Subject: The mailing list for listmasters using Sympa
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- From: David Rousseau <address@concealed>
- To: address@concealed
- Subject: sympa installation problem with Red Hat 7.1
- Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 19:58:29 +0200
Having tested both sympa from source (compilation) and from RPMs
When starting sympa from /etc/init.d/sympa script for RPMs and running
I have got this perl error:
Usage: Sys::Syslog::_PATH_LOG() at
/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i386-linux/Sys/ line 277.
for and is fine
After searching on CPAN for Sys::Syslog I intalled perl-Syslog-0.94-10
with no success and try then compiling Syslog-0.95.tar.gz with no
success too.
This is the output of (It appears to be OK)
Checking for REQUIRED modules:
perl module from CPAN STATUS
----------- --------- ------
CGI CGI OK (2.56 >= 2.52)
DB_File DB_FILE OK (1.72 >= 1.0)
Digest::MD5 Digest-MD5 OK (2.09 >= 2.00)
File::Spec File-Spec OK (0.8 >= 0.8)
IO::Scalar IO-stringy OK (1.122 >= 1.0)
Locale::Msgcat Msgcat OK (1.03 >= 1.0)
MIME::Base64 MIME-Base64 OK (2.11 >= 1.0)
MIME::Tools MIME-tools OK (5.410 >= 5.209)
Mail::Internet MailTools OK (1.33 >= 1.32)
Checking for OPTIONAL modules:
perl module from CPAN STATUS
----------- --------- ------
CGI::Fast CGI OK (1.02 >= 1.0)
Crypt::CipherSaber CipherSaber OK (0.60 >= 0.50)
DBD::Oracle DBD-Oracle seems to be not available on this
Install module DBD::Oracle ? [n]
DBD::Pg DBD-Pg seems to be not available on this
Install module DBD::Pg ? [n]
Install module DBD::Pg ? [n]
DBD::Sybase DBD-Sybase seems to be not available on this
Install module DBD::Sybase ? [n]
DBD::mysql Msql-Mysql-modulesOK (2.0415 >= 1.0)
DBI DBI OK (1.14 >= 1.06)
FCGI FCGI OK (0.58 >= 0.48)
Net::LDAP perl-ldap Net::LDAP doesn't return 1 (check
******* NOTE *******
You can retrive all theses modules from any CPAN server
(for example
Somebody have encountered this problem which appears being a traditional
perl module
problem ?
Thanks in advance for any help.
And sorry for my poor english.
A polyglot who speaks several languages is an european and
a polyglot who speaks only one language is a french...
sympa installation problem with Red Hat 7.1,
David Rousseau, 06/25/2001
Re: sympa installation problem with Red Hat 7.1,
David Rousseau, 06/26/2001
- Re: [sympa-users] Re: sympa installation problem with Red Hat 7.1, Olivier Salaun, 06/28/2001
Re: sympa installation problem with Red Hat 7.1,
David Rousseau, 06/26/2001
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