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en - Re: a few questions

Subject: The mailing list for listmasters using Sympa

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  • From: Aumont <address@concealed>
  • To: Struan Donald <address@concealed>
  • Cc: address@concealed
  • Subject: Re: a few questions
  • Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 08:18:32 +0200

Struan Donald wrote:

> The first is that in some ways I'd find it more convient if I could
> get sympa to send a file at certain times rather than have to email
> sympa to distribute the newsletter. Now I understand that as newletter
> distribution is not the primary function of sympa this is not liable
> to be possible but if it is I'd like to know how.
Yes distributing a newsletter is one of the primary sympa's feature.
No, sympa will not start at predefine time to distribute a message, it
only check his spool (not really true for the digest which is sent
periodicaly). You should try to prepare and mail the newsletter to sympa
by crontab ?
> Secondly, what happens if something causes sympa to fail half way
> through processing a list. i.e what happens if not all the subscribers
> names gets passed to sendmail. There seems to be no mechanism for me
> to say "start sending again at the point it failed". As all the
> processing of recipients seems to take place in memory (unless i've
> misunderstood the code :) I can't see any way of doing this.
Hum !!!! Sympa should never die ! That's the first question to solve.
How to restart a distribution process ? Sympa delete a message
from his spool when distribution is finished. So restarting sympa will
distribute the message twice to the beginning of the list.
It is not easy to prevent this ?

-allways run sympa with the -m option sone you will have logs of all
sendmail call

-when you sever crash (Sympa can't crash unless your unix crash :), do not
restart sympa.

-edit the list configuration file and choose :
user_data_source file

-prepare a file ~sympa/expl/<list>/subscribers that contain a copy of
the last subscribers.db.dump. Remove all subscribers from the begining
to the first user which as received a mail from the list (check logs)

-block sympa robot (set the robot priority parameter to z) and wwsympa
to prevent subscrition in the during the distribution process.

-start sympa finish the distribution

-stop sympa, restore the list config and robot priority, start again sympa.

We have done it tree years ago because of to large maxsmtp parameter which
cause a panic on the unix system (to many open file, not enouf memory, ...)

Serge Aumont Comité Réseaux des Universités
Campus Beaulieu
35042 Rennes Cedex +33 2 998 471 47

  • a few questions, Struan Donald, 09/13/2000
    • Re: a few questions, Aumont, 09/14/2000

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