Objet : Pour les administrateurs de serveurs de listes utilisant le logiciel Sympa
Archives de la liste
- From: Olivier Salaun - CRU <adresse@cachée>
- To: adresse@cachée
- Subject: Patch Digest
- Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 15:58:52 +0100
En attendant la prochaine version de Sympa (les patchs s'entrecroisent :-\,
je vous propose une évolution du mode Digest de Sympa conforme
au RFC 934 (burst utilisable). Entre autres améliorations :
- Sommaire respectant l'ordre des messages
- Présentation des seules entêtes principales des messages
(From, Date, To)
- Meilleur décodage du QP/Base64, utilisant les Librairies Perl
MIME::Base64 et MIME::QuotedPrint
Le patch agit sur les fichiers List.pm, msg.pl et fr.msg (vous devrez
donc regénérer le catalogue avec gencat).
Le module Perl MIME-Base64 est nécessaire :
Olivier Salaun - CRU
*** List.pm.orig Wed Nov 4 16:11:00 1998
--- List.pm Tue Dec 1 10:29:17 1998
*** 437,608 ****
## Send a digest message to the subscribers with reception=digest
sub send_msg_digest {
- my($self, $file) = @_;
! ## Who is the enveloppe sender ?
! my $admin = $self->{'admin'};
! my $host = $admin->{'host'} || $Conf{'host'};
! my $name = "$self->{'name'}";
! my $from = "$name-request\@$host";
! my $to = "$name\@$host";
! my $reply = "$name-owner\@$host";
! ## verifications much later.
! my @tabrcpt;
! my @tabmsg;
! my $nbkeys=0;
! my $nblines=0;
! my $etat=0;
! my $index=0;
! my %u;
! my %tabsujet;
! my($i, $j,$ligne,$sujet,$ind);
! my $fichier="$Conf{'queuedigest'}/$file";
! my @now = localtime(time);
! my @oldtime=localtime((stat $fichier)[9]);
! my %convertiso=%msg::convertiso;
! my $separator = $msg::separator;
! my $separatorbis = $msg::separatorbis;
! # check the list
! return unless($file eq $name);
! # make the tab of subscibers in digest mode
! foreach $ind (keys %{$self->{'users'}}) {
! %u = split(/\n/,$self->{'users'}->{$ind});
! push(@tabrcpt, $ind) if ($u{'reception'} =~ /^(digest)$/i);
! }
! # Open the digest file and make the index array in @tabsujet
! open(OLD,$fichier ) || return undef;
! foreach $ligne (<OLD>){
! $nblines++;
! # push into an array in memory
! push(@tabmsg, $ligne) unless ($etat==0 and $ligne =~/^$separator/i);
! # try to find the number of messages digested in the file ...
! if ($etat==0 and $ligne =~/^$separator/i){
! $ligne=$separatorbis;
! push(@tabmsg, $ligne);
! $etat=1;
! next;
! }
! if($etat==1 and $ligne =~/^\n/){
! $etat=2;
! next;
! }else{
! $etat=0 unless($etat==2);
! }
! if ($etat==2 and $ligne
=~/^Subject\:(\s*)?((\=\?iso\-8859\-1\?Q\?)?Re(\s*)?\:)?\s*(.*)/i) {
! $sujet=$3.$5;
! if ($sujet=~ /\=\?iso\-8859\-1\?Q\?/i){
! $sujet =~ s/\=\?iso\-8859\-1\?Q\?([^\?]*)\?\=/$1/ig;
! $sujet =~ s/\=\?iso\-8859\-1\?Q\?(\S*(\s?(\S*)?){3})\?\=/$1/ig;
! foreach $i (keys %convertiso) {
! $sujet=~ s/\=$i/$convertiso{$i}/ig;
! $sujet=~ s/\_/ /ig;
! }
! }
! $sujet =~ s/^\s*//;
! if (exists $tabsujet{$sujet}) {
! $tabsujet{$sujet}[0]++;
! }else{
! $tabsujet{$sujet}[0]=1;
! }
! $etat=0;
! }
! if($etat==2 and $ligne=~/^\n/){
! $etat=0;
! if (exists $tabsujet{Msg(8, 12,"without subject")} ) {
! $tabsujet{Msg(8, 12,"without subject")}[0]++;
! }else{
! $tabsujet{Msg(8, 12,"without subject")}[0]=1;
! }
! }
! }
! close OLD;
! # create the index numbers into the hash
! $index=0;
! foreach $i (keys %tabsujet){
! $index++;
! $tabsujet{$i}[1]=$index;
! $nbkeys+=$tabsujet{$i}[0];
! }
! my $dernier=0;
! $i=$#tabmsg; #size of the array
! for ($i=$#tabmsg;$i>0;$i--){
! $ligne =$tabmsg[$i];
! if ($ligne
=~/^Subject\:(\s*)?((\=\?iso\-8859\-1\?Q\?)?Re(\s*)?\:)?\s*(.*)/i) {
! $sujet=$3.$5;
! if ($sujet=~ /\=\?iso\-8859\-1\?Q\?/i){
! $sujet =~ s/\=\?iso\-8859\-1\?Q\?([^\?]*)\?\=/$1/ig;
