Objet : Pour les administrateurs de serveurs de listes utilisant le logiciel Sympa
Archives de la liste
Re: [sympa-fr] Installation de sympa 6.2.4: bug?
- From: Vincent RAIMBOUX <adresse@cachée>
- To: adresse@cachée
- Subject: Re: [sympa-fr] Installation de sympa 6.2.4: bug?
- Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2015 09:10:05 +0200 (CEST)
J'ai eu le même problème avec la 6.2.3. Il suffit de renseigner quelques paramètres dans le sympa.conf avant de lancer le wizard (notamment le domain).
(merci encore à Arthmaël qui m'avait donné le tuyau)
Vincent Raimboux
Centre de Ressources Informatiques
UTT - Université de Technologie de Troyes
UTT - Université de Technologie de Troyes
12 rue Marie Curie - CS 42060 - 10004 TROYES CEDEX
Tél. : (33) 03 25 71 76 00 | Fax : (33) 03 25 71 76 76
Tél. : (33) 03 25 71 76 00 | Fax : (33) 03 25 71 76 76
De: "TISSOT Jacques" <adresse@cachée>
À: "adresse@cachée" <adresse@cachée>
Envoyé: Mercredi 2 Septembre 2015 16:02:42
Objet: [sympa-fr] Installation de sympa 6.2.4: bug?
Je suis en train d'installer un SYMPA V 6.2.4 tout neuf sur une Debian Jessie (via les sources, puis configure, make, make install). En voulant lancer le sympa_wizard.pl, le processus s'arrête aussitôt avec le message :
Can't use an undefined value as a HASH reference at /home/sympa/bin/Conf.pm line 207.
Le même message apparaît avec la commande : /home/sympa/bin/sympa.pl --health_check
S'agit-il d'un défaut d'installation ou d'un bug?
------> Un message de Vincent Raimboux le 30 juillet dernier parlait du même problème, mais avec la version 6.2.3 sur centos 7.
Ci-après le résultat de sympa_wizard.pl --check
Which RDBMS will you use for core database:
1: MySQL/MariaDB
2: PostgreSQL
3: SQLite
4: Oracle
5: Sybase
-> Select RDBMS [1-5] 1
Checking for PERL version:
Your version of perl is OK (5.020002 >= 5.008)
Checking for REQUIRED modules:
perl module from CPAN STATUS
----------- --------- ------
Archive::Zip Archive-Zip OK (1.50 >= 1.05)
CGI CGI OK (4.09 >= 3.51)
Class::Singleton Class-Singleton OK (1.5 >= 1.03)
DBD::mysql DBD-mysql OK (4.028 >= 4.008)
DBI DBI OK (1.631 >= 1.48)
DateTime::Format::Mail DateTime-Format-Mail OK (0.402 >= 0.28)
DateTime::TimeZone DateTime-TimeZone OK (1.93 >= 1.08)
Digest::MD5 Digest-MD5 OK (2.53 >= 2.00)
Email::Simple Email-Simple OK (2.208 >= 2.100)
Encode Encode OK (2.60 >= 1.0)
File::Copy::Recursive File-Copy-Recursive OK (0.38 >= 0.36)
File::NFSLock File-NFSLock OK (1.27 >= 1.0)
File::Path File-Path OK (2.09 >= 2.08)
HTML::FormatText HTML-Format OK (2.11 >= 1.0)
HTML::StripScripts::ParserHTML-StripScripts-ParserOK (1.03 >= 1.03)
HTML::TreeBuilder HTML-Tree OK (5.03 >= 1.0)
IO::File IO OK (1.16 >= 1.10)
IO::Scalar IO-stringy OK (2.111 >= 1.0)
LWP::UserAgent libwww-perl OK (6.06 >= 1.0)
List::Util::XS Scalar-List-Utils OK (1.38 >= 1.20)
Locale::Messages libintl-perl OK (1.23 >= 1.22)
MHonArc::UTF8 MHonArc OK (2.6.19 >= 2.6.18)
MIME::Base64 MIME-Base64 OK (3.14 >= 3.03)
MIME::Charset MIME-Charset OK (1.012 >= 1.011.3)
MIME::EncWords MIME-EncWords OK (1.014.3 >= 1.014)
MIME::Lite::HTML MIME-Lite-HTML OK (1.24 >= 1.23)
MIME::Tools MIME-tools OK (5.506 >= 5.423)
Mail::Address MailTools OK (2.13 >= 1.70)
Net::CIDR Net-CIDR OK (0.18 >= 0.16)
Net::DNS Net-DNS OK (1.01 >= 0.65)
