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translate - [Let's Translate Sympa] Sympa 6.2.35 beta released

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[Let's Translate Sympa] Sympa 6.2.35 beta released

Chronological Thread 
  • From: IKEDA Soji <address@concealed>
  • To: address@concealed, address@concealed
  • Subject: [Let's Translate Sympa] Sympa 6.2.35 beta released
  • Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2018 16:07:02 +0900 (JST)

Title: Release Sympa 6.2.35 beta released ยท sympa-community/sympa

Sympa 6.2.35 beta released

26 August 2018

The Sympa Community is proud to release the first beta of the next version of Sympa. Please install it to test and report bugs, translate user interface to your language, or enhance documentation on Sympa, if you want to help the Sympa community to deliver a more reliable version of Sympa.

Sympa 6.2.35b.1 is the new beta version of Sympa 6.2.

This version introduces some inprovements and fixes several bugs including degradations by the last release.

About beta version

This version is a prerelease version of new stable release. We expect feedback from users and developers. To know how to report bugs or improvements, see Contributing to Sympa.

  • New stable release is planned to be released in Sunday, 23rd September 2018.

Translation catalog was updated because some messages were added due to improvement of UI.

  • Translations added on translation site not after 21th September 00:00 UTC will be shipped with new stable release.

The Sympa Community

  • [Let's Translate Sympa] Sympa 6.2.35 beta released, IKEDA Soji, 08/26/2018

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