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fr - Helpfile en anglais

Objet : Pour les administrateurs de serveurs de listes utilisant le logiciel Sympa

Archives de la liste

Chronologique Discussions  
  • From: Pierre-Yves Lochou <adresse@cachée>
  • To: adresse@cachée
  • Subject: Helpfile en anglais
  • Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 15:49:51 +0200

Bonjour à tous,

Après avoir utilisé SYMPA pour une liste personnelle, je pense maintenant
commencer à l'utiliser à ILOG en tant que remplaçant de Majordomo. Tout ce
qu'il me manquait, c'était un fichier d'aide en anglais, pour la plupart
de nos clients qui sont anglophones. J'ai traduit le fichier d'aide
original et cette piètre traduction a été corrigée par une de mes
collègues, Veronica Murphy. Je ne sais pas si cette traduction vous
intéresse, mais au cas où, la voici. N'hésitez pas à me signaler toute
erreur !
SYMPA -- Systeme de Multi-Postage Automatique
(Automatic Mailing System)

User's Guide

SYMPA is an electronic mailing-list manager that automates list management
functions such as subscriptions, moderation, and archive management.

All commands must be sent to the electronic address <adresse@cachée>.

You can put multiple commands in a message. These commands must appear in the
message body (the subject is ignored) and each line must contain only one

Available commands are:

HELp * This help file
INFO * Information about a list
LISts * Directory of lists managed on this node
REView <list> * Displays the subscribers to <list>
WHICH * Displays which lists you are subscribed to
SUBscribe <list> First Last * To subscribe or to confirm a subscription to
SIGnoff <list> * To quit <list>
SET <list> NOMAIL * To suspend the message reception for <list>
SET <list> DIGEST * Message reception in compilation mode
SET <list> MAIL * <list> reception in normal mode
SET <list> CONCEAL * To become unlisted (hidden subscriber address)
SET <list> NOCONCEAL * Subscriber address visible via REView
INDex <list> * <list> archive file list
GET <list> <file> * To get <file> of <list> archive
CONFIRM <key> * Confirmation for sending a message (depending
on the list's configuration)
QUIT * Indicates the end of the commands (to ignore a

The following commands are available only for lists's owners or moderators:

ADD <list> user@host First Last * To add a user to a list
DEL <list> user@host * To delete a user from a list
STATS <list> * To consult the statistics for <list>
DIStribute <list> <clef> * Moderation: to validate a message
REJect <list> <clef> * Moderation: to reject a message
MODINDEX <list> * Moderation: to consult the message list to
EXPire <list> <old> <delay> * To begin an expiration process for <list>
subscribers who have not confirmed their
subscription for <old> days. The
subscribers have <delay> days to confirm
EXPireINDex <list> * Displays the current expiration process
state for <list>
EXPireDEL <list> * To de-activate the expiration process for


SUB minix-l Christophe Wolfhugel
SIG minix-l
REV ibmpc-l

  • Helpfile en anglais, Pierre-Yves Lochou, 17/07/1998

Archives gérées par MHonArc 2.6.19+.

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