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devel - Re: [sympa-developpers] Why autodie?

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  • From: IKEDA Soji <address@concealed>
  • To: Marc Chantreux <address@concealed>
  • Cc: address@concealed
  • Subject: Re: [sympa-developpers] Why autodie?
  • Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2018 23:42:28 +0900


On Thu, 22 Feb 2018 11:17:12 +0100
Marc Chantreux <address@concealed> wrote:

>> So as a typical use case when I open a file and it doesn't exist with
>> autodie?
>> if (open (...)) {
>> found ... proceed
>> } elsif ( "File not found" ) {
>> sure, we look elsewhere
>> } else {
>> log the error and handle the problem
>> }
>> Actually a better version would be with try and catch - but how does
>> autodie
>> handle that?
> i tested it in this file (this is poor testing)
> when $! is rised, $@ is set so if we include Try::Tiny in Sympatic, we
> should be able to write
> my $fh =
> try { open ... }
> catch {
> # deal with $ERRNO
> }

Marc, please copy all of what racke wrote using method you supports.

Then how about this?

if (open ...) {
# processing...
return $result;
} elsif ( "File not found" ) {
# Sure, we look elsewhere
return $other;
} else {
# handle the problem
# notify problem to the caller

> another option is
> my $fh
> { no autodie;
> ...
> }
> but again: autodie is about raising exceptions when didn't and provide a
> decent default (as use strict, use warnings).
> regards
> marc

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