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en - Re: [sympa-users] Upgrading from 5.4.7 to 6.2.4...

Subject: The mailing list for listmasters using Sympa

List archive

Chronological Thread  
  • From: Tim Kuehn <address@concealed>
  • To: David Verdin <address@concealed>
  • Cc: address@concealed
  • Subject: Re: [sympa-users] Upgrading from 5.4.7 to 6.2.4...
  • Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2015 20:54:29 -0400

I just tried the upgrade to 6.2.7, and the error messages are gone now. 


On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 1:33 PM, Tim Kuehn <address@concealed> wrote:
David -

Here's a step-by-step as I'm going through the upgrade process. 

If the errors that are thrown during the --upgrade process can be safely ignored, the end result _appears_ to be a good upgrade with the exception of the passwords not carrying over. I can live with that as it's easy to reset them

I've documented the steps as I made them, and added notes of things to be aware of in that step. 


I've got a copy of the 5.4.7 mailing list system on a CentOS 6.7 VM stored in /home/sympa. 
/etc/sympa.conf and /etc/wwsympa.conf both exist.

Running "make install" 
1) "make install" initially thinks it's a new install, and then detects its an upgrade from 5.4.7.
2) It creates /etc/sympa/sympa.conf which is a file with everything commented out. 

Attempt to upgrade the config location:

   # ./ --upgrade_config_location 
   Sympa configuration already located at /etc/sympa/sympa.conf

Rename /etc/sympa/sympa.conf to /etc/sympa/sympa.conf.install and try again...

   # ./ --upgrade_config_location 
   Sympa configuration moved to /etc/sympa/

The /etc/*sympa.conf files are moved to the /etc/sympa directory and are no longer present in /etc.

Run the upgrade. 
1) requests to run --upgrade while running --upgrade....
3) closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
2) Use of uninitialized value $v in sprintf at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/ line 1200.


