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en - AW: [sympa-users] Error messages are sent by Sympa to the From address instead of Return Path address

Subject: The mailing list for listmasters using Sympa

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  • From: "Lorenz, Sabine (SCC)" <address@concealed>
  • To: Hatuka*nezumi - IKEDA Soji <address@concealed>
  • Cc: "address@concealed" <address@concealed>
  • Subject: AW: [sympa-users] Error messages are sent by Sympa to the From address instead of Return Path address
  • Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2021 08:31:18 +0000

Hi Soji,


The corresponding lines from the header of an affected email look like this (I changed the name of the list and the email-addresses a bit):


Return-path: <address@concealed>

Envelope-to: address@concealed

Delivery-date: Tue, 23 Mar 2021 14:49:08 +0100

Received: from ([])

        by with esmtp (Exim 4.89)

        (envelope-from <address@concealed>)

        id 1lOhPA-0006MF-OA; Tue, 23 Mar 2021 14:49:08 +0100

To: Bachelor-Studierende <address@concealed>,

Master-Studierende <address@concealed>

From: Gerd Lang address@concealed




The e-mail was thus sent from the address <address@concealed>.

This email was too big for the list and therefore Sympa did not accept the email.

In the Sympa log (unfortunately I don't have this file now, since it's been more than 7 days), only the address address@concealed is used as the sender of the email, and Sympa sends the delivery error to that address as well.

This delivery error is then rejected by the mail server of the University of Halle with the error message "550 missing BATV signature".

In my view, the delivery error should actually be sent to the address <address@concealed>, so that the e-mail is also accepted by the mail server of the University of Halle.


Kind regards and thanks for any help,






Von: Hatuka*nezumi - IKEDA Soji <address@concealed>
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 14. April 2021 15:53
An: Lorenz, Sabine (SCC) <address@concealed>
Cc: address@concealed
Betreff: Re: [sympa-users] Error messages are sent by Sympa to the From address instead of Return Path address


Hi Sabine,


Could you please show the message in question, especially ts From header field and its return path?



— Soji


2021/04/13 16:49Lorenz, Sabine (SCC) <address@concealed>のメール:


we have the problem that sometimes delivery errors sent by our Sympa server, e.g. if an email is too large, are rejected by the users' mail servers with the error message "550 >> missing BATV signature".

While searching for the reason for this problem, we noticed that Sympa does not send the delivery errors to the e-mail address that is entered as the return path in the original e-mail address, but to the address that is entered as the from address.


In this example, the e-mail was sent from an e-mail address of the form address@concealed, but the delivery error from Sympa was sent to the address address@concealed entered in the From field. This email was then rejected by the receiving mail server with the error message "550 >> missing BATV signature".


In the Sympa docs, on the page, I find the parameter sender_headers, which apparently allows you to configure which value Sympa considers to be the sender address. The default value for this parameter is From.

Does this make sense? I would actually expect the actual sender address or return path address to be used at this point.


As a test, I set the sender_headers parameter to Return-Path,From in the Sympa config, but this did not change the fact that the delivery error from Sympa is sent to the From address.

After that I set the parameter sender_headers to From, but after that error message "No sender found in message" appeared in the log for emails to the Sympa lists and the emails were not distributed over the lists, so I undid this change.


My questions now is:

What can I do to make Sympa send the delivery errors to the email address entered as the return path in the original email address instead of the address entered as the from address?


We are currently using Sympa version 6.2.16 and Sympa is installed as a Debian package.


Thanks for any help,









Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC)

Sabine Lorenz

Hermann von Helmholtz Platz 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen

Telefon: +49 721 608-28633
E-Mail: address@concealed

Sitz der Körperschaft:
Kaiserstraße 12, 76131 Karlsruhe

KIT – Die Forschungsuniversität in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
Das KIT ist seit 2010 als familiengerechte Hochschule zertifiziert.



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