Subject: Pour les administrateurs de serveurs de listes utilisant le logiciel Sympa
List archive
- From: Olivier Salaun - CRU <address@concealed>
- To: address@concealed
- Cc: address@concealed
- Subject: sympa 2.3.4 released
- Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 17:03:51 +0200
sympa-2.3.4 is available
A summary of release notes :
New features :
[requested by Craig Carey ]
Sympa simulates Smartlist behaviour with command addressed to -request
in subject. Commands recognised are "subscribe" and "unsubscribe"
Changes :
list returned by REVIEW is now sorted
Listmaster is owner of every list
New robot configuration parameter "helpfile_advanced"
Bug Fixes :
Subject of messages are now Q- and B- decoded (to avoid
multiple custom-subject).
Sympa died while trying to process a file (temporary
file created by queue prog) in the queue
Reply-to: header was corrupted when reply_to parameter was
not set.
owner and editor definition now eliminate space at the the end
of line
Sympa now uses $dbh->ping() (instead of $dbh->{Active}) to
check database connectivity.
Sympa would loop on an incoming message for an unknown list
Olivier Salaün
Comité Réseaux des Universités
- sympa 2.3.4 released, Olivier Salaun - CRU, 10/28/1999
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