We fixed this issue by creating a dmarc phrase that looks like Listname (sender displayname) that way email clients cache “Listname (sender displayname)” instead of a user’s displayname
under the list address.
-----Original Message-----
From: address@concealed [mailto:address@concealed] On Behalf Of Dave Page
Sent: Wednesday, February 8, 2017 11:52 AM
To: Adam Bernstein <address@concealed>; address@concealed
Subject: Re: [sympa-users] munge From similar to X-Envelope-From?
Your proposal looks not unlike implementing Sender Rewriting Scheme, but including the list name.
Possibly it would be useful for Sympa to implement SRS instead as a way of mungeing From: lines which doesn't break DMARC?
On 08/02/17 18:46, Adam Bernstein (via sympa-users Mailing List) wrote:
> Sympa team and others -
> We continue to run into trouble with DMARC-related issues, most
> recently with delivery to Office 365 users: Microsoft is now requiring
> alignment of DKIM signature and From: address, and since we can't
> easily tell what domains are hosted there, we are forced to munge all
> From: lines. (And they do this regardless of the sending domain's
> DMARC policy or lack of policy, so we can't use that to control
> behavior, argh.) But munging still brings up other issues.
> The biggest problem is that some email clients (eg. Apple Mail), at
> least in some modes, will *not* reliably show you the actual From:
> line that contains the sender's name like "Adam Bernstein <via
> testlist>".
> Instead, if you have ever received from that email address before,
> they remember the sender name from the *first* one ever received, and
> will continue to show you only that name on all future messages - not
> what is actually given as the current sender. So we can't force the
> current sender name to be displayed in all cases, and that creates too
> big a usability problem.
> To force all email clients to show the sender name on all list
> messages, we would need the email address in From: to be unique for
> each sender, even when munged. So, instead of:
> From: Sender Name (via listname) <listname@listdomain>
> perhaps it could be more like the X-Envelope-From formatting, using a
> + address extension to create a unique address for this sender:
> From: Sender Name (via listname) <listname+sender=domain@listdomain>
> where the list address is listname@listdomain, and the original sender
> address is sender@domain.
> That should work, yes? Does it bring up any technical issues I'm not
> thinking of? Would Sympa consider that change?
> Thanks much for any input.
> adam
Member Data, Manchester GCB Lib Dems
Secretary, LGBT+ Lib Dems
@davepage_mcr Tel: 07762 840 414