Subject: Pour les administrateurs de serveurs de listes utilisant le logiciel Sympa
List archive
- From: address@concealed
- To: address@concealed
- Subject: create_list.conf -> default hidden ?
- Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2001 16:41:15 +0200
Une humble remarque qui, je l'espère, pour être utile à d'autre :
Je n'ai pas réussi à obtenir le comportement suivant :
1- tous les create_list_templates sont HIDDEN
2- j'en autorise certains
ce qui donnerait par exemple :
* hidden
#default hidden ?
discussion_list READ
private_working_group READ
Dans, on a :
foreach my $template ( sort grep (!/^\./,readdir(DIR))) {
next if ($list_conf->{$template} eq 'hidden') ;
next if ($list_conf->{'default'} eq 'hidden') ;
Or il faudrait plutôt :
foreach my $template ( sort grep (!/^\./,readdir(DIR))) {
next if ($list_conf->{$template} eq 'hidden') ;
next if (($list_conf->{'default'} eq 'hidden')
&& ($list_conf->{$template} ne 'read')) ;
Ça fonctionne.
qq remarques :
- Préciser dans le fichier ou la doc que create_list.conf est case-sensitive
OU upcaser les values ?
- "* read" n'a pas d'incidence (ignoré), alors autant le supprimer de la
Ci-joint avec modif.
## This module is part of ML and provides some tools
package tools;
use POSIX;
use Mail::Internet;
use Mail::Header;
use Conf;
use Language;
use Log;
## RCS identification.
#my $id = '@(#)$Id:,v 1.18 2001/04/04 11:18:39 salaun Exp $';
## global var to store a CipherSaber object
my $cipher;
## Sorts the list of adresses by domain name
## Input : users hash
## Sort by domain.
sub sortbydomain {
my($x, $y) = @_;
$x = join('.', reverse(split(/[@\.]/, $x)));
$y = join('.', reverse(split(/[@\.]/, $y)));
#print "$x $y\n";
$x cmp $y;
## Safefork does several tries before it gives up.
## Do 3 trials and wait 10 seconds between each.
## Exit with a fatal error is fork failed after all
## tests have been exhausted.
sub safefork {
my($i, $pid);
for ($i = 1; $i < 360; $i++) {
my($pid) = fork;
return $pid if (defined($pid));
do_log ('warning', "Can't create new process in safefork: %m");
## should send a mail to the listmaster
sleep(10 * $i);
fatal_err("Can't create new process in safefork: %m");
## No return.
@avoid_hdr = (
## Check for commands in the body of the message. Returns true
## if there are some commands in it.
sub checkcommand {
my($msg, $sender) = @_;
do_log('debug2', 'tools::checkcommand(msg->head->get(subject):
%s,%s)',$msg->head->get('Subject'), $sender);
my($avoid, $i);
return 0 if ($#{$msg->body} >= 15); ## More than 15 lines in the text.
my $hdr = $msg->head;
## Check for commands in the subject.
my $subject = $msg->head->get('Subject');
if ($subject) {
foreach $avoid (@avoid_hdr) {
if ($subject =~ /^\s*(quiet)?($avoid)(\s+|$)/im) {
&rejectMessage($msg, $sender);
return 1;
foreach $i (@{$msg->body}) {
foreach $avoid (@avoid_hdr) {
if ($i =~ /^\s*(quiet)?($avoid)(\s+|$)/im) { ## Suspicious line
&rejectMessage($msg, $sender);
return 1;
## Control is only applied to first non-blank line
last unless $i =~ /^\s*$/;
return 0;
sub rejectMessage {
my($msg, $sender) = @_;
do_log('debug2', 'tools::rejectMessage(%s)', $sender);
*REJ = smtp::smtpto($Conf{'request'}, \$sender);
print REJ "To: $sender\n";
print REJ "Subject: [sympa] " . Msg(5, 2, "Misadressed message ?") . "\n";
printf REJ "MIME-Version: %s\n", Msg(12, 1, '1.0');
printf REJ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=%s\n", Msg(12, 2,
printf REJ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: %s\n", Msg(12, 3, '7bit');
print REJ "\n";
printf REJ Msg(5, 3, "\
Your message has been sent to a list but it seems it contains commands like
subscribe, signoff, help, index, get, ...