# ./ --upgrade 
err Conf::_detect_unknown_parameters_in_config() Line 17 of sympa.conf, parameter localedir is now obsolete
err Conf::_detect_unknown_parameters_in_config() Line 158 of sympa.conf, parameter openssl is now obsolete
err Conf::_detect_unknown_parameters_in_config() Line 11 of sympa.conf, parameter pidfile is now obsolete
notice Conf::_load_server_specific_secondary_config_files() /etc/sympa/wwsympa.conf was found but it is no longer loaded.  Please run --upgrade to migrate it
notice Conf::_load_server_specific_secondary_config_files() /etc/sympa/wwsympa.conf was found but it is no longer loaded.  Please run --upgrade to migrate it
notice main:: Sympa 6.2.4 Started
notice main:: Upgrade process...
notice main:: Upgrading from 5.4.7 to 6.2.4...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::probe_db() Table conf_table created in database sympa
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::probe_db() Table notification_table created in database sympa
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::probe_db() Table exclusion_table created in database sympa
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::probe_db() Table stat_counter_table created in database sympa
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::probe_db() Table list_table created in database sympa
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::probe_db() Table one_time_ticket_table created in database sympa
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::probe_db() Table stat_table created in database sympa
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "label_conf" (table "conf_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "robot_conf" (table "conf_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "value_conf" (table "conf_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_primary_key() Primary key conf_table [robot_conf,label_conf] is missing. Adding it
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "arrival_date_notification" (table "notification_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "arrival_epoch_notification" (table "notification_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "date_notification" (table "notification_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "list_notification" (table "notification_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "message_id_notification" (table "notification_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "pk_notification" (table "notification_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "reception_option_notification" (table "notification_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "recipient_notification" (table "notification_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "robot_notification" (table "notification_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "status_notification" (table "notification_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "type_notification" (table "notification_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "last_active_date_user" (table "user_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "last_login_date_user" (table "user_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "last_login_host_user" (table "user_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "wrong_login_count_user" (table "user_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "date_exclusion" (table "exclusion_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "family_exclusion" (table "exclusion_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "list_exclusion" (table "exclusion_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "robot_exclusion" (table "exclusion_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "user_exclusion" (table "exclusion_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_primary_key() Primary key exclusion_table [user_exclusion,robot_exclusion,family_exclusion,list_exclusion] is missing. Adding it
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "beginning_date_counter" (table "stat_counter_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "count_counter" (table "stat_counter_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "data_counter" (table "stat_counter_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "end_date_counter" (table "stat_counter_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "list_counter" (table "stat_counter_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "robot_counter" (table "stat_counter_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "prev_id_session" (table "session_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "refresh_date_session" (table "session_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "creation_email_list" (table "list_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "creation_epoch_list" (table "list_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "family_list" (table "list_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "name_list" (table "list_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "robot_list" (table "list_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "searchkey_list" (table "list_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "status_list" (table "list_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "topics_list" (table "list_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "total_list" (table "list_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "update_email_list" (table "list_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "update_epoch_list" (table "list_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "web_archive_list" (table "list_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_primary_key() Primary key list_table [name_list,robot_list] is missing. Adding it
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_indexes() Removing obsolete index user_index
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_indexes() Index admin_user_index on table admin_table does not exist. Adding it
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "data_one_time_ticket" (table "one_time_ticket_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "date_one_time_ticket" (table "one_time_ticket_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "email_one_time_ticket" (table "one_time_ticket_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "remote_addr_one_time_ticket" (table "one_time_ticket_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "robot_one_time_ticket" (table "one_time_ticket_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "status_one_time_ticket" (table "one_time_ticket_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "ticket_one_time_ticket" (table "one_time_ticket_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "number_messages_subscriber" (table "subscriber_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "suspend_end_date_subscriber" (table "subscriber_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "suspend_start_date_subscriber" (table "subscriber_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "suspend_subscriber" (table "subscriber_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_indexes() Removing obsolete index user_index
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_indexes() Index subscriber_user_index on table subscriber_table does not exist. Adding it
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "daemon_stat" (table "stat_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "date_stat" (table "stat_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "email_stat" (table "stat_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "list_stat" (table "stat_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "operation_stat" (table "stat_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "parameter_stat" (table "stat_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "read_stat" (table "stat_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "robot_stat" (table "stat_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "user_ip_stat" (table "stat_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_indexes() Index stats_user_index on table stat_table does not exist. Adding it
notice Sympa::Message::new_from_template() Processing Sympa::Message <address@concealed,8484>; message_id=address@concealed; recipients=ARRAY; sender=address@concealed; template=listmaster_notification; type=db_struct_updated
notice Sympa::Mailer::store() Done sending message Sympa::Message <address@concealed,8484> for * (priority 1) in 0 seconds since scheduled expedition date
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Rebuilding config.bin files for ALL may take a while...
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Rebuilding the admin_table...
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Removing obsolete OTHER/ bounce directories
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Directory /home/sympa/bounce/address@concealed/OTHER removed
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Directory /home/sympa/bounce/address@concealed/OTHER removed
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Directory /home/sympa/bounce/address@concealed/OTHER removed
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Directory /home/sympa/bounce/address@concealed/OTHER removed
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Directory /home/sympa/bounce/address@concealed/OTHER removed
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Directory /home/sympa/bounce/address@concealed/OTHER removed
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Directory /home/sympa/bounce/address@concealed/OTHER removed
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Directory /home/sympa/bounce/address@concealed/OTHER removed
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Directory /home/sympa/bounce/address@concealed/OTHER removed
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Directory /home/sympa/bounce/address@concealed/OTHER removed
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Directory /home/sympa/bounce/address@concealed/OTHER removed
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Directory /home/sympa/bounce/address@concealed/OTHER removed
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Directory /home/sympa/bounce/address@concealed/OTHER removed
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Directory /home/sympa/bounce/address@concealed/OTHER removed
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Directory /home/sympa/bounce/address@concealed/OTHER removed
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Fixing Q-encoding of web document filenames...
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Processing list address@concealed...
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Processing list address@concealed...
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Processing list address@concealed...
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Processing list address@concealed...
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Processing list address@concealed...
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Processing list address@concealed...
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Processing list address@concealed...
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Fixing robot column of exclusion table
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Caching all list config to database...
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() ...done
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Migrating wwsympa.conf...
Use of uninitialized value $v in sprintf at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/ line 1200.
Use of uninitialized value $v in sprintf at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/ line 1200.
Use of uninitialized value $v in sprintf at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/ line 1200.
Use of uninitialized value $v in sprintf at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/ line 1200.
Use of uninitialized value $v in sprintf at /home/sympa/bin/Sympa/ line 1200.
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() /etc/sympa/sympa.conf has been updated.  Previous version has been saved as /etc/sympa/sympa.conf.04.Sep.2015-13.04.37
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() /etc/sympa/wwsympa.conf will NO LONGER be used.  Previous version has been saved as /etc/sympa/wwsympa.conf.04.Sep.2015-13.04.37
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Creating HTML view of moderation spool...
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Upgrading automatic spool...
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Upgrading list config...
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Setting web interface colors to new defaults.
notice Sympa::Upgrade::fix_colors() /etc/sympa/sympa.conf file saved as /etc/sympa/sympa.conf.upgrade04.Sep.2015-13.04.47
notice Sympa::Upgrade::save_web_tt2() /home/sympa/etc/web_tt2 directory saved as /home/sympa/etc/web_tt2.upgrade04.Sep.2015-13.04.47
notice Sympa::Tools::WWW::update_css() TT2 file /home/sympa/default/web_tt2/css.tt2 has changed; updating static CSS file /home/sympa/static_content/css/style.css; previous file renamed
notice Sympa::Tools::WWW::update_css() TT2 file /home/sympa/default/web_tt2/css.tt2 has changed; updating static CSS file /home/sympa/static_content/css/print.css; previous file renamed
notice Sympa::Tools::WWW::update_css() TT2 file /home/sympa/default/web_tt2/css.tt2 has changed; updating static CSS file /home/sympa/static_content/css/fullPage.css; previous file renamed
notice Sympa::Tools::WWW::update_css() TT2 file /home/sympa/default/web_tt2/css.tt2 has changed; updating static CSS file /home/sympa/static_content/css/print-preview.css; previous file renamed
notice Sympa::Message::new_from_template() Processing Sympa::Message <address@concealed,3971>; message_id=address@concealed; recipients=ARRAY; sender=address@concealed; template=listmaster_notification; type=css_updated
notice Sympa::Mailer::store() Done sending message Sympa::Message <address@concealed,3971> for * (priority 1) in 0 seconds since scheduled expedition date
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Web interface colors defaulted to new values.
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Upgrading digest spool.
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Upgrading archive spool.
notice main:: Upgrade process finished


