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fr - Re: Mes cores du jeudi matin...

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  • From: Francois Jeanmougin <address@concealed>
  • To: address@concealed
  • Subject: Re: Mes cores du jeudi matin...
  • Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 09:50:29 +0200

On Thu, Apr 16, 1998 at 09:21:16AM +0200, Francois Jeanmougin wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 16, 1998 at 08:59:08AM +0200, Christophe Wolfhugel wrote:
> > Non ce n'est pas sympa : c'est Perl. Et pour trouver les bugs de Perl,
> > sincères condoléances :(.
> Je ne suis même pas sûr. Je crois que c'est perl causant à la
> libc6. Je me demande si je ne vais pas mettre à jour perl (le recompiler).
> Quelqu'un tourne sans problème avec un perl précomilé RedHat5 dans
> l'assemblée?

La réponse est probablement non. Si d'aucuns ne suivent
pas les niouzes, voici ce que l'excelllentissime Guy m'a
répondu à propos de mon problème :

>>>>> "F" == Francois Jeanmougin <address@concealed> writes:

F> #0 0x400979ee in ?? () from /lib/

J'ai vu plus clair comme rapport de bug :-)

F> (gdb) where


F> (RedHat5Fr, perl5.004_01, glibc-2.0.5c-11)

> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> [Please enter your report here]
> I have built Per 5.004_04 on a box running Red Hat 5.0 distribution of
> GNU/Linux. This runs glibc 2.0.7, and kernel version 2.0.33. However, I
> cannot seem to get dynamically loaded modules working properly. They
> frequently core dump.
> The following is an example done with the POSIX module, but I have found
> the same behavior with pretty much any module that is dynamically loaded.

> `perl -e use POSIX; print POSIX::strftime("%d", localtime());'.

This POSIX problem is almost certainly caused by the extra non-POSIX
fields in glibc's struct timezone. 5.004_05 and later will include a fix,
but it's easy enough to fix yourself too. Quoting from the hints/
hints file

# libc6, aka glibc2, seems to need STRUCT_TM_HASZONE defined.
# Thanks to Bart Schuller <address@concealed>
# See Message-ID: <19971009002636.50729@tanglefoot>
# This is currently commented out for maintenance releases
# but should probably be uncommented for 5.005 or after
# more widespread testing.
#POSIX_cflags='ccflags="$ccflags -DSTRUCT_TM_HASZONE"'

Uncomment that last line and build from scratch and you'll be fine.
Or, just patch POSIX.xs to have something like

# endif

I don't know about other dynamic modules.

Hope this helps,

Andy Dougherty address@concealed
Dept. of Physics
Lafayette College, Easton PA 18042


Guy Decoux


Si ça peut en aider d'autres...

François Jeanmougin | groupe de bioinformatique / bioinformatics group
tel:(+33) 3 88 65 32 71 | IGBMC BP 163 67404 Illkirch France

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