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devel - [sympa-developpers] Map for discussion was Re: RFC: Sympatic module

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  • From: IKEDA Soji <address@concealed>
  • To: address@concealed
  • Subject: [sympa-developpers] Map for discussion was Re: RFC: Sympatic module
  • Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2018 12:43:38 +0900

Dear all,

I broke down recent content of to each pragma, then added my

If you are impatient, see "Interim conclusion" at end.


* use strict;
* use warnings;
* use English qw< -no_match_vars >;

I suggest they should be mandatory (strict should be placed at
first because some linters complain if it is not).

* use feature qw< say >;
* use feature qw< state >;

I suggest they may be mandatory, because use of these feature
depends on decision by coder, and existence of them won't affect.

* use utf8;
* use open IO => ':utf8_strict';
* binmode STDERR, ':utf8_strict';
* binmode STDOUT, ':utf8_strict';
* binmode STDIN, ':utf8_strict';
* use charnames qw< :full :short >;
* use feature qw< unicode_strings >; # 5.11 or later
* use feature qw< unicode_eval >; # 5.16 or later
* use feature qw< fc >; # 5.16 or later
* # readdir is Unicode-aware
* # readlink is Unicode-aware
* # glob is Unicode-aware
* # @ARGV is Unicode-aware

They were included in utf8::all (it turned out that utf8::all has
been baselessly included in Sympatic proposal).

I suggest we would be better to discuss on use of them by each.
About ongoing discussion, see the thread "Sympatic unicode?".

N.B.: Currently, the feature fc is used on Sympa-6.2. Others are
not used (except possible uses in local context).

* use Function::Parameters;

I suggest we would be better to discuss on use of this.

* use Moo;
* use MooX::LvalueAttribute;

I suggest they may be optional, because these features are not
always necessary.

* Any others not included in Sympatic proposal (e.g. Path::Tiny)

I suggest they may be discussed in another oppotunity.

Interim conclusion

As interim conclusion, minimal set of pragmatic modules may be,

| use strict;
| use warnings;
| use English qw< -no_match_vars >;
| use feature qw< say >;
| use feature qw< state >;

We would be better to discuss about adding the others (either
mandatorily or optionally) as described in above, especially:

* use Function::Parameters;
* Any features related to Unicode (see above).

-- Soji

On Thu, 8 Feb 2018 09:52:27 +0100
Marc Chantreux <address@concealed> wrote:

> hello people,
> I gave a talk at fosdem explaining the goal of the new Sympatic module
> which is basically what was discussed during the hackathon.
> A first release on CPAN is here
> both the module and documentation is available here
> and any feedback warmly welcomed. i hope you'll like it but don't
> hesitate to share frankly about it as it's the best way to improve it
> (i don't mind straight but construvtive quotes).
> regards
> marc

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  • [sympa-developpers] Map for discussion was Re: RFC: Sympatic module, IKEDA Soji, 03/12/2018

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