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en - Re: [en@sympa] limiting size attachments

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  • From: Yan Brailowsky <address@concealed>
  • To: Boris Lonjon <address@concealed>
  • Cc: address@concealed
  • Subject: Re: [en@sympa] limiting size attachments
  • Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2022 12:18:50 +0200

Thanks Boris. I thought I'd find that option there, but it doesn't appear on RENATER, the sympa host. I'll see if I can change the global config file.

On 14/9/22 12:12, Boris Lonjon wrote:
Hi Yan,

You can restrict the size of a message in admin panel of your list. Go to Edit
config list -> Sending/receiving setup menu. You'll find a setting named
Maximum message size (max_size), which is in bytes. You can also define the size
using the max_size setting in your list, family, robot or global config file.

Boris Lonjon

14 sept. 2022 11:47:43 Yan Brailowsky <address@concealed>:

hello folks,
how can I limit the size of attachments on a list?
am I missing something? I've gone through every option and see no such field.
FN:Yan Brailowsky
NOTE:Directeur des Presses Universitaires de Paris Nanterre\nDirecteur adjo
 int du Centre de Recherches Anglophones (CREA\, EA 370)\nResponsable du Mas
 ter anglophone à distance\nWebmestre de la Société des Anglicistes de l'Ens
 eignement Supérieur
ORG:UFR LCE - Université Paris Nanterre;Dépt. d'études anglophones
TITLE:Maître de conférences-HDR / Senior lecturer in early modern British h
 istory and literature
ADR:;;200 avenue de la République;Nanterre;;92001;France

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