local/share/sympa/static/
Here's the cgi-bin directory:
/var/www/sympa/cgi-bin> ls -l
total 2
-rw-r--r-- 2 sympa sympa 35 May 13 2020 robot.conf
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 31 May 18 2020 sympa.conf@ ->
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 45 May 18 2020 wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi@ ->
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 37 May 18 2020 wwsympa.fcgi@ ->
Here are those files pointed to by the symbolic links above:
/usr/local/libexec/sympa> ls -l wwsympa*
-rwsr-sr-x 1 sympa sympa 4448 May 4 07:37 wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi*
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel 598109 May 4 07:37 wwsympa.fcgi*
cat robot.conf
I don't understand this question:
Also what do you use for the WWSympa service itself?
Finally: I'm using http because I haven't yet gotten a Let's Encrypt
Certificate, and I won't bother if this thing doesn't start acting a lot more
robust in the future. :-)
Bill Dudley
---------- Original Message -----------
From: "Stefan Hornburg (Racke)" <address@concealed>
To: "William F. Dudley Jr." <address@concealed>, address@concealed
Sent: Thu, 29 Jul 2021 17:00:55 +0200
Subject: Re: [sympa-users] How to debug web interface failure?
On 29/07/2021 16:47, William F. Dudley Jr. wrote:------- End of Original Message -------
Racke and all who replied,
Thanks for the reply, however I'm no closer to a resolution.
I turned log_level to 1.
Now the sympa.log file shows this:
Jul 29 10:33:40 dudley wwsympa[98520]: info main:: WWSympa started, process
Jul 29 10:33:40 dudley wwsympa[98520]: debug main:: ORIG_PATH_INFO=
Jul 29 10:33:40 dudley wwsympa[98520]: debug main:: ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME=
Jul 29 10:33:40 dudley wwsympa[98520]: debug main:: PATH_INFO=
Jul 29 10:33:40 dudley wwsympa[98520]: debug main:: QUERY_STRING=
Jul 29 10:33:40 dudley wwsympa[98520]: debug main:: REMOTE_ADDR=
Jul 29 10:33:40 dudley wwsympa[98520]: debug main:: REMOTE_HOST=
Jul 29 10:33:40 dudley wwsympa[98520]: debug main:: REQUEST_METHOD=
Jul 29 10:33:40 dudley wwsympa[98520]: debug main:: SCRIPT_NAME=
Jul 29 10:33:40 dudley wwsympa[98520]: debug main:: SERVER_NAME=
Jul 29 10:33:40 dudley wwsympa[98520]: debug main:: SERVER_PORT=
Jul 29 10:33:40 dudley wwsympa[98520]: debug main:: SYMPA_DOMAIN=
Which is not terribly enlightening. This is repeated three times:
once each for the duplicate fetch of "/", and once for the fetch
of /favicon.ico. All return 421 error code.
This is the URL in the browser URL window:
This is the value of wwsympa_url in sympa.conf:
I changed the latter to have a trailing '/', restarted sympa. No change.
They look identical to me.
Now what?
Bill Dudley
Hello Bill,
you are usually use a path part in the URL for WWSympa, e.g. or
But your Sympa instance doesn't receive any information via the HTTP
environment, so something is wrong with your setup.
Please share your choice of the webserver and the WWSympa related
Also what do you use for the WWSympa service itself?
BTW: Nowadays there is no excuse to use http:// :-)
---------- Original Message -----------
From: "Stefan Hornburg (Racke)" <address@concealed>
To: address@concealed
Sent: Thu, 29 Jul 2021 07:04:42 +0200
Subject: Re: [sympa-users] How to debug web interface failure?
On 29/07/2021 05:24, William F. Dudley Jr. wrote:------- End of Original Message -------
Sympa users,
I installed sympa a year ago with the intention of migrating from
mailman 2. I never finished the project, but now I'm forced to abandon
mailman 2, so I must finish this.
Machine is running FreeBSD 11.4-RELEASE-p9 i386.
Apache24-2.4.48 (FreeBSD package revision of Apache 2.4)
mysql57-server-5.7.34 (which sympa seems happy with)
sympa-6.2.62 (latest FreeBSD package)
I had everything working -- web interface and the ability to send emails
that passed gmail's DMARC tests.
Now, however, I find the web interace returns an entirely empty page.
Nothing at all. I can still send emails to my "test" list, so Sympa
is still "working" as a mailing list.
The web access_log file shows this: - - [28/Jul/2021:22:45:18 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 421 1 - - [28/Jul/2021:22:45:28 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 421 1
There are TWO lines for every attempted access.
All attempts to access the web interface return a blank page and show
a 421 code in the log file.
(Yes, that's my own IP).
The error_log file has no new entries at all.
How do I debug why the web interface is broken? It worked, I ignored it
for a year, and now it's broken. There have been no changes to the machine
other than regular security updates from
This can happen when the URL in the browser is different from the URL
in the wwsympa_url configuration parameter.
If you use log_level = 1, you will see the headers that WWSympa is
using in the log file.
Also it is recommended to use FreeBSD 13, to avoid performance
problems due to FreeBSD bugs in older releases.
Bill Dudley
New Jersey, USA
Ecommerce and Linux consulting + Perl and web application programming.
Debian and Sympa administration.
Ecommerce and Linux consulting + Perl and web application programming.
Debian and Sympa administration.
Ecommerce and Linux consulting + Perl and web application programming.
Debian and Sympa administration.
Ecommerce and Linux consulting + Perl and web application programming.
Debian and Sympa administration.
Ecommerce and Linux consulting + Perl and web application programming.
Debian and Sympa administration.
Re: [sympa-users] How to debug web interface failure?
, (continued)
Re: [sympa-users] How to debug web interface failure?,
O, Victor, 07/29/2021
- Re: [sympa-users] How to debug web interface failure?, Rafal Szkup, 07/29/2021
Re: [sympa-users] How to debug web interface failure?,
Stefan Hornburg (Racke), 07/29/2021
Message not available
Re: [sympa-users] How to debug web interface failure?,
Stefan Hornburg (Racke), 07/29/2021
Re: [sympa-users] How to debug web interface failure?,
William F. Dudley Jr., 07/29/2021
Re: [sympa-users] How to debug web interface failure?,
Stefan Hornburg (Racke), 07/29/2021
- Re: [sympa-users] How to debug web interface failure? - FIXED, William F. Dudley Jr., 07/29/2021
Re: [sympa-users] How to debug web interface failure? - STILL BROKEN,
William F. Dudley Jr., 07/29/2021
- Re: [sympa-users] How to debug web interface failure? - STILL BROKEN, Stefan Hornburg (Racke), 07/30/2021
- Re: [sympa-users] How to debug web interface failure? - STILL BROKEN, William F. Dudley Jr., 07/30/2021
- Re: [sympa-users] How to debug web interface failure? - STILL BROKEN, Stefan Hornburg (Racke), 07/31/2021
Re: [sympa-users] How to debug web interface failure?,
Stefan Hornburg (Racke), 07/29/2021
Re: [sympa-users] How to debug web interface failure?,
William F. Dudley Jr., 07/29/2021
Re: [sympa-users] How to debug web interface failure?,
Stefan Hornburg (Racke), 07/29/2021
Message not available
Re: [sympa-users] How to debug web interface failure?,
O, Victor, 07/29/2021
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