Subject: The mailing list for listmasters using Sympa
List archive
[sympa-users] converting old user_table, trouble with some passwords
- From: Dan Pritts <address@concealed>
- To: address@concealed
- Subject: [sympa-users] converting old user_table, trouble with some passwords
- Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2010 02:43:45 -0400
as per previous posts, i am converting a user_table from 3.4 to 6.1
i copied code from & to convert the crypt.
style stored passwords to the new md5 hash format
it appears that anything that has uppercase characters
does not work. lowercase characters and numbers are ok.
Not sure about special characters.
I found mention of password_case sensitive/insensitive in
wwsympa.conf. Changing it from sensitive to insensitive had
no effect.
my code is attached. pretty simple.
Dan Pritts, Sr. Systems Engineer
office: +1-734-352-4953 | mobile: +1-734-834-7224
ESCC/Internet2 Joint Techs
July 11-15, 2010 - Columbus, Ohio
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#my $listname=This Is The List;
#my $listname=$ARGV[0];
#my $config="/sympa/basie/expl/$listname/config";
my $newsympadbDBI="DBI:mysql:"
my $newsympadbuser='xxx'
my $newsympadbpass='xxx';
#### get old subscriber table data from local copy of basie's mysql
my $oldsympadbDBI="DBI:mysql:";
my $oldsympadbuser="xxx"
my $oldsympadbpass="xxx";
my $oldsympaarc="/sympa/basie/arc";
my $newsympaarc="/sympa/arc";
my $sympaspool="/sympa/spool";
my $passwordcookie="xxx";
use DBI();
sub dprint {
return 1 unless ($DEBUG);
my $neednewline=1;
foreach $boof (@_) {
if (defined $boof) {
print STDERR $boof;
$neednewline=0 if ($boof =~ m{\n});
if ($neednewline) { print STDERR "\n" };
return 1;
require Crypt::CipherSaber;
require MIME::Base64;
require Digest::MD5;
# from sympa
sub decrypt_password {
my $inpasswd = shift ;
&dprint( 'tools::decrypt_password $inpasswd');
return $inpasswd unless ($inpasswd =~ /^crypt\.(.*)$/) ;
$inpasswd = $1;
my $cipher = Crypt::CipherSaber->new($passwordcookie);
#unless (defined($cipher)){
# $cipher = ciphersaber_installed();
#if ($cipher eq 'no_cipher') {
# &dprint('password seems crypted while CipherSaber is not installed
# return $inpasswd ;
return ($cipher->decrypt(&MIME::Base64::decode($inpasswd)));
# from sympa
# md5_fingerprint #
# The algorithm MD5 (Message Digest 5) is a cryptographic #
# hash function which permit to obtain #
# the fingerprint of a file/data #
# #
# IN : a string #
# #
# OUT : md5 digest #
# | undef #
# #
sub md5_fingerprint {
my $input_string = shift;
return undef unless (defined $input_string);
#chomp $input_string;
my $digestmd5 = new Digest::MD5;
return (unpack("H*", $digestmd5->digest));
# a little bit cribbed from sympa md5_encode_password
sub fixpw {
my $pwstring=$_[0];
my $clear_password ;
if ($pwstring =~ /^crypt.(.*)$/) {
$clear_password = &decrypt_password($pwstring);
}else{ ## Old style cleartext passwords
$clear_password = $pwstring;
&dprint (">> original password was: $clear_password\n");
my $encryptedpw=&md5_fingerprint($clear_password);
return $encryptedpw;
#mysql> desc user_table;
#| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
#| email_user | varchar(100) | NO | PRI | | |
#| gecos_user | varchar(150) | YES | | NULL | |
#| password_user | varchar(40) | YES | | NULL | |
#| cookie_delay_user | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
#| lang_user | varchar(10) | YES | | NULL | |
&dprint("reading old db");
#### get old user table data from local copy of basie's mysql
my $oldsympadb = DBI->connect($oldsympadbDBI, $oldsympadbuser,
$oldsympadbpass, {'RaiseError' => 1});
#my $selectcmd="select * from subscriber_table where list_subscriber =
\'$listname\' and included_subscriber != '1'";
my $selectcmd= qq{select * from user_table where email_user like
# stblhsh = subscriber table hash
my $stblhsh = $oldsympadb->selectall_hashref($selectcmd,"email_user");
#### end old subscriber table data
&dprint("\n>-done reading old db\n\n");
#mysql> desc user_table;
#| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
#| attributes_user | text | YES | | NULL | |
#| cookie_delay_user | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
#| data_user | text | YES | | NULL | |
#| email_user | varchar(100) | NO | PRI | | |
#| gecos_user | varchar(150) | YES | | NULL | |
#| lang_user | varchar(10) | YES | | NULL | |
#| last_login_date_user | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
#| last_login_host_user | varchar(60) | YES | | NULL | |
#| password_user | varchar(40) | YES | | NULL | |
#| wrong_login_count_user | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
&dprint("connecting to new db");
my $newsympadb = DBI->connect($newsympadbDBI, $newsympadbuser,
$newsympadbpass, {'RaiseError' => 1} );
$insertluser = $newsympadb->prepare("INSERT INTO user_table VALUES
foreach my $luser (keys %{$stblhsh}) {
foreach $p
('gecos_user','password_user','cookie_delay_user','lang_user') {
if ( ! defined ($stblhsh->{$luser}->{$p}) ) {
$stblhsh->{$luser}->{$p} = 'NULL';
my $gecos_user=$stblhsh->{$luser}->{'gecos_user'};
my $password_user=$stblhsh->{$luser}->{'password_user'};
my $cookie_delay_user=$stblhsh->{$luser}->{'cookie_delay_user'};
my $lang_user=$stblhsh->{$luser}->{'lang_user'};
chomp $gecos_user;
$gecos_user =~ s/
# fix password encoding
unless (
($password_user =~ /^[0-9a-f]{32}/)
|| ($password_user eq "NULL")
|| ($password_user eq "")
) {
&dprint("> $luser");
&dprint("> inserting $luser");
&dprint(">-closing down database");
[sympa-users] converting old user_table, trouble with some passwords,
Dan Pritts, 06/10/2010
- [sympa-users] Re: converting old user_table, trouble with some passwords, Dan Pritts, 06/10/2010
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