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fr - Re: [sympa-fr] Upgrade 4.1.2 -> 5.0b, procedure ?

Objet : Pour les administrateurs de serveurs de listes utilisant le logiciel Sympa

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Chronologique Discussions  
  • From: Olivier Salaün - CRU <adresse@cachée>
  • To: adresse@cachée
  • Subject: Re: [sympa-fr] Upgrade 4.1.2 -> 5.0b, procedure ?
  • Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2005 17:02:55 +0100

Foucou Nicolas wrote:

[...] si il y a de la doc dispo pour ce problème de migration je suis aussi
preneur :)

La voici en avant première ci-joint.

PS : petite requête_de_ma_part_à_moi_tout_seul_dans_mon_coin : Quand est-ce
que la version en bon français de la doc sera-t-elle dispo ? Ou, du moins,
est-ce prévu que le CRU fasse une doc en français ?

On ne prévoit pas de version française de la doc : c'est déja dur d'en maintenir une seule version. Pour les fracophones, il y a les tutoriaux et autres supports de cours en français :

Olivier Salaün
Comité Réseau des Universités
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Title: 14. Upgrading Sympa
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14. Upgrading Sympa

Sympa upgrade is a relatively riskless operations, mainly because the install process preserves your customizations (templates, configuration, authorization scenarios,...) and also because Sympa automates a few things (DB update, CPAN modules installation).

14.1 Uncompatible changes

New features, changes and bug fixes are summarized in the NEWS file, part of the tar.gz (the Changelog file is a complete log file of CVS changes). As mentionned at the beginning of this file, uncompatible changes are preceded by '*****'. While running the make install Sympa will detect the previously installed version and will prompt you with uncompatible changes between both versions of the software. You can interrupt the install process at that stage if you are too frightened. Output of the make install :

You are upgrading from Sympa 4.2
You should read CAREFULLY the changes listed below ; they might be uncompatible changes :

*****   require new perlmodule XML-LibXML

*****   You should update your DB structure (automatically performed by Sympa with MySQL), adding the following table (mySQL example) :
*****   CREATE TABLE admin_table (
*****   list_admin              varchar(50) NOT NULL,
*****   user_admin              varchar(100) NOT NULL,
*****   role_admin              enum('listmaster','owner','editor') NOT NULL,
*****   date_admin              datetime NOT NULL,
*****   update_admin            datetime,
*****   reception_admin         varchar(20),
*****   comment_admin           varchar(150),
*****   subscribed_admin        enum('0','1'),
*****   included_admin          enum('0','1'),
*****   include_sources_admin   varchar(50),
*****   info_admin              varchar(150),
*****   profile_admin           enum('privileged','normal'),
*****   PRIMARY KEY (list_admin, user_admin,role_admin),
*****   INDEX (list_admin, user_admin,role_admin)
*****   );

*****   Extend the generic_sso feature ; Sympa is now able to retrieve the user email address in a LDAP directory

14.2 CPAN modules update

Required and optional perl modules (CPAN) installation is automatically handled at the make time. You are asked before each module is installed. For optional modules, associated features are listed.

Output of the make command :

Checking for REQUIRED modules:
perl module          from CPAN       STATUS
-----------          ---------       ------
Archive::Zip         Archive-Zip    OK (1.09   >= 1.05)
CGI                  CGI            OK (2.89   >= 2.52)
DB_File              DB_FILE        OK (1.806  >= 1.75)
Digest::MD5          Digest-MD5     OK (2.20   >= 2.00)
FCGI                 FCGI           OK (0.67   >= 0.67)
File::Spec           File-Spec      OK (0.83   >= 0.8)
IO::Scalar           IO-stringy     OK (2.104  >= 1.0)
LWP                  libwww-perl    OK (5.65   >= 1.0)
Locale::TextDomain   libintl-perl   OK (1.10   >= 1.0)
MHonArc::UTF8        MHonArc        version is too old ( < 2.4.6).
>>>>>>> You must update "MHonArc" to version "" <<<<<<.
Setting FTP Passive mode
Install module MHonArc::UTF8 ? n
MIME::Base64         MIME-Base64    OK (3.05   >= 3.03)
MIME::Tools          MIME-tools     OK (5.411  >= 5.209)
Mail::Internet       MailTools      OK (1.60   >= 1.51)
Regexp::Common       Regexp-Common  OK (2.113  >= 1.0)
Template             Template-ToolkitOK (2.13   >= 1.0)
XML::LibXML          XML-LibXML     OK (1.58   >= 1.0)

Checking for OPTIONAL modules:
perl module          from CPAN       STATUS
-----------          ---------       ------
Bundle::LWP          LWP            OK (1.09   >= 1.09)
Constant subroutine CGI::XHTML_DTD redefined at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/ line 108, <STDIN> line 1.
CGI::Fast            CGI            CGI::Fast doesn't return 1 (check it).
Crypt::CipherSaber   CipherSaber    OK (0.61   >= 0.50)
DBD::Oracle          DBD-Oracle     was not found on this system.
Description: Oracle database driver, required if you connect to a Oracle database.
Install module DBD::Oracle ?

14.3 Database structure update

Whatever RDBMS you are using (mysql, Pg, Sybase or Oracle) Sympa will check every database tables and fields. If one is missing will not start. If you are using mysql Sympa will also check field types and will try to change them (or create them) automatically ; assuming that the DB user configured has sufficient privileges. If You are not using Mysql or if the DB user configured in sympa.conf does have sufficient privileges, then you should change the database structure yourself, as mentionned in the NEWS file.

Output of Sympa logs :

Table admin_table created in database sympa
Field 'comment_admin' (table 'admin_table' ; database 'sympa') was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
Field comment_admin added to table admin_table
Field 'date_admin' (table 'admin_table' ; database 'sympa') was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
Field date_admin added to table admin_table
Field 'include_sources_admin' (table 'admin_table' ; database 'sympa') was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
Field include_sources_admin added to table admin_table
Field 'included_admin' (table 'admin_table' ; database 'sympa') was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
Field included_admin added to table admin_table
Field 'info_admin' (table 'admin_table' ; database 'sympa') was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
Field info_admin added to table admin_table
Field 'list_admin' (table 'admin_table' ; database 'sympa') was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
Field list_admin added to table admin_table
Field 'profile_admin' (table 'admin_table' ; database 'sympa') was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
Field profile_admin added to table admin_table
Field 'reception_admin' (table 'admin_table' ; database 'sympa') was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
Field reception_admin added to table admin_table
Field 'role_admin' (table 'admin_table' ; database 'sympa') was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
Field role_admin added to table admin_table
Field 'subscribed_admin' (table 'admin_table' ; database 'sympa') was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
Field subscribed_admin added to table admin_table
Field 'update_admin' (table 'admin_table' ; database 'sympa') was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
Field update_admin added to table admin_table
Field 'user_admin' (table 'admin_table' ; database 'sympa') was NOT found. Attempting to add it...
Setting list_admin,user_admin,role_admin fields as PRIMARY
Field user_admin added to table admin_table

14.4 Preserving your customizations

Sympa comes with default configuration files (templates, scenarios,...) that will be installed in the /home/sympa/bin directory. If you need to customize some of them, you should copy the file first in a safe place, ie in the /home/sympa/etc directory. If you do so, the Sympa upgrade process will preserve your site customizations.

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root 2005-01-05

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