Subject: Developers of Sympa
List archive
- From: Mathieu Kretchner <address@concealed>
- To: address@concealed
- Subject: [sympa-dev] Web Archive format mhonarc
- Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2008 15:22:03 +0200
I try to do a migration from an old sympa server to the 5.4.2 version.
Could you please tell me why the web archive of an imported mailing list
as this render ?
Seite 1 / 1 page n° 1 / 1 [IF lang=fr] Suivi chronologique
[ELSIF lang=cz] Chronologicky [ELSIF lang=hu] Id�rendben [ELSIF lang=et]
Ajaline [ELSIF lang=de] Chronologisch [ELSE] Chronological [ENDIF]
[IF lang=fr] Suivi de conversation thread [ELSIF lang=cz] T�ma
(thread) [ELSIF lang=hu] T�m�k szerint [ELSIF lang=et] Teema j�rgi
l�imedena [ELSE] Thread [ENDIF]
* [STOPPARSE] test3 Mathieu Kretchner
o [STOPPARSE] Re: [mk.test.list] test3 Olivier Dijoux
+ [STOPPARSE] Re: [mk.test.list] test3 Mathieu
Kretchner [STARTPARSE]
# [STOPPARSE] Re: [mk.test.list] test3 Olivier
* [STOPPARSE] Re: [mk.test.list] test2 Olivier Dijoux
* [STARTPARSE] [STOPPARSE] test sop2 Mathieu Kretchner
* [STARTPARSE] [STOPPARSE] test depuis lists-sop2 mathieu.kretchner
* [STARTPARSE] [STOPPARSE] marche po mathieu.kretchner
* [STARTPARSE] [STOPPARSE] archive test Mathieu Kretchner
[IF lang=fr] Les archives de wwsympa sont bas�es sur [ELSIF lang=cz]
Arch�v zalo�en na [ELSIF lang=hu] Arch�vumot kezeli: [ELSIF lang=et]
Arhiveerib: [ELSE] Archive powered by [ENDIF] MhonArc 2.5.14 .
When I send an email to this mailing list, the render becomes good but
if i try to rebuild archives from web interfaces or use the script so nothing is done and the interface stay like this until
i send an email to the mailing list !
Do you have an idea of how can I parse archives files without send an
email to the thousand mailing list I've to import ?
begin:vcard fn:Mathieu Kretchner n:Kretchner;Mathieu org:INRIA;Syslog adr;dom:;;2007 route des lucioles - BP93;Sophia Antipolis;;06902 CEDEX email;internet:address@concealed tel;work:04 92 38 76 67 x-mozilla-html:FALSE version:2.1 end:vcard
[sympa-dev] quiet option removed from reject command?,
Adam Bernstein, 04/17/2008
[sympa-dev] Re: quiet option removed from reject command?,
Adam Bernstein, 04/17/2008
- [sympa-dev] Web Archive format mhonarc, Mathieu Kretchner, 04/24/2008
[sympa-dev] Web Archive format mhonarc again :),
Mathieu Kretchner, 04/25/2008
Mathieu Kretchner, 04/29/2008
- Re: [sympa-dev], Mathieu Kretchner, 04/29/2008
Mathieu Kretchner, 04/29/2008
[sympa-dev] Re: quiet option removed from reject command?,
Adam Bernstein, 04/17/2008
Archive powered by MHonArc 2.6.19+.