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en - Re: [sympa-users] sympa mysql error issue?

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  • From: David Verdin <address@concealed>
  • To: address@concealed
  • Subject: Re: [sympa-users] sympa mysql error issue?
  • Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 15:36:33 +0200

Hi Matt,

Please first apply the following patch to have more details on the error (integrated in the coming 6.1.23):

--- bin-orig/    2014-06-10 11:00:21.000000000 +0200
+++ bin/ 2014-08-21 12:36:12.000000000 +0200
@@ -552,15 +552,16 @@
                $messagekey, $msg_id, $msg, $dkim->{d}, $dkim->{i},
                $dkim->{selector}, $dkim->{private_key}
            )) {
+               my $errstring = $sth->errstr; # save the error, otherwise it will be modified later.
-                   'Unable to add message in bulkspool_table "%s"; error : %s',
+                   'Unable to add message in bulkspool_table "%s"; error : "%s"',
                        $dbh->quote($messagekey), $dbh->quote($msg_id),
                        $dbh->quote(substr($msg, 0, 100)),
                        $dbh->quote($dkim->{d}), $dbh->quote($dkim->{i}),
$dbh->quote(substr($dkim->{private_key}, 0, 30))
-                   ), $dbh->errstr
+                   ), $errstring
                return undef;

Then if you meet the error once again, please send us the logs.

The only reason I can see are:
- either a large message (exceeding the MySQL buffer). try pushing the max_packet_size to 100, for example. Sometimes, conversion to base64 leads to very large packets.
- or a saturation of the space atrtibuted to mysql (for example, a /var partition having grown too much)



Le 15/09/14 18:13, Matt Goebel a écrit :

 Running sympa-6.1.22,  mysql-5.5.38 and started to see the following
error messages occasionally.  Since they are not including the actual
mysql error it is kind of hard to tell what to look at.  I have verified
that sympa is restricting message sizes to 47 Meg and that mysql is 
has max_packet_size of 64M, so that shouldn't be the issue?

 Sep 15 11:34:45 sega sympa[19490]: err Bulk::store() Unable to add message in bulkspool_table "INSERT INTO bulkspool_table (messagekey_bulkspool, messageid_bulkspool, message_bulkspool, lock_bulkspool, dkim_d_bulkspool, dkim_i_bulkspool, dkim_selector_bulkspool, dkim_privatekey_bulkspool) VALUES ('a8b5e0347629d54b4c7c7ad7ea976bc9', '<address@concealed>', 'TWVzc2FnZS1JZDogPHN5bXBhLjE0MTA3OTUyODAuMTk0OTAuODAxQHNlZ2EuZW1pY2guZWR1PgpE\nYXRlOiBNb24sIDE1IFNlcCA', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, '')"; error : 

Matt Goebel

A bug in Sympa? Quick! To the bug tracker!

David Verdin
Études et projets applicatifs
Tél : +33 2 23 23 69 71
Fax : +33 2 23 23 71 21
263 Avenue du Gal Leclerc
35042 Rennes Cedex

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