Subject: Pour les administrateurs de serveurs de listes utilisant le logiciel Sympa
List archive
- From: Thomas Morin <address@concealed>
- To: address@concealed
- Subject: Problème sympa/mySQL
- Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 16:40:15 +0200 (CET)
J'ai installé sympa 2.2.7 (paquet debian pour la debian 2.1).
J'ai configuré sympa pour qu'il utilise mySQL; j'ai suivi les instruction
données par la doc en ligne : voici ce qu'il y a dans mon fichier
/etc/sympa/sympa.conf :
## data base parameters
db_type mysql
db_name sympa
db_host localhost
db_user sympa
db_passwd xxxx
Voici ce qu'il y a dans le fichier de configuration d'une liste (nommée
liste2) :
user_data_source database
db_type mysql
host localhost
user sympa
passwd xxxx
db_name sympa
sql_query SELECT DISTINCT user_subscriber FROM subscriber WHERE
Aucun problème ne se pose pour que quelqu'un s'abonne à cette liste.
(il est bien ajouté dans les tables de la base SQL)
De même, les désabonnement et les reviews marchent.
Par contre, on ne peut envoyer de mail à cette liste : quand on envoie un
message à la liste, aucun mail n'est envoyé et les logs de sympa disent
ceci (c'est la sortie debug que je donne ici):
Processing /var/spool/sympa/queue/2.932653263.1356
Processing message for test2,
Unable to send message to list test2
Renaming bad file 2.932653263.1356 to BAD-2.932653263.1356
Je n'arrive pas à obtenir plus de détail sur ce "Unable to send
message to list test2" (j'ai bien mis le -D correspondant au taux de
debug maximal, au lancement de sympa).
Ultime remarque : je n'ai pas de problème particulier avec les listes
gérées classiquement avec les subscribers dans un fichier texte.
Si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider à résoudre mon problème ça serait
Merci d'avance...
PS: ci-joints : un 'dump' de la database mySQL, le fichier de conf de
test2, et celui de sympa.
PPS: il y a ceci dans mon /etc/aliases
test2: "|/usr/lib/sympa/bin/queue 2 test2"
test2-request: "|/usr/lib/sympa/bin/queue 1 test2-request"
test2-editor: "|/usr/lib/sympa/bin/queue 1 test2-editor"
test2-bounce: "|/usr/lib/ test2"
test2-subscribe: "|/usr/lib/sympa/bin/queue 9 test2-subscribe"
test2-unsubscribe: "|/usr/lib/sympa/bin/queue 9 test2-unsubscribe"
# MySQL dump 4.0
# Host: localhost Database: sympa
# Table structure for table 'subscriber'
CREATE TABLE subscriber (
list_subscriber char(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
user_subscriber char(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
date_subscriber datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL,
visibility_subscriber char(20),
reception_subscriber char(20),
PRIMARY KEY (list_subscriber,user_subscriber)
# Dumping data for table 'subscriber'
# Table structure for table 'user'
email_user char(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
gecos_user char(150),
password_user char(20),
cookie_delay_user int(11),
lang_user char(5),
PRIMARY KEY (email_user)
# Dumping data for table 'user'
subject Sample provided for an intranet list
visibility noconceal
send public
reply_to list
subscribe open
unsubscribe open
review owner
email address@concealed
user_data_source database
db_type mysql
host localhost
user sympa
passwd xxxx
db_name sympa
sql_query SELECT DISTINCT user_subscriber FROM subscriber WHERE
## Configuration file for Sympa
## Directory containing config. files for the lists, helpfile and list
## of lists. Non-absolute path is relative to this directory.
home /var/spool/sympa/expl
## File containing Sympa PID while running. Sympa also locks this file to
## ensure that it isn't running more than once. Caution : user sympa
## need to write access without special privilegee.
pidfile /var/spool/sympa/
## File providing the list of available lists (this is a free-form
## text file). This file is optional since Sympa can dynamically
## generate the list.
lists config/lists
## File containing the header used to generate dynamic lists.
lists_header config/lists.header
## File containing the footer used to generate dynamic lists.
lists_footer config/lists.footer
## Helpfile (free-form text file)
help config/helpfile
## Umask used for file creation by Sympa
umask 027
## Facility used by Syslogd
syslog `/bin/cat /etc/sympa/facility`
## Communication mode with syslogd is either 'unix' (via Unix sockets) or
## 'inet' (use of UDP)
log_socket_type unix
## Maximum number of recipients per call to Sendmail
nrcpt 40
## Average number of recipients (ie max. number of different domains)
## per call to Sendmail
avg 10
## Max. number of Sendmail processes (launched by Sympa) running
## Proposed value is quite low, you can rise it up to 100, 200 or even 300
## with powerfull systems.
maxsmtp 50
## The full path to the Message Transfer Agent program (default is Sendmail
## or above)
sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail
## Name of the host for Sympa
host `/bin/cat /etc/mailname || /bin/dnsdomainame`
## E-mail address for sending / replying to administrative commands
## Effective address will be $EMAIL@$HOST
email sympa
## Directory containig available NLS catalogues (Message
## At startup, Sympa uses if it exists.
msgcat /usr/lib/sympa/nls
## Sort rules for e-mail addresses, according to top-level domains. This
## the way subscribers information are stored (consequently used while sending
## messages).
sort fr,ca,be,ch,uk,edu,*,com
#### SPOOLS location and TTL
## Directory is the main spool containing mails to be processed by Sympa
## (commands or messages). This should be the absolute path.
queue /var/spool/sympa/queue
## Expiration delay for BAD-* files in queue directory
clean_delay_queue 1
## Digest spool
queuedigest /var/spool/sympa/queuedigest
## Moderation spool (when send is set to editorkey or editorkeyonly)
queuemod /var/spool/sympa/queuemod
## Expiration delay for moderation requests, (may be configure per list
## in the list config file)
clean_delay_queuemod 10
## Authentication spool. It contains authentication requests waiting for
## the requester to confirm (send param. set to privatekey/publickey)
queueauth /var/spool/sympa/queueauth
## Expiration delay in the authentication spool
clean_delay_queueauth 3
## Subscription expiration spool (Cf EXPIRE command)
queueexpire /var/spool/sympa/queueexpire
## Delay between two scan of the main spool (queue). Avoid Zero value !
sleep 5
## data base parameters
db_type mysql
db_name sympa
db_host localhost
db_user sympa
db_passwd xxxx
Problème sympa/mySQL,
Thomas Morin, 07/22/1999
Re: Problème sympa/mySQL, précision.,
Thomas Morin, 07/23/1999
- Re: Re: Problème sympa/mySQL, précision., Olivier Salaun - CRU, 07/27/1999
- Re: Problème sympa/mySQL, Olivier Salaun - CRU, 07/27/1999
Re: Problème sympa/mySQL, précision.,
Thomas Morin, 07/23/1999
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