Run the "bulk spool" script:

1) _detect_unknown_parameters_in_config()  -> should not be complaining as the --upgrade process should've removed these parameters
2) There needs to be a test for sympa.bulkmailer_table and quit if it's not there. 


err Conf::_detect_unknown_parameters_in_config() Line 17 of sympa.conf, parameter localedir is now obsolete
err Conf::_detect_unknown_parameters_in_config() Line 158 of sympa.conf, parameter openssl is now obsolete
err Conf::_detect_unknown_parameters_in_config() Line 11 of sympa.conf, parameter pidfile is now obsolete
info Sympa::Bulk::_create_spool() Creating spool /home/sympa/spool/bulk/msg
info Sympa::Bulk::_create_spool() Creating spool /home/sympa/spool/bulk/pct
info Sympa::Bulk::_create_spool() Creating spool /home/sympa/spool/bulk/bad
info Sympa::Bulk::_create_spool() Creating spool /home/sympa/spool/bulk/bad/msg
info Sympa::Bulk::_create_spool() Creating spool /home/sympa/spool/bulk/bad/pct
err Sympa::Database::do_prepared_query() Unable to execute SQL statement "SELECT * FROM bulkmailer_table WHERE returnpath_bulkmailer IS NOT NULL": (42S02) Table 'sympa.bulkmailer_table' doesn't exist
Cannot execute SQL query.  Database is inaccessible or bulk spool of your Sympa is up-to-date at ./ line 93.


Run the "send spool" script:



Starting sympa:


# /etc/rc.d/init.d/sympa start
Starting Sympa subsystem: 
Starting module                              [  OK  ]
Starting module                                   [  OK  ]
Starting module                               [  OK  ]
Starting module                                [  OK  ]
Starting module                           [  OK  ]


Checking the mailing list web page - and it looks ok. 

On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 3:09 AM, David Verdin <address@concealed> wrote:

there are a few more upgrade steps. Please check this page :
and tell us if you did everything.



Le 03/09/2015 21:20, Tim Kuehn a écrit :
I'm working through a test upgrade from 5.4.7 to 6.2.4.