Proc::ProcessTable Proc-ProcessTable OK (0.53 >= 0.44)
Sys::Syslog Sys-Syslog OK (0.33 >= 0.03)
Template Template-Toolkit OK (2.26 >= 2.21)
Term::ProgressBar Term-ProgressBar OK (2.17 >= 2.09)
Text::LineFold Unicode-LineBreak OK (2012.04 >= 2011.05)
Time::HiRes Time-HiRes OK (1.9726 >= 1.29)
URI::Escape URI-Escape OK (3.31 >= 1.35)
XML::LibXML XML-LibXML OK (2.0116 >= 1.0)
Checking for OPTIONAL modules:
perl module from CPAN STATUS
----------- --------- ------
AuthCAS AuthCAS was not found on this system.
Setting FTP Passive mode
-> Usage of this module: CAS Single Sign-On client libraries. Required if you
configure Sympa to delegate web authentication to a CAS server.
-> Install module AuthCAS ? [n]
CGI::Fast CGI-Fast OK (2.04 >= 1.08)
Crypt::CipherSaber Crypt-CipherSaber was not found on this system.
-> Usage of this module: this module provides reversible encryption of user
passwords in the database. Useful when updating from old version with
password reversible encryption, or if secure session cookies in non-SSL
environments are required.
-> Install module Crypt::CipherSaber ? [n]
Crypt::OpenSSL::X509 Crypt-OpenSSL-X509 was not found on this system.
-> Usage of this module: required to extract user certificates for SSL clients
and S/MIME messages.
-> Install module Crypt::OpenSSL::X509 ? [n]
Crypt::SMIME Crypt-SMIME was not found on this system.
-> Usage of this module: required to sign, verify, encrypt and decrypt S/MIME
-> Install module Crypt::SMIME ? [n]
DBD::ODBC DBD-ODBC was not found on this system.
-> Usage of this module: ODBC database driver, required if you connect to a
database via ODBC.
-> Install module DBD::ODBC ? [n]
DBD::Oracle DBD-Oracle was not found on this system.
-> Usage of this module: Oracle database driver, required if you connect to a
Oracle database.
-> Install module DBD::Oracle ? [n]
DBD::Pg DBD-Pg was not found on this system.
-> Usage of this module: PostgreSQL database driver, required if you connect
to a PostgreSQL database.
-> Prerequisites: postgresql-devel and postgresql-server. PostgreSQL server
should be running for make test to succeed
-> Install module DBD::Pg ? [n]
DBD::SQLite DBD-SQLite was not found on this system.
-> Usage of this module: SQLite database driver, required if you connect to a
SQLite database.
-> Prerequisites: sqlite-devel. No need to install a server, the SQLite server
code being provided with the client code.
-> Install module DBD::SQLite ? [n]
DBD::Sybase DBD-Sybase was not found on this system.
-> Usage of this module: Sybase database driver, required if you connect to a
Sybase database.
-> Install module DBD::Sybase ? [n]
Data::Password Data-Password was not found on this system.
-> Usage of this module: Used for configureable hardening of passwords via the
password_validation sympa.conf directive.
-> Install module Data::Password ? [n]
Encode::Locale Encode-Locale OK (1.03 >= 1.02)
FCGI CGI-Fast OK (0.77 >= 0.67)
IO::Socket::SSL IO-Socket-SSL OK (2.002 >= 0.90)
Mail::DKIM::Verifier Mail-DKIM OK (0.4 >= 0.39)
Net::LDAP perl-ldap was not found on this system.
-> Usage of this module: required to query LDAP directories. Sympa can do
LDAP-based authentication ; it can also build mailing lists with LDAP-
extracted members.
