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fr - [sympa-fr] Message "expire_bounce: not subscribed"

Objet : Pour les administrateurs de serveurs de listes utilisant le logiciel Sympa

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Chronologique Discussions  
  • From: Magali Bernard <adresse@cachée>
  • To: adresse@cachée
  • Subject: [sympa-fr] Message "expire_bounce: not subscribed"
  • Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2007 17:19:32 +0100


J'ai récupéré mes listes depuis une version Debian Woody/Sympa 3.3.3
vers une version Debian Sarge (vserver)/Sympa 4.1.5
La version de mysql a aussi changé, je suis maintenant en 4.1 (avant
je ne sais plus)

Depuis j'ai chaque jour, pour une grande partie des listes, le message:
Mar 6 10:35:14 listes task_manager[8842]: expire_bounce: not subscribed
Mar 6 10:35:14 listes task_manager[8842]: Warning: entry with empty email
ss in list testlst

Le problème a déjà été posé dans la liste sympa-users, mais je n'ai pas
trouvé de réponse.

Ci-joint le log du démarrage de sympa, lorsqu'il a rafistolé la base,
si ça peut aider. Tout m'a l'air de s'être bien passé, et sympa semble
bien fonctionner normalement...

Merci d'avance,

Feb 20 09:16:07 listes sympa[20260]: Configuration file read, default log
level 0
Feb 20 09:16:07 listes sympa[20260]: Field 'attributes_user' (table
'user_table' ; database 'sympa') was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
Feb 20 09:16:07 listes sympa[20260]: Field attributes_user added to table
Feb 20 09:16:07 listes sympa[20260]: Field 'bounce_score_subscriber' (table
'subscriber_table' ; database 'sympa') was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
Feb 20 09:16:08 listes sympa[20260]: Field bounce_score_subscriber added to
table subscriber_table
Feb 20 09:16:08 listes sympa[20260]: Field 'bounce_subscriber' (table
'subscriber_table' ; database 'sympa') does NOT have awaited type
(varchar(35)). Attempting to change it...
Feb 20 09:16:08 listes sympa[20260]: Field bounce_subscriber in table
subscriber_table, structur updated
Feb 20 09:16:09 listes sympa[20260]: Field 'include_sources_subscriber'
(table 'subscriber_table' ; database 'sympa') was NOT found. Attempting to
add it...
Feb 20 09:16:09 listes sympa[20260]: Field include_sources_subscriber added
to table subscriber_table
Feb 20 09:16:09 listes sympa[20260]: Field 'included_subscriber' (table
'subscriber_table' ; database 'sympa') was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
Feb 20 09:16:10 listes sympa[20260]: Field included_subscriber added to table
Feb 20 09:16:10 listes sympa[20260]: Field 'subscribed_subscriber' (table
'subscriber_table' ; database 'sympa') was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
Feb 20 09:16:10 listes sympa[20260]: Field subscribed_subscriber added to
table subscriber_table
Feb 20 09:16:11 listes sympa[20263]: Sympa 4.1.5 started
Feb 20 09:16:11 listes archived[20267]: archived 0.1 Started
Feb 20 09:16:11 listes task_manager[20271]: Configuration file read, default
log level 0
Feb 20 09:16:12 listes bounced[20277]: bounced Started
Magali BERNARD - Centre de Ressources Informatiques Télécom et Réseaux
Université Jean Monnet de Saint-Étienne - FRANCE

A: Yes.
>Q: Are you sure?
>>A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>>Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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