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devel - Re: [sympa-developpers] Bug in Topics List

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  • From: David Verdin <address@concealed>
  • To: Daniel Stoye <address@concealed>, address@concealed
  • Subject: Re: [sympa-developpers] Bug in Topics List
  • Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2016 15:02:35 +0100

Hi Daniel and sorry for this late answer,

This problem is fixed in the 6.2 version. I invite you to upgrade or just maintain your fix, which is exactly the fix we've been using.




Le 22/02/2016 12:50, Daniel Stoye a écrit :
Dear Dev-List,

i don't know if this is the right place, but as i'm not registered
with your bug tracker i'll try this way.

When listing all list that have a specific topic, for example:


Sympa converts the topic name to lowercase in the get_lists method.
As i am using the filesystembackend, this yields no results.

Why? Because the topic name gets converted to lowercase and the perl_expr searches with a case sensitive grep.

I have fixed it locally with the following patch:

--- src/lib/Sympa/    2016-02-22 09:03:34.000000000 +0100
+++ src/lib/Sympa/    2016-02-22 10:26:14.017567862 +0100
@@ -8667,7 +8667,6 @@
                     push @expr_perl,
                         sprintf('$list->{"admin"}{"status"} eq "%s"', $ve);
                 } elsif ($k eq 'topics') {
-                    my $ve = lc $v;
                     if ($ve eq 'others' or $ve eq 'topicsless') {
                         push @expr_perl,
                             '! scalar(grep { $_ ne "others" } @{$list->{"admin"}{"topics"} || []})';

This does not affect users, who have SQL-Caching enabled, as this uses the 'LIKE' operator, which is case insensitiv.


A bug in Sympa? Quick! To the bug tracker!

David Verdin
Études et projets applicatifs
Tél : +33 2 23 23 69 71
Fax : +33 2 23 23 71 21
263 Avenue du Gal Leclerc
35042 Rennes Cedex

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  • Re: [sympa-developpers] Bug in Topics List, David Verdin, 03/24/2016

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