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devel - [sympa-dev] Messages for editor approval

Subject: Developers of Sympa

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  • From: Raphael Hertzog <address@concealed>
  • To: address@concealed
  • Subject: [sympa-dev] Messages for editor approval
  • Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 20:44:49 +0200


sympa used to send the command "DISTRIBUTE %s %s" in the body of the mail
and it could be easily cut&past ... now it does only provide a link on
which you should click to generate the good approval messages. I understand
that it may be useful to those who are using graphical MUA but it's
definitely not useful for people who are using other MUA.

Therefore I propose that we keep both solutions, we provide the link as a
courtesy to the user that may benefit from it but we still provide the
plain/text command that should be sent ... I've attached a patch in order
to do this (for DISTRIBUTE, REJECT and CONFIRM). Feel free to modify it if
you feel it's not good enough... (actually I find it awful to include the
command in the string that is translated but since you already did it this

I've done it because someone sent a wishlist bug report on the Debian
BTS (cf

Raphaël Hertzog >> 0C4CABF1 >>
<pub> CD Debian :
Formations Linux et logiciels libres : </pub>
--- sympa-2.6.1.orig/nls/fr.msg
+++ sympa-2.6.1/nls/fr.msg
@@ -200,12 +200,21 @@
Méga-octets reçus : %9.2f\n\
Méga-octets transmis : %9.2f\n"
9 "Compilation de la liste %s"
-10 "Pour diffuser le message ci-joint dans la liste %s :\n\
-11 "Pour refuser sa diffusion (il sera effacé) :\n\
-12 "Pour diffuser le message ci-joint dans la liste %s :\n\
+10 "Pour diffuser le message ci-joint dans la liste %s, \n\
+cliquez sur ce lien :\n\
+Ou alors envoyez un mail à %s avec comme sujet :\n\
+DISTRIBUTE %s %s\n\n"
+11 "Pour refuser sa diffusion (il sera effacé),\n\
+cliquez sur ce lien :\n\
+Ou alors envoyez un mail à %s avec comme sujet :\n\
+REJECT %s %s\n"
+12 "Pour diffuser le message ci-joint dans la liste %s,\n\
+cliquez sur ce lien :\n\
+Ou alors envoyez un mail à %s avec comme sujet :\n\
+CONFIRM %s\n"
13 "Sommaire"
14 "Fin de compilation de la liste %s"
15 "Il y a %d messages à modérer pour la liste %s"
--- sympa-2.6.1.orig/src/
+++ sympa-2.6.1/src/
@@ -683,8 +683,8 @@
print DESC "Content-type: text/plain\n";
print DESC "Content-Transfert-Encoding: 8bit\n\n";

- printf DESC Msg(8, 10,"To distribute the following message into list
%s: mailto:%s?subject=DISTRIBUTE%%20%s%%20%s\n\n";), $name, $Conf{'sympa'},
$name, $modkey;
- printf DESC Msg(8, 11, "To refuse it (delete it)
:\nmailto:%s?subject=REJECT%20%s%20%s\n";), $Conf{'sympa'}, $name, $modkey;
+ printf DESC Msg(8, 10, "To distribute the following message into list
%s, either click on this link :\nmailto:%s?subject=DISTRIBUTE%%20%s%%20%s\nOr
send a mail to %s with this subject :\nDISTRIBUTE %s %s\n\n"), $name,
$Conf{'sympa'}, $name, $modkey, $Conf{'sympa'}, $name, $modkey;
+ printf DESC Msg(8, 11, "To refuse it (delete it), either click on
this link :\nmailto:%s?subject=REJECT%20%s%20%s\nOr send a mail to %s with
this subject :\nREJECT %s %s\n"), $Conf{'sympa'}, $name, $modkey,
$Conf{'sympa'}, $name, $modkey;
print DESC "\n";
print DESC "--$boundary\n" if ($method eq 'md5');
@@ -735,7 +735,7 @@
print DESC "\n";
print DESC "--$boundary\n";
print DESC "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n";
- printf DESC Msg(8, 12,"In order to broadcast the following message into
list %s, please reply to %s :\n"), $name, $Conf{'sympa'}, $modkey ;
+ printf DESC Msg(8, 12,"In order to broadcast the following message into
list %s, either click on this link:\nmailto:%s?subject=CONFIRM%%20%s\nOr
reply to %s with this subject :\nCONFIRM %s"), $name, $Conf{'sympa'},
$modkey, $Conf{'sympa'}, $modkey;
print DESC "--$boundary\n";
print DESC "Content-Type: message/rfc822\n\n";

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