The current "/etc/sympa/sympa.conf" file is owned by "sympa:sympa as
is everything under /home/sympa
I made a copy of my "5.4.7" system, then installed the 6.2.4 code,
then as root ran

./ --check
./ --upgrade

Most of the upgrade process looks good, I'm concerned about some
run-time errors being reported during the upgrade. Samples of the
specific errors I'm concerned about follow. Should I be concerned or
are these spurious errors I can safely ignored?


closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.

Use of uninitialized value $v in sprintf at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/ line 1200.

Unable to rename /etc/sympa/sympa.conf: Permission denied at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/ line 1211.

Unable to rename /etc/sympa/wwsympa.conf: Permission denied at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/ line 1236.

err main::#797 > Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade#1460 >
Sympa::Upgrade::fix_colors#1989 Unable to rename /etc/sympa/sympa.conf
file: Permission denied. Web interface might look buggy after upgrade


The entire upgrade text follows:

[root@sympa bin]# ./ --upgrade
err Conf::_detect_unknown_parameters_in_config() Line 17 of
sympa.conf, parameter localedir is now obsolete
err Conf::_detect_unknown_parameters_in_config() Line 158 of
sympa.conf, parameter openssl is now obsolete
err Conf::_detect_unknown_parameters_in_config() Line 11 of
sympa.conf, parameter pidfile is now obsolete
notice Conf::_load_server_specific_secondary_config_files()
/etc/sympa/wwsympa.conf was found but it is no longer loaded.  Please
run --upgrade to migrate it
err main::#248 > main::_load#1048 >
Sympa::DatabaseManager::instance#54 >
Sympa::DatabaseDriver::MySQL::connect#53 >
Sympa::Database::connect#155 Can't connect to Database
Database sympa defined in sympa.conf is unreachable. verify db_xxx
parameters in sympa.conf
[root@sympa bin]# ./ --upgrade
notice Conf::_load_server_specific_secondary_config_files()
/etc/sympa/wwsympa.conf was found but it is no longer loaded.  Please
run --upgrade to migrate it
notice Conf::_load_server_specific_secondary_config_files()
/etc/sympa/wwsympa.conf was found but it is no longer loaded.  Please
run --upgrade to migrate it
notice Conf::checkfiles_as_root() Created missing file /etc/mail/sympa_aliases
notice main:: Sympa 6.2.4 Started
notice main:: Upgrade process...
notice main:: Upgrading from 5.4.7 to 6.2.4...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::probe_db() Table conf_table created in
database sympa
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::probe_db() Table notification_table
created in database sympa
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::probe_db() Table exclusion_table
created in database sympa
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::probe_db() Table stat_counter_table
created in database sympa
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::probe_db() Table list_table created in
database sympa
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::probe_db() Table one_time_ticket_table
created in database sympa
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::probe_db() Table stat_table created in
database sympa
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "label_conf"
(table "conf_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to
add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "robot_conf"
(table "conf_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to
add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "value_conf"
(table "conf_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to
add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_primary_key() Primary key
conf_table [robot_conf,label_conf] is missing. Adding it
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"arrival_date_notification" (table "notification_table"; database
"sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"arrival_epoch_notification" (table "notification_table"; database
"sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"date_notification" (table "notification_table"; database "sympa") was
NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"list_notification" (table "notification_table"; database "sympa") was
NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"message_id_notification" (table "notification_table"; database
"sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "pk_notification"
(table "notification_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found.
Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"reception_option_notification" (table "notification_table"; database
"sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"recipient_notification" (table "notification_table"; database
"sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"robot_notification" (table "notification_table"; database "sympa")
was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"status_notification" (table "notification_table"; database "sympa")
was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"type_notification" (table "notification_table"; database "sympa") was
NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"last_active_date_user" (table "user_table"; database "sympa") was NOT
found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"last_login_date_user" (table "user_table"; database "sympa") was NOT
found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"last_login_host_user" (table "user_table"; database "sympa") was NOT
found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"wrong_login_count_user" (table "user_table"; database "sympa") was
NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "date_exclusion"
(table "exclusion_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting
to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"family_exclusion" (table "exclusion_table"; database "sympa") was NOT
found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "list_exclusion"
(table "exclusion_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting
to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "robot_exclusion"
(table "exclusion_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting
to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "user_exclusion"
(table "exclusion_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting
to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_primary_key() Primary key
[user_exclusion,robot_exclusion,family_exclusion,list_exclusion] is
missing. Adding it
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"beginning_date_counter" (table "stat_counter_table"; database
"sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "count_counter"
(table "stat_counter_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found.
Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "data_counter"
(table "stat_counter_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found.
Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"end_date_counter" (table "stat_counter_table"; database "sympa") was
NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "list_counter"
(table "stat_counter_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found.
Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "robot_counter"
(table "stat_counter_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found.
Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "prev_id_session"
(table "session_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to
add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"refresh_date_session" (table "session_table"; database "sympa") was
NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"creation_email_list" (table "list_table"; database "sympa") was NOT
found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"creation_epoch_list" (table "list_table"; database "sympa") was NOT
found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "family_list"
(table "list_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to
add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "name_list"
(table "list_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to
add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "robot_list"
(table "list_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to
add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "searchkey_list"
(table "list_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to
add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "status_list"
(table "list_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to
add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "topics_list"
(table "list_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to
add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "total_list"
(table "list_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to
add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"update_email_list" (table "list_table"; database "sympa") was NOT
found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"update_epoch_list" (table "list_table"; database "sympa") was NOT
found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"web_archive_list" (table "list_table"; database "sympa") was NOT
found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_primary_key() Primary key
list_table [name_list,robot_list] is missing. Adding it
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_indexes() Removing obsolete
