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en - [en@sympa] unreadable From: line for users?

Subject: The mailing list for listmasters using Sympa

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  • From: Adam Bernstein <address@concealed>
  • To: address@concealed
  • Subject: [en@sympa] unreadable From: line for users?
  • Date: Tue, 28 May 2024 15:41:01 -0700

There are a number of issues that we see affecting different sets of users differently, for which we end up creating our own little code patches for Sympa. But it's always a mystery how other people are dealing with them - or could we possibly be the only ones seeing them??

So here is one that came up recently. Almost all of our users were seeing the From: line displayed correctly like:

"From: Sender (via listname list)"
or "From: Sender (via listname list) <address@concealed>"

But not users of Microsoft's service (maybe only paid domain hosting users, not the generic freemail service). Instead, they were seeing this complicated, unreadable mess:

"From: address@concealed address@concealed on behalf of Sender (via listname list) address@concealed"

After some research, we learned that is due to the way Microsoft handles the Sender: header - if it's different than the From: header, they combine both and display it all in the format above. (See

We solved the problem by stripping off the Sender: header entirely, via the remove_outgoing_headers setting in sympa.conf:

remove_outgoing_headers Sender

but is it just us who have had to do that? We'd love to know, thanks!


Adam Bernstein (he/him)
Electric Embers Cooperative
Handcrafted hosting, powering the fires of change
(415) 992-6916

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