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en - Re: [sympa-users] Queueing time of over a day

Subject: The mailing list for listmasters using Sympa

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  • From: address@concealed
  • To: Paul Borghese <address@concealed>
  • Cc: address@concealed
  • Subject: Re: [sympa-users] Queueing time of over a day
  • Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 09:14:01 +0100

Paul Borghese wrote:
For example, there is a message in /var/spool/sympa/msg that I sent hours
ago. It is just sitting there waiting to be picked up by sympa. In about a
day or so, sympa will pick it out of the queue and deliver. Sympa is
currently sending messages that were placed in the queue a day ago.

Any suggestions on what I can try?
How many mails are waiting in spool msg ? May be there is a lot of old bad messages in the spool that make "readdir" very long operation. I don't remember how this version deal with spools. I known it is much more better now. Did you check logs ? I doubt that Sympa is waiting without doing anything for hours. Logs will explain the problem.
Also, do you know if I can upgrade directly to the most recent version of
You should but you must check carefully the change log with a special attention to lines related to incompatible changes (they are starting with "****") . One of the major change is that now database is required and parameter data_source in list config file must be set to 'include2'.

Your problem is that automatic upgrade feature is newer then the versioj you are using so it may be a problem when upgrading. Be aware that you must stop sendmail, apache ans all sympa process when upgrading in order to avoid concurrent access to datas that Sympa upgrade process is changing.

Of course for such upgrade, you have to save your database and all Sympa lists environment.

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