-> Prerequisites: openldap-devel is needed to build the Perl code
-> Install module Net::LDAP ? [n]
Net::SMTP libnet OK (2.33 >= 1.0)
SOAP::Lite SOAP-Lite was not found on this system.
-> Usage of this module: required if you want to run the Sympa SOAP server
that provides ML services via a "web service"
-> Install module SOAP::Lite ? [n]
******* NOTE *******
You can retrieve all theses modules from any CPAN server
(for example ftp://ftp.pasteur.fr/pub/computing/CPAN/CPAN.html)
Jacques Tissot
Université de Fribourg
À: "adresse@cachée" <adresse@cachée>
Envoyé: Mercredi 2 Septembre 2015 16:02:42
Objet: [sympa-fr] Installation de sympa 6.2.4: bug?
Le même message apparaît avec la commande : /home/sympa/bin/sympa.pl --health_check
1: MySQL/MariaDB
2: PostgreSQL
3: SQLite
4: Oracle
5: Sybase
-> Select RDBMS [1-5] 1
----------- --------- ------
Archive::Zip Archive-Zip OK (1.50 >= 1.05)
CGI CGI OK (4.09 >= 3.51)
Class::Singleton Class-Singleton OK (1.5 >= 1.03)
DBD::mysql DBD-mysql OK (4.028 >= 4.008)
DBI DBI OK (1.631 >= 1.48)
DateTime::Format::Mail DateTime-Format-Mail OK (0.402 >= 0.28)
DateTime::TimeZone DateTime-TimeZone OK (1.93 >= 1.08)
Digest::MD5 Digest-MD5 OK (2.53 >= 2.00)
Email::Simple Email-Simple OK (2.208 >= 2.100)
Encode Encode OK (2.60 >= 1.0)
File::Copy::Recursive File-Copy-Recursive OK (0.38 >= 0.36)
File::NFSLock File-NFSLock OK (1.27 >= 1.0)
File::Path File-Path OK (2.09 >= 2.08)
HTML::FormatText HTML-Format OK (2.11 >= 1.0)
HTML::StripScripts::ParserHTML-StripScripts-ParserOK (1.03 >= 1.03)
HTML::TreeBuilder HTML-Tree OK (5.03 >= 1.0)
IO::File IO OK (1.16 >= 1.10)
IO::Scalar IO-stringy OK (2.111 >= 1.0)
LWP::UserAgent libwww-perl OK (6.06 >= 1.0)
List::Util::XS Scalar-List-Utils OK (1.38 >= 1.20)
Locale::Messages libintl-perl OK (1.23 >= 1.22)
MHonArc::UTF8 MHonArc OK (2.6.19 >= 2.6.18)
MIME::Base64 MIME-Base64 OK (3.14 >= 3.03)
MIME::Charset MIME-Charset OK (1.012 >= 1.011.3)
MIME::EncWords MIME-EncWords OK (1.014.3 >= 1.014)
MIME::Lite::HTML MIME-Lite-HTML OK (1.24 >= 1.23)
MIME::Tools MIME-tools OK (5.506 >= 5.423)
Mail::Address MailTools OK (2.13 >= 1.70)
Net::CIDR Net-CIDR OK (0.18 >= 0.16)
Net::DNS Net-DNS OK (1.01 >= 0.65)
Proc::ProcessTable Proc-ProcessTable OK (0.53 >= 0.44)
Sys::Syslog Sys-Syslog OK (0.33 >= 0.03)
Template Template-Toolkit OK (2.26 >= 2.21)
Term::ProgressBar Term-ProgressBar OK (2.17 >= 2.09)
Text::LineFold Unicode-LineBreak OK (2012.04 >= 2011.05)
Time::HiRes Time-HiRes OK (1.9726 >= 1.29)
URI::Escape URI-Escape OK (3.31 >= 1.35)
XML::LibXML XML-LibXML OK (2.0116 >= 1.0)
----------- --------- ------
AuthCAS AuthCAS was not found on this system.