! $sujet =~ s/\=\?iso\-8859\-1\?Q\?(\S*(\s?(\S*)?){3})\?\=/$1/ig;
! foreach $i (keys %convertiso) {
! $sujet=~ s/\=$i/$convertiso{$i}/ig;
! $sujet=~ s/\_/ /ig;
! }
! }
! $sujet =~ s/^\s*//;
! if (exists $tabsujet{$sujet}) {
! $dernier=$tabsujet{$sujet}[1];
! next;
! if ($ligne =~/^$separatorbis/i){
! if ($dernier!=0){
! $ligne =~s/X/$dernier/;
! }else{
! $ligne =~s/X/--/;
! $tabmsg[$i]=$ligne;
! # modify and send the digest
! my $hdr = new Mail::Header;
! $hdr->add('Reply-to', "$reply");
! $hdr->add('From', "$from");
! $hdr->add('To', "$to");
! $hdr->add('Subject',sprintf(Msg(8, 9, "DIGEST de la liste %s"),$file));
! *DESC = smtp::smtpto(\$from, \@tabrcpt);
! $hdr->print(\*DESC);
! print DESC "\n";
! print DESC "\n";
! printf DESC Msg(8, 13, "There are %d messages totalling %d lines in this
! print DESC "\n\n";
! $index=0;
! foreach $i ( keys %tabsujet)
! {
! print DESC "\t$tabsujet{$i}[1]. $i ";
! print DESC "($tabsujet{$i}[0])" if($tabsujet{$i}[0]>1);
! print DESC "\n";
! }
! print DESC "\n";
! foreach (@tabmsg)
! {
! print DESC $_;
! }
! print DESC "\n";
! printf DESC Msg(8, 14, "End of %s Digest"),$file;
! print DESC " - ".POSIX::strftime("%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y", @oldtime)."
to ".
! POSIX::strftime("%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y", @now)."\n";
! print DESC
! close(DESC);
! undef %tabsujet;
! undef @tabmsg;
! undef @tabrcpt;
! }
## Send a file to a user
sub send_file {
--- 437,597 ----
## Send a digest message to the subscribers with reception=digest
sub send_msg_digest {
! my($self, $listname) = @_;
! my $filename = "$Conf{'queuedigest'}/$listname";
! ## Who is the enveloppe sender ?
! my $admin = $self->{'admin'};
! my $host = $admin->{'host'} || $Conf{'host'};
! my $name = "$self->{'name'}";
! my $from = "$name-request\@$host";
! my $to = "$name\@$host";
! my $reply = "$name-owner\@$host";
! my @tabrcpt;
! my $i;
! my $subject;
! my %user;
! my ($mail, @list_of_mail);
! my (%thread, $nbthrd, %order);
! ## Check the list
! return undef unless ($listname eq $name);
! ## Create the list of subscribers in digest mode
! for (%user = $self->get_first_user(); %user; %user =
$self->get_next_user()) {
! push @tabrcpt, $user{'email'}
! if $user{'reception'} eq "digest";
! }
! my $old = $/;
! $/ = "\n\n" . $msg::separator . "\n\n";
! ## Digest split in individual messages
! open DIGEST, $filename or return undef;
! foreach (<DIGEST>){
! my @text = split /\n/;
! pop @text; pop @text;
! ## Restore carriage returns
! foreach $i (0 .. $#text) {
! $text[$i] .= "\n";
! $mail = new Mail::Internet \@text;
! push @list_of_mail, $mail;
! }
! close DIGEST;
! $/ = $old;
! ## Deletes the introduction part
! splice @list_of_mail, 0, 1;
! ## Index construction
! foreach $i (0 .. $#list_of_mail){
! my $mail = $list_of_mail[$i];
! ## Subject cleanup
! $subject = $mail->head->get('Subject') or next;
! ## [RFC 2047] encoded-word = "=?" charset "?" encoding "?" encoded
text "?="
! while ($subject =~ /=\?ISO-8859-1\?(Q|B)\?([^\?]*)\?=/i) {
! my $decoded_text;
! my ($encoding, $encoded_text) = ($1, $2);
! if ($encoding =~ /Q/i) {
! use MIME::QuotedPrint;
! $decoded_text = MIME::QuotedPrint::decode($encoded_text);
! }elsif ($encoding =~ /B/i) {
! use MIME::Base64;
! $decoded_text = MIME::Base64::decode($encoded_text);
! }
! $subject =~ s/=\?ISO-8859-1\?(Q|B)\?([^\?]*)\?=/$decoded_text/i;
! }
! $mail->head->replace('Subject', $subject);
! $subject =~ s/^Re:\s*(.*)/$1/i;
! chomp $subject;
! push @ { $thread{"$subject"} }, $mail;
! $order{"$subject"} ||= $i; # for sorting
! }
! ## Digest Headers
! my $hdr = new Mail::Header;
! $hdr->add('Reply-to', "$reply");
! $hdr->add('From', "$from");
! $hdr->add('To', "$to");
