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en - Re: [sympa-users] Backing up a sympa server

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  • From: "Eric G. Wolfe" <address@concealed>
  • To: "address@concealed" <address@concealed>
  • Subject: Re: [sympa-users] Backing up a sympa server
  • Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 18:29:18 -0400

There is really no reason you'd have to stop Sympa to backup /home/sympa. Same goes for backing up MySQL with mysqldump.

We copy /home/sympa while the service is live with our Commvault backup system. I've done the same thing with rsync. Just rsync'd /home/sympa while the sympa service is live, and got it running on a second test server with no problem.

The following example grabs all databases on the system, and even puts conditional "DROP" commands and permissions into the resulting SQL file. I hope Reinhold meant the "restore" consists of dropping and re-creating the database, not the "backup", in his example.

# This is the pre-backup script for #
#, CommVault must be #
# configured to call this script. #
# This script will do a mysql database dump of #
# the sympa database and then #
# copy that to /home/backup #
# Written by Gerald L. Hevener January 2, 2008 #
# Adapted to CommVault by Eric G. Wolfe #

# Inform user script has begun sympa database backup
echo "Starting mysqldump of the Sympa database...."

# Call mysqldump -A to do a full db dump and write to backup directory
mysqldump -u backup --password=$mysql_password_goes_here -A>
/home/backup/mysqldump-`date +%F`.sql

# Inform user script has finished mysqldump.
echo -e "mysqldump completed! Check /home/backup/mysqldump-`date +%F`.sql"

# Rotate last few days of SQL files.
find /home/backup -name "mysqldump*.sql" -ctime +2 -type f -exec rm -f {} \;
exit 0

Eric G. Wolfe
Senior Linux Administrator,
IT Infrastructure Systems
Marshall University Computing Services
Drinko Library 428-K
One John Marshall Dr.
Huntington, WV 25755
Phone: 304.696.3428
Email: address@concealed

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