Setting FTP Passive mode
-> Usage of this module: CAS Single Sign-On client libraries. Required if you
configure Sympa to delegate web authentication to a CAS server.
-> Install module AuthCAS ? [n]
CGI::Fast CGI-Fast OK (2.04 >= 1.08)
Crypt::CipherSaber Crypt-CipherSaber was not found on this system.
-> Usage of this module: this module provides reversible encryption of user
passwords in the database. Useful when updating from old version with
password reversible encryption, or if secure session cookies in non-SSL
environments are required.
-> Install module Crypt::CipherSaber ? [n]
Crypt::OpenSSL::X509 Crypt-OpenSSL-X509 was not found on this system.
-> Usage of this module: required to extract user certificates for SSL clients
and S/MIME messages.
-> Install module Crypt::OpenSSL::X509 ? [n]
Crypt::SMIME Crypt-SMIME was not found on this system.
-> Usage of this module: required to sign, verify, encrypt and decrypt S/MIME
-> Install module Crypt::SMIME ? [n]
DBD::ODBC DBD-ODBC was not found on this system.
-> Usage of this module: ODBC database driver, required if you connect to a
database via ODBC.
-> Install module DBD::ODBC ? [n]
DBD::Oracle DBD-Oracle was not found on this system.
-> Usage of this module: Oracle database driver, required if you connect to a
Oracle database.
-> Install module DBD::Oracle ? [n]
DBD::Pg DBD-Pg was not found on this system.
-> Usage of this module: PostgreSQL database driver, required if you connect
to a PostgreSQL database.
-> Prerequisites: postgresql-devel and postgresql-server. PostgreSQL server
should be running for make test to succeed
-> Install module DBD::Pg ? [n]
DBD::SQLite DBD-SQLite was not found on this system.
-> Usage of this module: SQLite database driver, required if you connect to a
SQLite database.
-> Prerequisites: sqlite-devel. No need to install a server, the SQLite server
code being provided with the client code.
-> Install module DBD::SQLite ? [n]
DBD::Sybase DBD-Sybase was not found on this system.
-> Usage of this module: Sybase database driver, required if you connect to a
Sybase database.
-> Install module DBD::Sybase ? [n]
Data::Password Data-Password was not found on this system.
-> Usage of this module: Used for configureable hardening of passwords via the
password_validation sympa.conf directive.
-> Install module Data::Password ? [n]
Encode::Locale Encode-Locale OK (1.03 >= 1.02)
FCGI CGI-Fast OK (0.77 >= 0.67)
IO::Socket::SSL IO-Socket-SSL OK (2.002 >= 0.90)
Mail::DKIM::Verifier Mail-DKIM OK (0.4 >= 0.39)
Net::LDAP perl-ldap was not found on this system.
-> Usage of this module: required to query LDAP directories. Sympa can do
LDAP-based authentication ; it can also build mailing lists with LDAP-
extracted members.
-> Prerequisites: openldap-devel is needed to build the Perl code
-> Install module Net::LDAP ? [n]
Net::SMTP libnet OK (2.33 >= 1.0)
SOAP::Lite SOAP-Lite was not found on this system.
-> Usage of this module: required if you want to run the Sympa SOAP server
that provides ML services via a "web service"
-> Install module SOAP::Lite ? [n]
******* NOTE *******
You can retrieve all theses modules from any CPAN server
(for example ftp://ftp.pasteur.fr/pub/computing/CPAN/CPAN.html)
Jacques Tissot
Université de Fribourg
[sympa-fr] Installation de sympa 6.2.4: bug?,
TISSOT Jacques, 02/09/2015
Re: [sympa-fr] Installation de sympa 6.2.4: bug?,
Vincent RAIMBOUX, 03/09/2015
[sympa-fr] Sympa,
Patrice HEMET, 11/09/2015
- Re: [sympa-fr] Sympa, Guillaume Laurès, 11/09/2015
[sympa-fr] Sympa,
Patrice HEMET, 11/09/2015
Re: [sympa-fr] Installation de sympa 6.2.4: bug?,
Vincent RAIMBOUX, 03/09/2015
Archives gérées par MHonArc 2.6.19+.