If your message did really contain a command, please note that such messages
must be sent to %s only.
If it happens that your message was by mistake considered as containing
commands, then please contact the manager of this service %s
so that he can take care of your problem.
Thank you for your attention.
------ Beginning of the suspect message --------
"), "$Conf{'sympa'}", $Conf{'request'};
print REJ Msg(5, 4, "------- Fin message suspect ---------\n");
## return a hash from the edit_list_conf file
sub load_edit_list_conf {
my $file;
my $conf ;
if (-r "$Conf{'etc'}/edit_list.conf") {
$file = "$Conf{'etc'}/edit_list.conf";
}elsif (-r "/local/sympa/bin/etc/edit_list.conf") {
$file = "/local/sympa/bin/etc/edit_list.conf";
}else {
&do_log('info','Cannot find edit_list.conf');
return undef;
unless (open (FILE, $file)) {
&do_log('info','Unable to open config file %s', $file);
return undef;
while (<FILE>) {
next if /^\s*(\#.*|\s*)$/;
$conf->{$1}{$2} = $3;
&do_log ('info', 'unknown parameter in %s (Ignored) %s',
"$Conf{'etc'}/edit_list.conf",$_ );
close FILE;
return $conf;
## return a hash from the edit_list_conf file
sub load_create_list_conf {
my $file;
my $conf ;
if (-r "$Conf{'etc'}/create_list.conf") {
$file = "$Conf{'etc'}/create_list.conf";
}elsif (-r "/local/sympa/bin/etc/create_list.conf") {
$file = "/local/sympa/bin/etc/create_list.conf";
}else {
&do_log('info','unable to read
return undef;
unless (open (FILE, $file)) {
&do_log('info','Unable to open config file %s', $file);
return undef;
while (<FILE>) {
next if /^\s*(\#.*|\s*)$/;
if (/^\s*(\S+)\s+(read|hidden)\s*$/i) {
$conf->{$1} = uc $2;
&do_log ('info', 'unknown parameter in %s (Ignored) %s',
"$Conf{'etc'}/create_list.conf",$_ );
close FILE;
return $conf;
## Loads the list of topics
sub load_topics_conf {
do_log('debug2', 'tools::load_topics_conf');
my $conf_file = "$Conf{'etc'}/topics.conf";
my $topics = {};
unless (-r $conf_file) {
&do_log('info',"Unable to read $conf_file");
return undef;
unless (open (FILE, $conf_file)) {
&do_log('info',"Unable to open config file $conf_file");
return undef;
my $index;
while (<FILE>) {
if (/^([\w\/]+)\s+(.+)\s*$/) {
my @tree = split '/', $1;
if ($#tree == 0) {
$topics->{$tree[0]}{'title'} = $2;
$topics->{$tree[0]}{'order'} = $index;
}else {
my $subtopic = join ('/', @tree[1..$#tree]);
$topics->{$tree[0]}{'sub'}{$subtopic} =
close FILE;
return $topics;
sub _add_topic {
my ($name, $title) = @_;
my $topic = {};
my @tree = split '/', $name;
if ($#tree == 0) {
return {'title' => $title};
}else {
$topic->{'sub'}{$name} = &_add_topic(join ('/', @tree[1..$#tree]),
return $topic;
sub get_list_list_tpl {
my $list_conf;
my $list_templates ;
unless ($list_conf = &load_create_list_conf()) {
return undef;
foreach my $dir ('/local/sympa/bin/etc/create_list_templates',
"$Conf{'etc'}/create_list_templates") {
if (opendir(DIR, $dir)) {
foreach my $template ( sort grep (!/^\./,readdir(DIR))) {
next if ($list_conf->{$template} eq 'HIDDEN') ;
next if (($list_conf->{'default'} eq 'HIDDEN')
&& ($list_conf->{$template} ne 'READ')) ;
$list_templates->{$template}{'path'} = $dir;
if (-r $dir.'/'.$template.'/comment') {
$list_templates->{$template}{'comment'} =
return ($list_templates);
# input object msg and listname, output signed message object
sub smime_sign {
my $in_msg = shift;
my $list = shift;
do_log('debug2', 'tools::smime_sign (%s,%s)',$in_msg,$list);
my $cert = "$Conf{'home'}/$list/cert.pem";
my $key = "$Conf{'home'}/$list/private_key";
my $temporary_file = $Conf{'tmpdir'}."/".$list.".".$$ ;
my $signed_msg,$pass_option ;
$pass_option = "-passin file:$Conf{'tmpdir'}/pass.$$" if
($Conf{'key_passwd'} ne '') ;
