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en - Re: [sympa-users] Strict, per list, send limit...

Subject: The mailing list for listmasters using Sympa

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  • From: "e.c." <address@concealed>
  • To: David Verdin <address@concealed>
  • Cc: address@concealed
  • Subject: Re: [sympa-users] Strict, per list, send limit...
  • Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 07:46:38 -0500

David and Sympa dev:

On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 2:41 AM, David Verdin <address@concealed> wrote:

You can also use the "nrcpt_by_domain.conf file. It defined specific limits for some domains. If you fill this file with the following lines:

domain1.tld    3
domain2.tld    25

Then you will have only three users per session for domaine1.tld and 25 per session for domain2.tld.

Th 6.0.1 is rather old now. If you considered upgrading to the 6.1, you could have the delivery_time list parameter. It is not exactly what you want but you could tell ,using this parameter, that a message for a given list will not be sent after the time you define for this parameter.

But the MTA solution will work well, too.



​I am using ver. 6.1.7 (owner not listmaster) and under customization option I see:
​Rejection message: when a message is rejected by list editor, a notification can be sent to the original author. You may prepare various rejection messages."
Does 'list editor' here mean owner or moderator? Is this list editor function programmable or does it require manual intervention? Are any exploits possible here?
I first requested (both from Sympa and Mailman) a feature that would limit postings per member and per list in a 24 hour period (say 0:00 to 24:00 gmt (utc), say 6 per member and 60 per list). This functionality was already present in LISTSERV in 1996. The problem seems to be that the bulk of development effort is dedicated to features important to pollsters and admen (lists with 700,000 members) rather than to unmoderated discussion lists​ with 70-700 members.

Thank you,

p.s. Is there any interest in doing a fork of either Sympa or Mailman in order to implement this functionality along with some other things useful to a self-moderating  list?

Le 26/06/14 04:12, Matt Taggart a écrit :
Marco Gaiarin writes:
I'm using sympa 6.0.1 (debian squeeze), and i need to setup, for only some
lists, some ''draconian'' send limit (eg, 50 recipient every 5 minutes).
The list are internal one, and the culprit is that all recipent have the
same domain/destination server, so sending to 600 recipient (even breaked in
50 recipient per smtp session) will hog the destination server.
You might consider doing this in the MTA with a "slow" transport.
For example in postfix look for "slow" in the following docs

A bug in Sympa? Quick! To the bug tracker!
David Verdin
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