index user_index
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_indexes() Index admin_user_index
on table admin_table does not exist. Adding it
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"data_one_time_ticket" (table "one_time_ticket_table"; database
"sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"date_one_time_ticket" (table "one_time_ticket_table"; database
"sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"email_one_time_ticket" (table "one_time_ticket_table"; database
"sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"remote_addr_one_time_ticket" (table "one_time_ticket_table"; database
"sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"robot_one_time_ticket" (table "one_time_ticket_table"; database
"sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"status_one_time_ticket" (table "one_time_ticket_table"; database
"sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"ticket_one_time_ticket" (table "one_time_ticket_table"; database
"sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"number_messages_subscriber" (table "subscriber_table"; database
"sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"suspend_end_date_subscriber" (table "subscriber_table"; database
"sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"suspend_start_date_subscriber" (table "subscriber_table"; database
"sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field
"suspend_subscriber" (table "subscriber_table"; database "sympa") was
NOT found. Attempting to add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_indexes() Removing obsolete
index user_index
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_indexes() Index
subscriber_user_index on table subscriber_table does not exist. Adding
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "daemon_stat"
(table "stat_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to
add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "date_stat"
(table "stat_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to
add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "email_stat"
(table "stat_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to
add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "list_stat"
(table "stat_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to
add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "operation_stat"
(table "stat_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to
add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "parameter_stat"
(table "stat_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to
add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "read_stat"
(table "stat_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to
add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "robot_stat"
(table "stat_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to
add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_fields() Field "user_ip_stat"
(table "stat_table"; database "sympa") was NOT found. Attempting to
add it...
notice Sympa::DatabaseManager::_check_indexes() Index stats_user_index
on table stat_table does not exist. Adding it
notice Sympa::Message::new_from_template() Processing Sympa::Message
address@concealed; recipients=ARRAY;
address@concealed; template=listmaster_notification;
notice Sympa::Mailer::store() Done sending message Sympa::Message
<address@concealed,7745> for * (priority 1) in 0
seconds since scheduled expedition date
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Rebuilding config.bin files for ALL may take a while...
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Rebuilding the admin_table...
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Removing obsolete OTHER/ bounce directories
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Directory
/home/sympa/bounce/address@concealed/OTHER removed
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Directory
/home/sympa/bounce/address@concealed/OTHER removed
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Directory
/home/sympa/bounce/address@concealed/OTHER removed
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Directory
/home/sympa/bounce/address@concealed/OTHER removed
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Directory
/home/sympa/bounce/address@concealed/OTHER removed
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Directory
/home/sympa/bounce/address@concealed/OTHER removed
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Directory
/home/sympa/bounce/address@concealed/OTHER removed
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Directory
/home/sympa/bounce/address@concealed/OTHER removed
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Directory
/home/sympa/bounce/address@concealed/OTHER removed
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Directory
/home/sympa/bounce/address@concealed/OTHER removed
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Directory
/home/sympa/bounce/address@concealed/OTHER removed
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Directory
/home/sympa/bounce/address@concealed/OTHER removed
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Directory
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Directory
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Directory
/home/sympa/bounce/address@concealed/OTHER removed
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Fixing Q-encoding of web document filenames...
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Processing list address@concealed...
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Processing list address@concealed...
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Processing list address@concealed...
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Processing list
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Processing list
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Processing list
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Processing list
closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/Tools/ line 356.
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Fixing robot column of exclusion table
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Caching all list config to database...
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() ...done
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Migrating wwsympa.conf...
Use of uninitialized value $v in sprintf at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/ line 1200.
Use of uninitialized value $v in sprintf at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/ line 1200.
Use of uninitialized value $v in sprintf at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/ line 1200.
Use of uninitialized value $v in sprintf at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/ line 1200.
Use of uninitialized value $v in sprintf at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/ line 1200.
Unable to rename /etc/sympa/sympa.conf: Permission denied at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/ line 1211.
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() /etc/sympa/sympa.conf has been
updated.  Previous version has been saved as
Unable to rename /etc/sympa/wwsympa.conf: Permission denied at
/home/sympa/bin/Sympa/ line 1236.
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() /etc/sympa/wwsympa.conf will NO
LONGER be used.  Previous version has been saved as
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Creating HTML view of moderation spool...
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Upgrading automatic spool...
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Upgrading list config...
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Setting web interface colors to new defaults.
err main::#797 > Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade#1460 >
Sympa::Upgrade::fix_colors#1989 Unable to rename /etc/sympa/sympa.conf
file: Permission denied. Web interface might look buggy after upgrade
notice Sympa::Upgrade::save_web_tt2() /home/sympa/etc/web_tt2
directory saved as /home/sympa/etc/web_tt2.upgrade03.Sep.2015-15.04.17
notice Sympa::Tools::WWW::update_css() TT2 file
/home/sympa/default/web_tt2/css.tt2 has changed; updating static CSS
file /home/sympa/static_content/css/style.css; previous file renamed
notice Sympa::Tools::WWW::update_css() TT2 file
/home/sympa/default/web_tt2/css.tt2 has changed; updating static CSS
file /home/sympa/static_content/css/print.css; previous file renamed
notice Sympa::Tools::WWW::update_css() TT2 file
/home/sympa/default/web_tt2/css.tt2 has changed; updating static CSS
file /home/sympa/static_content/css/fullPage.css; previous file
notice Sympa::Tools::WWW::update_css() TT2 file
/home/sympa/default/web_tt2/css.tt2 has changed; updating static CSS
file /home/sympa/static_content/css/print-preview.css; previous file
notice Sympa::Message::new_from_template() Processing Sympa::Message
address@concealed; recipients=ARRAY;
address@concealed; template=listmaster_notification;
notice Sympa::Mailer::store() Done sending message Sympa::Message
<address@concealed,6858> for * (priority 1) in 0
seconds since scheduled expedition date
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Web interface colors defaulted to new values.
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Upgrading digest spool.
notice Sympa::Upgrade::upgrade() Upgrading archive spool.
notice main:: Upgrade process finished

