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devel - arcsearch template bug and weird search results problem

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  • From: Sergiy Zhuk <address@concealed>
  • To: address@concealed
  • Subject: arcsearch template bug and weird search results problem
  • Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 19:10:52 -0800 (PST)


I've changed my arcsearch template to allow Marc/ to mark keywords
with <b>.
It works the first time, but when you enter another keyword, it will return
new results, but it will mark the old keyword (!).
If old keyword is not present in new search results, it won't mark anything
at all.
If you reload your web server (so wwsympa fastcgi is restarted), it works
again, but also just once.

Can you reproduce it on your servers ?
You can't do it with the standard template, since it removes the formatting is putting there.

BTW, the arcsearch template is broken anyway, since values for "how", "age"
etc were analyzed incorrectly.
I'm attaching my template, so you could try to reproduce the problem.


<!-- RCS Identication ; $Revision: 1.5 $ ; $Date: 2002/02/23 00:56:41 $ -->

<H2>Search results
<A HREF="[path_cgi]/arc/[list]/[archive_name]"><FONT
COLOR="[dark_color]">[list]</font></a> : </H2>

<P>Search field :
[FOREACH u IN directories]
<A HREF="[path_cgi]/arc/[list]/[u]"><FONT COLOR="[dark_color]">[u]</font></a>

Search options for <b> &quot;[key_word]&quot;</b>

[IF how=phrase]
(the whole phrase,
[ELSIF how=any]
(any of the words,
(all words,


[IF case=off]
case insensitive,
case sensitive,

[IF match=partial]
partial match)</i>
exact match)</i>


[IF age=new]
<B>Newest messages first</b><P>
<B>Oldest messages first</b><P>

[FOREACH u IN res]
<DT><A HREF=[u->file]>[u->from] --
<DT><b>[searched] messages searched...</b><BR>

[IF body]
<DD><B>[body_count]</b> hits on message's <i>Body</i><BR>

[IF subj]
<DD><B>[subj_count]</b> hits on message's <i>Subject</i> field<BR>

[IF from]
<DD><B>[from_count]</b> hits on message's <i>From</i> field<BR>

[IF date]
<DD><B>[date_count]</b> hits on message's <i>Date</i> field<BR>


<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=list VALUE="[list]">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=archive_name VALUE="[archive_name]">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=key_word VALUE="[key_word]">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=how VALUE="[how]">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=age VALUE="[age]">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=case VALUE="[case]">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=match VALUE="[match]">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=limit VALUE="[limit]">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=body_count VALUE="[body_count]">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=date_count VALUE="[date_count]">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=from_count VALUE="[from_count]">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=subj_count VALUE="[subj_count]">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=previous VALUE="[searched]">

[IF body]
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=body Value="[body]">

[IF subj]
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=subj Value="[subj]">

[IF from]
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=from Value="[from]">

[IF date]
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=date Value="[date]">

[FOREACH u IN directories]
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=directories Value="[u]">

[IF continue]
<INPUT NAME=action_arcsearch TYPE=submit VALUE="Continue search">

<INPUT NAME=action_arcsearch_form TYPE=submit VALUE="New search">
Based on <Font size=+1 color="[dark_color]"><i><A
search engine of <B>MHonArc</B> archives<p>

<A HREF="[path_cgi]/arc/[list]/[archive_name]"><B>Return to archive

  • arcsearch template bug and weird search results problem, Sergiy Zhuk, 02/27/2002

Archive powered by MHonArc 2.6.19+.

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