Objet : Pour les administrateurs de serveurs de listes utilisant le logiciel Sympa
Archives de la liste
[sympa-fr] Probl�me Sympa QMAIL URGENT !
- From: Emmanuel Davidson<adresse@cachée>
- To: adresse@cachée
- Subject: [sympa-fr] Problème Sympa QMAIL URGENT !
- Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2004 10:47:28 +0200
Nous sommes en train d’installer la dernière version de Sympa sur un serveur
Redhat 7.2 qui utilise Qmail.
L’installation semble être bonne, pourtant, nous ne voyons aucun message
arriver à Qmail, ni en sortir.
La liste en question était hébergée par Lyon 1, qui après presque 10 années
d’hébergement, ne souhaite plus l’héberger.
Nous devons déménager cette liste pour ce soir et nous butons depuis
plusieurs jours sur ce problème.
Nous vous remercions par avance de toute aide qui pourrait nous être
Emmanuel Davidson
Copie de nos fichiers de configuation
###\\\\ Directories and file location ////###
## Directory containing mailing lists subdirectories
home /home/sympa/expl
## Directory for configuration files ; it also contains scenari/ and
templates/ directories
etc /home/sympa/etc
## File containing Sympa PID while running.
## Sympa also locks this file to ensure that it is not running more than
once. Caution : user sympa need to write access without special privilegee.
pidfile /home/sympa/sympa.pid
## Umask used for file creation by Sympa
umask 027
## Directory containing available NLS catalogues (Message
msgcat /home/sympa/nls
## The main spool containing various specialized spools
## All spool are created at runtime by sympa.pl
spool /home/sympa/spool
## Incoming spool
queue /home/sympa/spool/msg
## Bounce incoming spool
queuebounce /home/sympa/spool/bounce
###\\\\ Syslog ////###
## The syslog facility for sympa
## Do not forget to edit syslog.conf
syslog LOCAL1
## Communication mode with syslogd is either unix (via Unix sockets) or inet
(use of UDP)
log_socket_type inet
## Log intensity
## 0 : normal, 2,3,4 for debug
log_level 4
###\\\\ General definition ////###
## Main robot hostname
domain pilotlist.org
## Listmasters email list colon separated
# was listmaster adresse@cachée
listmaster adresse@cachée
## Local part of sympa email adresse
## Effective address will be [EMAIL]@[HOST]
email xavier
## Default lang (fr | us | es | de | it | cn | tw | fi | pl | cz | hu | ro |
# was lang us
lang fr
## Who is able to create lists
## This parameter is a scenario, check sympa documentation about scenarios if
you want to define one
create_list public_listmaster
## Sympa commands priority
sympa_priority 1
## Default priority for list messages
default_list_priority 5
## Secret used by Sympa to make MD5 fingerprint in web cookies secure
## Should not be changed ! May invalid all user password
cookie 989925700
## The default maximum size (in bytes) for messages (can be re-defined for
each list)
max_size 5242880
## Specify which rfc2369 mailing list headers to add
# was rfc2369_header_fields ARRAY(0x84099ac)
rfc2369_header_fields help,subscribe,unsubscribe,post,owner,archive
## Specify header fields to be removed before message distribution
# was remove_headers ARRAY(0x8409a24)
###\\\\ Errors management ////###
## Bouncing email rate for warn list owner
bounce_warn_rate 30
## Bouncing email rate for halt the list (not implemented)
## Not yet used in current version, Default is 50
bounce_halt_rate 50
## Task name for expiration of old bounces
expire_bounce_task daily
## Welcome message return-path
## If set to unique, new subcriber is removed if welcome message bounce
welcome_return_path owner
## Remind message return-path
## If set to unique, subcriber is removed if remind message bounce, use with
remind_return_path owner
###\\\\ MTA related ////###
## Path to the MTA (sendmail, postfix, exim or qmail)
## should point to a sendmail-compatible binary (eg: a binary named
'sendmail' is distributed with Postfix)
sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail
## Maximum number of recipients per call to Sendmail
nrcpt 25
## Max. number of different domains per call to Sendmail
avg 10
## Max. number of Sendmail processes (launched by Sympa) running
## Proposed value is quite low, you can rise it up to 100, 200 or even 300
with powerfull systems.
maxsmtp 40
###\\\\ Pluggin ////###
## Path to the antivirus scanner engine
## supported antivirus : McAfee/uvscan, Fsecure/fsav, Sophos, AVP and Trend
# antivirus_path /usr/local/uvscan/uvscan
## Antivirus pluggin command argument
# antivirus_args --secure --summary --dat /usr/local/uvscan
###\\\\ S/MIME pluggin ////###
## Path to OpenSSL
## Sympa knowns S/MIME if openssl is installed
# openssl /usr/local/bin/openssl
## The directory path use by OpenSSL for trusted CA certificates
# capath /home/sympa/etc/ssl.crt
## This parameter sets the all-in-one file where you can assemble the
Certificates of Certification Authorities (CA)
cafile /home/sympa/bin/etc/ca-bundle.crt
## User CERTs directory
ssl_cert_dir /home/sympa/expl/X509-user-certs
## Password used to crypt lists private keys
# key_passwd your_password
###\\\\ Database ////###
## Database type (mysql | Pg | Oracle | Sybase)
## be carefull to the case
# was db_type
db_type mysql
## Name of the database
# was db_name
db_name sympa
## The host hosting your sympa database
# was db_host
db_host localhost
## Database user for connexion
# was db_user
db_user sympa
## Database password (associated to the db_user)
## What ever you use a password or not, you must protect the SQL server (is
it a not a public internet service ?)
# was db_passwd
db_passwd sympa0
## Database private extention to user table
## You need to extend the database format with these fields
# db_additional_user_fields age,address
## Database private extention to subscriber table
## You need to extend the database format with these fields
# db_additional_subscriber_fields billing_delay,subscription_expiration
###\\\\ Web interface ////###
## Sympa's main page URL
# was wwsympa_url http://ns3661.ovh.net/wws
wwsympa_url http://www.pilotlist.org/sympa
## web interface color : dark
dark_color #006666
## web interface color : selected_color
selected_color #996666
## web interface color : light
light_color #cccc66
## web_interface color : shaded
shaded_color #66cccc
## web_interface color : background
bg_color #ffffcc
.qmail sympa
pilotlist:"|/home/sympa/bin/queue pilotlist"
pilotlist-request:"|/home/sympa/bin/queue pilotlist-request"
pilotlist-editor:"|/home/sympa/bin/queue pilotlist-editor"
pilotlist-owner:"|/home/sympa/bin/bouncequeue pilotlist"
pilotlist-subscribe:"|/home/sympa/bin/queue pilotlist-subscribe"
pilotlist-unsubscribe:"|/home/sympa/bin/queue pilotlist-unsubscribe"
sympa : " |/home/sympa/bin/queue sympa "
bounce+*: " |/home/sympa/bin/bouncequeue sympa "
sympa-request: adresse@cachée
sympa-owner: adresse@cachée
listserv: sympa
listserv-request: sympa-request
majordomo: sympa
listserv-owner: sympa-owner
- [sympa-fr] Problème Sympa QMAIL URGENT !, Emmanuel Davidson, 07/10/2004
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