Tim Kuehn:  Senior Consultant  - TDK Consulting Services
Course Instructor: Intro to OO Concepts for Procedural Programmers
Sign up on my mailing list to learn about future training
opportunities @
President - Ontario PUG
Program Committee Chair - PUG Challenge Americas,

Skype: timothy.kuehn
Ph: 519-576-8100
Cell: 519-781-0081

A bug in Sympa? Quick! To the bug tracker!
David Verdin
Études et projets applicatifs
Tél : +33 2 23 23 69 71
Fax : +33 2 23 23 71 21
263 Avenue du Gal Leclerc
35042 Rennes Cedex

Tim Kuehn:  Senior Consultant  - TDK Consulting Services
Course Instructor: Intro to OO Concepts for Procedural Programmers
Sign up on my mailing list to learn about future training opportunities @
President - Ontario PUG
Program Committee Chair - PUG Challenge Americas,

Skype: timothy.kuehn
Ph: 519-576-8100
Cell: 519-781-0081

Tim Kuehn:  Senior Consultant  - TDK Consulting Services
Course Instructor: Intro to OO Concepts for Procedural Programmers
Sign up on my mailing list to learn about future training opportunities @
President - Ontario PUG
Program Committee Chair - PUG Challenge Americas,

Skype: timothy.kuehn
Ph: 519-576-8100
Cell: 519-781-0081

  • Re: [sympa-users] Upgrading from 5.4.7 to 6.2.4..., Tim Kuehn, 10/01/2015

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