## dump the incomming message.
if (!open(MSGDUMP,"> $temporary_file")) {
&do_log('info', 'Can\'t store message in file %s', $temporary_file);
return undef;
unless (open (NEWMSG,"$Conf{'openssl'} smime -sign -signer $cert
$pass_option -inkey $key -in $temporary_file 2>&1 |")) {
&do_log('notice', 'Cannot sign message');
if ($Conf{'key_passwd'} ne '') {
unless ( &POSIX::mkfifo("$Conf{'tmpdir'}/pass.$$",0600)) {
do_log('notice', 'Unable to make fifo for
unless (open (FIFO,"> $Conf{'tmpdir'}/pass.$$")) {
do_log('notice', 'Unable to open fifo for
print FIFO $Conf{'key_passwd'};
close FIFO;
unlink ("$Conf{'tmpdir'}/pass.$$");
my $parser = new MIME::Parser;
unless ($signed_msg = $parser->read(\*NEWMSG)) {
do_log('notice', 'Unable to parse message');
return undef;
close NEWMSG ;
unlink ($temporary_file) unless ($main::options{'debug'} ||
$main::options{'debug2'}) ;
## foreach header defined in the incomming message but undefined in the
## crypted message, add this header in the crypted form.
my $predefined_headers ;
foreach my $header ($signed_msg->head->tags) {
$predefined_headers->{$header} = 1 if
($signed_msg->head->get($header)) ;
foreach my $header ($in_msg->head->tags) {
$signed_msg->head->add($header,$in_msg->head->get($header)) unless
$predefined_headers->{$header} ;
return $signed_msg;
sub smime_sign_check {
my $msg = shift;
my $sender = shift;
my $file = shift;
$sender= lc($sender);
do_log('debug2', 'tools::smime_sign_check (message, %s, %s)', $sender,
my $is_signed = {};
$is_signed->{'body'} = undef;
$is_signed->{'subject'} = undef;
my $verify ;
## first step is the msg signing OK ; /tmp/sympa-smime.$$ is created
## to store the signer certificat for step two. I known, that's durty.
my $temporary_file = "/tmp/smime-sender.".$$ ;
do_log('debug2', "xxx $Conf{'openssl'} smime -verify
$Conf{'trusted_ca_options'} -signer $temporary_file");
unless (open (MSGDUMP, "| $Conf{'openssl'} smime -verify
$Conf{'trusted_ca_options'} -signer $temporary_file > /dev/null")) {
do_log('err', "unable to verify smime signature from $sender
return undef ;
unless (open MSG, $file) {
do_log('err', 'Unable to open file %s: %s', $file, $!);
return undef;
print MSGDUMP <MSG>;
close MSGDUMP; close MSG;