! $hdr->add('Subject',sprintf(Msg(8, 9, "Digest of list %s"),$listname));
! ## Digest construction
! *DESC = smtp::smtpto(\$from, \@tabrcpt);
! $hdr->print(\*DESC);
! print DESC "\n\n";
! printf DESC Msg(8, 13, "There are %d messages in this issue.\n\nTopics
:"),$#list_of_mail + 1;
! print DESC "\n\n";
! ## Digest index
! foreach $subject (sort { $order{$a} <=> $order{$b} } keys %thread) {
! $nbthrd++;
! print DESC ' ' x (3 - length($nbthrd)) . "$nbthrd.";
! print DESC " $subject";
! printf DESC " (%d)", $#{ $thread{"$subject"} } + 1 if $#{
$thread{"$subject"} } > 0;
! print DESC "\n";
! my $is_first = 1;
! ## Digest messages
! foreach $mail (@list_of_mail) {
! my $header = $mail->head;
! my $field;
! my $boundary = $msg::digest_separator;
! ## Encapsulation Boundary
! if ($is_first) {
! my $s = Msg(8, 18, "FIRST MESSAGE");
! $boundary =~ s/X/$s/;
! print DESC "\n\n" . $boundary . "\n\n";
! undef $is_first;
! }else {
! my $s = Msg(8, 19, "NEXT MESSAGE");
! $boundary =~ s/X/$s/;
! print DESC "\n" . $boundary . "\n\n";
! }
! foreach $field ('Date', 'From', 'Subject') {
! printf DESC "%s: %s",$field, $header->get($field);
! print DESC "\n";
! $mail->tidy_body;
! $mail->remove_sig;
! $mail->print_body (\*DESC);
+ my $s = Msg(8, 20, "LAST MESSAGE");
+ my $boundary = $msg::digest_separator;
+ $boundary =~ s/X/$s/;
+ print DESC "\n\n" . $boundary . "\n\n";
+ my @now = localtime(time);
+ printf DESC Msg(8, 14, "End of %s Digest"),$listname;
+ printf DESC " - %s\n", POSIX::strftime("%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y", @now);
+ close(DESC);
## Send a file to a user
sub send_file {
*** msg.pl.orig Tue Jun 30 17:53:06 1998
--- msg.pl Fri Nov 20 12:26:39 1998
*** 281,321 ****
'To cancel the EXPIRE process : EXPIREDEL %s
- %convertiso=(
"00"=>' ',"01"=>'',"02"=>'',"03"=>'',"04"=>'',"05"=>'',"06"=>'',"07"=>'',
- "08"=>'',"09"=>'', "0A"=>'', "0B"=>'',"0C"=>'',"0D"=>'
- "20"=>'', "21"=>'!',
- "80"=>'',"81"=>'',"82"=>'',"83"=>'',"84"=>'',"85"=>'
- "A0"=>'
$separator="------- CUT --- CUT --- CUT --- CUT --- CUT --- CUT --- CUT
! $separatorbis="-------------------- MESSAGE X
--- 281,287 ----
'To cancel the EXPIRE process : EXPIREDEL %s
$separator="------- CUT --- CUT --- CUT --- CUT --- CUT --- CUT --- CUT
! $digest_separator = '-------' . '_-' x 8 . 'X' . '-_' x 8 . '-------';
*** ../nls/fr.msg.orig Wed Jul 1 14:10:49 1998
--- ../nls/fr.msg Fri Nov 20 12:28:19 1998
*** 352,366 ****
Nombre de messages transmis : %9d\n\n\
Méga-octets reçus : %9.2f\n\
Méga-octets transmis : %9.2f\n"
! 9 "Digest de la liste %s"
10 "Pour diffuser le message ci-joint dans la liste %s, veuillez
retourner la commande suivante à Sympa :\n"
11 "et pour refuser sa diffusion (il sera effacé) :\n"
12 "sans sujet"
! 13 "Il y a %d messages dans ce digest (%d lignes)"
! 14 "Fin du digest de la liste %s"
15 "Il y a %d messages à modérer pour la liste %s"
16 "Authentification demandee"
17 "Une confirmation est requise avant de diffuser votre message\n"
$delset 9
$set 9 Messages pour l'entête review
--- 352,369 ----
Nombre de messages transmis : %9d\n\n\
Méga-octets reçus : %9.2f\n\
Méga-octets transmis : %9.2f\n"
! 9 "Compilation de la liste %s"
10 "Pour diffuser le message ci-joint dans la liste %s, veuillez
retourner la commande suivante à Sympa :\n"
11 "et pour refuser sa diffusion (il sera effacé) :\n"
12 "sans sujet"
! 13 "Cette compilation contient %d messages\n\nSommaire :"
! 14 "Fin de compilation de la liste %s"
15 "Il y a %d messages à modérer pour la liste %s"
16 "Authentification demandee"
17 "Une confirmation est requise avant de diffuser votre message\n"
$delset 9
$set 9 Messages pour l'entête review
- Patch Digest, Olivier Salaun - CRU, 07/12/1998
Archives gérées par MHonArc 2.6.19+.