- From: David Verdin <adresse@cachée>
- To: adresse@cachée
- Subject: Re: [fr@sympa] migration 6.2.24 to 6.2.66 Ereur: Unknown column 'date_epoch_admin' in 'field list' of the table 'admin_table'
- Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 17:44:07 +0200
Je pense que tes données sont passées à côté de l'upgrade, soit
qu'elles aient été migrées après l'installation de la 6.2.66,
soit... Je ne vois pas d'autre cause.
Tu peux tenter de jouer l'upgrade en forçant la version de départ
/usr/lib/sympa/bin/sympa.pl --upgrade --from 6.2.24 --to 6.2.66.
Là, normalement, il devrait t'ajouter le champs de BD manaquant.
Bon courage !
On 25/10/2022 17:33, Lannaud, Eric
le context: migration Ubuntu
16.04 (Sympa 6.2.24 Xenial Xerus) sur un autre serveur 22.04
(Sympa 6.2.66 Jammy Jellyfish) via "apt install sympa". La
conf et les datas mysql ont été recopiées et la commande
"upgrade" exécutée.
Problème: Erreur affichée
sur WWS: Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at
/usr/share/sympa/lib/Sympa/List.pm line 2807.
Cause: SQL Error: Unknown
column 'date_epoch_admin' in 'field list' of the table
'admin_table' (SYSLOG)
Quand: Une fois logué, quand
je selectionne une liste.
Opération de migration:
dump-sympa-6.2.24-20221025.sql.gz|mysql -u root sympa
/usr/lib/sympa/bin/sympa.pl --upgrade
notice main:: Sympa 6.2.66 Started
notice main:: Upgrade process...
notice main:: Current version:
6.2.66; no upgrade is required
Pour Info:
MariaDB [sympa]> desc
| Field
| Type | Null | Key | Default
| Extra |
| comment_admin
| varchar(150) | YES | | NULL
| |
| date_admin
| datetime | NO | |
0000-00-00 00:00:00 | |
| include_sources_admin
| varchar(50) | YES | | NULL
| |
| included_admin
| int(1) | YES | | NULL
| |
| info_admin
| varchar(150) | YES | | NULL
| |
| list_admin
| varchar(50) | NO | PRI |
| |
| profile_admin
| enum('privileged','normal') | YES | | NULL
| |
| reception_admin
| varchar(20) | YES | | NULL
| |
| role_admin
| enum('listmaster','owner','editor') | NO | PRI |
listmaster | |
| subscribed_admin
| int(1) | YES | | NULL
| |
| update_admin
| datetime | YES | | NULL
| |
| user_admin
| varchar(100) | NO | PRI |
| |
| robot_admin
| varchar(80) | NO | PRI | NULL
| |
| visibility_admin
| varchar(20) | YES | | NULL
| |
Exrait des messages d'erreur sur WWS
et dans syslog:
Internal Server Error
Sympa encountered an internal
Please contact the listmaster.
Error: Can't use an undefined
value as an ARRAY reference at
/usr/share/sympa/lib/Sympa/List.pm line 2807.
DIED: Can't use an undefined
value as an ARRAY reference at
/usr/share/sympa/lib/Sympa/List.pm line 2807.
/usr/share/sympa/lib/Sympa/List.pm line 2807.
main::do_lists() called
at /usr/lib/cgi-bin/sympa/wwsympa.fcgi line 1554
Cette erreur est levé par cette
requête SQL en erreur :
Oct 25 15:41:57 dmz-sympa22-vm
wwsympa[1359]: info Sympa::Spool::Listmaster::store() Stacking
message about "error_performing_condition" for
adresse@cachée (lists.unesco.org)
Oct 25 15:41:57 dmz-sympa22-vm
wwsympa[1359]: err main::#1554 > main::do_lists#4231 >
Sympa::List::is_admin#2807 > Sympa::List::get_admins#2345
> Sympa::List::get_current_admins#2415 >
Sympa::Database::do_prepared_query#389 Unable to execute SQL
statement "SELECT date_epoch_admin AS "date", user_admin AS
"email", comment_admin AS "gecos", inclusion_admin AS
"inclusion", inclusion_ext_admin AS "inclusion_ext",
inclusion_label_admin AS "inclusion_label", info_admin AS
"info", profile_admin AS "profile", reception_admin AS
"reception", subscribed_admin AS "subscribed",
update_epoch_admin AS "update_date", visibility_admin AS
"visibility", role_admin AS "role"
FROM admin_table WHERE list_admin = ? AND robot_admin =
? ORDER BY user_admin":
(42S22) Unknown
column 'date_epoch_admin' in 'field list'
Oct 25 15:41:57 dmz-sympa22-vm
wwsympa[1359]: err main::#1554 > main::do_lists#4231 >
Sympa::List::is_admin#2807 > Sympa::List::get_admins#2345
> Sympa::List::get_current_admins#2428 Unable to get admins
for list Sympa::List
Oct 25 15:41:57 dmz-sympa22-vm
wwsympa[1359]: err main::#1554 > main::do_lists#4231 >
Sympa::List::is_admin#2807 DIED: Can't use an undefined value
as an ARRAY reference at /usr/share/sympa/lib/Sympa/List.pm
line 2807
"Mieux vaut viser la perfection et la rater que viser la médiocrité et l'atteindre."
- Francis Blanche
David Verdin
Chef de Projet Collaboratif
Département PROduits NUMériques
Direction des Services Applicatifs
RENATER - Rennes
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