## second step is the message signer match the sender
## a better analyse should be performed to extract the signer email.
my $signer = `cat $temporary_file | $Conf{'openssl'} x509 -subject
if ($signer =~ /email=$sender/i) {
do_log('debug', "S/MIME signed message, signature checked and sender
match signer(%s)",$signer);
## store the signer certificat
unless (-d $Conf{'ssl_cert_dir'}) {
if ( mkdir ($Conf{'ssl_cert_dir'}, 0775)) {
do_log('info', "creating spool $Conf{'ssl_cert_dir'}");
do_log('err', "Unable to create user certificat directory
my $filename = "$Conf{'ssl_cert_dir'}/".&escape_chars($sender);
open (CERTIF,$temporary_file);
if (open (USERCERTIF, "> $filename")) {
&do_log('err','Unable to rename %s %s',$temporary_file,$filename);
close CERTIF;
unlink($temporary_file) unless ($main::options{'debug'} ||
$main::options{'debug2'}) ;
$is_signed->{'body'} = 'smime';
# futur version should check if the subject was part of the SMIME
$is_signed->{'subject'} = undef;
return $is_signed;
unlink($temporary_file) unless ($main::options{'debug'} ||
$main::options{'debug2'}) ;
do_log('notice', "S/MIME signed message, sender($sender) do NOT match
return undef;
return undef ;
# input : msg object, return a new message object encrypted
sub smime_encrypt {
my $msg_header = shift;
my $msg_body = shift;
my $email = shift ;
my $list = shift ;
my $usercert;
&do_log('debug2', 'tools::smime_encrypt message msg from %s for %s
%s',$msg->head->get('from'),$list, $email);
if ($list eq 'list') {
$usercert = "$Conf{'home'}/$email/cert.pem";
$usercert = "$Conf{'ssl_cert_dir'}/".&tools::escape_chars($email);
if (-r $usercert) {
unless (open (MSGDUMP , "> $Conf{'tmpdir'}/MSG.$$")) {
&do_log('err', 'unable to open %s/MSG.%s',$Conf{'tmpdir'},$$);
return undef;
my $temporary_file = $Conf{'tmpdir'}."/".$email.".".$$ ;
## encrypt the incomming message parse it.
do_log ('debug2', "xxxx $Conf{'openssl'} smime -encrypt -out
$temporary_file -des3 $usercert");
if (!open(MSGDUMP, "| $Conf{'openssl'} smime -encrypt -out
$temporary_file -des3 $usercert")) {
&do_log('info', 'Can\'t encrypt message for recipient %s',
my $cryptedmsg;
## Get as MIME object
open (NEWMSG, $temporary_file);
my $parser = new MIME::Parser;
unless ($cryptedmsg = $parser->read(\*NEWMSG)) {
do_log('notice', 'Unable to parse message');
return undef;
close NEWMSG ;
## Get body
open (NEWMSG, $temporary_file);
my $encypted_body;
my $in_header = 1 ;
while (<NEWMSG>) {
if ( !$in_header) {
$encrypted_body .= $_;
}else {
$in_header = 0 if (/^$/);
close NEWMSG;
unlink ($temporary_file) unless ($main::options{'debug'} ||
$main::options{'debug2'}) ;
## foreach header defined in the incomming message but undefined in
## crypted message, add this header in the crypted form.
my $predefined_headers ;
foreach my $header ($cryptedmsg->head->tags) {
$predefined_headers->{$header} = 1
if ($cryptedmsg->head->get($header)) ;
foreach my $header ($msg_header->tags) {
unless $predefined_headers->{$header} ;
do_log ('notice','unable to encrypt message to %s (missing certificat
return undef;
return $cryptedmsg->head->as_string . "\n" . $encrypted_body;
# input : msg object for a list, return a new message object decrypted
sub smime_decrypt {
my $msg = shift;
my $list = shift ; ## the recipient of the msg
&do_log('debug2', 'tools::smime_decrypt message msg from
my $certfile = "$Conf{'home'}/$list/cert.pem" ;
unless (-r $certfile){
do_log('err', "unable to decrypt message : cert missing $certfile");
return undef;
my $keyfile = "$Conf{'home'}/$list/private_key";
unless (open (MSGDUMP , "> $Conf{'tmpdir'}/MSG.$$")) {
&do_log('err', 'unable to open %s/MSG.%s',$Conf{'tmpdir'},$$);
return undef;
my $temporary_file = $Conf{'tmpdir'}."/".$list.".".$$ ;
## dump the incomming message.
if (!open(MSGDUMP,"> $temporary_file")) {
&do_log('info', 'Can\'t store message in file %s',$temporary_file);
my $decryptedmsg,$pass_option;
if ($Conf{'key_passwd'} ne '') {
# if password is define in sympa.conf pass the password to OpenSSL
$pass_option = "-passin file:$Conf{'tmpdir'}/pass.$$";
open (NEWMSG, "$Conf{'openssl'} smime -decrypt -in $temporary_file -recip
$certfile -inkey $keyfile $pass_option 2>&1 |");
if ($Conf{'key_passwd'} ne '') {
unless (&POSIX::mkfifo("$Conf{'tmpdir'}/pass.$$",0600)) {
do_log('notice', 'Unable to make fifo for
unless (open (FIFO,"> $Conf{'tmpdir'}/pass.$$")) {
do_log('notice', 'Unable to open fifo for
print FIFO $Conf{'key_passwd'};
close FIFO;
unlink ("$Conf{'tmpdir'}/pass.$$");
my $parser = new MIME::Parser;
unless ($decryptedmsg = $parser->read(\*NEWMSG)) {
do_log('notice', 'Unable to parse message');
return undef;
close NEWMSG ;
unlink ($temporary_file) unless ($main::options{'debug'} ||
$main::options{'debug2'}) ;
## foreach header defined in the incomming message but undefined in the
## decrypted message, add this header in the decrypted form.
my $predefined_headers ;
foreach my $header ($decryptedmsg->head->tags) {
$predefined_headers->{$header} = 1 if
($decryptedmsg->head->get($header)) ;
foreach my $header ($msg->head->tags) {
$decryptedmsg->head->add($header,$msg->head->get($header)) unless
$predefined_headers->{$header} ;
## Some headers from the initial message should not be restored
## Content-Disposition and Content-Transfer-Encoding if the result is
$decryptedmsg->head->delete('Content-Disposition') if
if ($decryptedmsg->head->get('Content-Type') =~ /multipart/) {
$decryptedmsg->head->delete('Content-Transfer-Encoding') if
return $decryptedmsg;
## Make a multipart/alternative, a singlepart
sub as_singlepart {
my ($msg, $preferred_type) = @_;
my $done = 0;
my @parts = $msg->parts();
foreach my $index (0..$#parts) {
if ($parts[$index]->effective_type() eq $preferred_type) {
## Only keep the first matching part
$done = 1;
return $done;
## Escape weird characters
sub escape_chars {
my $s = shift;
$s =~ s/\%/\%25/g;
$s =~ s/\"/\%22/g;
$s =~ s/\s/\%20/g;
$s =~ s/\xa5/\%a5/g;
$s =~ s/\//\%a5/g; ## Special traetment for '/'
$s =~ s/\:/\%3a/g;
$s =~ s/\#/\%23/g;
return $s;
## Unescape weird characters
sub unescape_chars {
my $s = shift;
$s =~ s/\%25/\%/g;
$s =~ s/\%22/\"/g;
$s =~ s/\%20/ /g;
$s =~ s/\%a5/\//g; ## Special traetment for '/'
$s =~ s/\%3a/\:/g;
$s =~ s/\%23/\#/g;
return $s;
sub escape_html {
my $s = shift;
$s =~ s/\"/\"\;/g;
return $s;
sub tmp_passwd {
my $email = shift;
return ('init'.substr(MD5->hexhash(join('/', $Conf{'cookie'}, $email)),
-8)) ;
# Check sum used to authenticate communication from wwsympa to sympa
sub sympa_checksum {
my $rcpt = shift;
return (substr(MD5->hexhash(join('/', $Conf{'cookie'}, $rcpt)), -10)) ;
# create a cipher
sub ciphersaber_installed {
my $is_installed;
foreach my $dir (@INC) {
if (-f "$dir/Crypt/") {
$is_installed = 1;
if ($is_installed) {
require Crypt::CipherSaber;
$cipher = Crypt::CipherSaber->new($Conf{'cookie'});
$cipher = 'no_cipher';
## encrypt a password
sub crypt_password {
my $inpasswd = shift ;
unless (defined($cipher)){
$cipher = ciphersaber_installed();
return $inpasswd if ($cipher eq 'no_cipher') ;
return ("crypt.".&MIME::Base64::encode($cipher->encrypt ($inpasswd))) ;
## decrypt a password
sub decrypt_password {
my $inpasswd = shift ;
do_log('debug2', 'tools::decrypt_password (%s)', $inpasswd);
return $inpasswd unless ($inpasswd =~ /^crypt\.(.*)$/) ;
$inpasswd = $1;
unless (defined($cipher)){
$cipher = ciphersaber_installed();
if ($cipher eq 'no_cipher') {
do_log('info','password seems crypted while CipherSaber is not
installed !');
return $inpasswd ;
return ($cipher->decrypt(&MIME::Base64::decode($inpasswd)));
- create_list.conf -> default hidden ?, Foudil . Bretel, 06/29/2001
Archive powered by MHonArc 2.6.19+.