Hi Soji, seems like issue is with selinux policies.
I tried disabling it temporally and postfix working good. So now I need to figure out best setting on selinux to avoid disable it completely.
Luis Manzi
ESET Sr. Systems Engineer
+54 (11) 2150-3700
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¡Muchas gracias!
De: IKEDA Soji <address@concealed>
Enviado el: Friday, March 12, 2021 10:25 PM
Para: Luis Manzi <address@concealed>
CC: address@concealed
Asunto: Re: [sympa-users] [External] mail server
Hi Luis,
Could you please read the manual and retry from the beginning?
Now I get this
[centos@ip-10-10-0-69 sympa]$ sudo newaliases
/etc/mail/sendmail.cf: WARNING: dangerous write permissions
/etc/mail/sendmail.cf: line 99: fileclass: cannot open '/etc/mail/local-host-names': Group writable directory
/etc/mail/sendmail.cf: line 616: fileclass: cannot open '/etc/mail/trusted-users': Group writable directory
If your running sympa as sympa:sympa then I think
/etc/mail/ should be 775 owned by sympa:sympa
644 sympa_aliases.db owned by sympa:sympa
644 sympa_aliases owned by sympa:sympa
Hi Tim,
I appreciate your help but this is not working.
I tried with sendmail too and I have same issue with newaliases too. In another location too.
Si best I think will found a friendly soluton.
You may want to consider _not_ allowing it to be world-readable.
The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens...
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Thursday, March 11th, 2021 at 6:47 AM, Silvers, Tim <address@concealed> wrote:
Make sure it is readable by postfix, which is probably running as the postfix user. Our sympa_aliases.db is owned by sympa:sympa but is readable by all users.
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Hi Guys, I’m trying to configure postfix instead sendmail and in last step I got this error
postalias: fatal: open database /etc/mail/sympa_aliases.db: Permission denied
This is when I tried:
Matthew Goebel :
maddress@concealed : Unix Jockey @ EMU : Hail Eris
Neo-Student, Net Lurker, Donut consumer, and procrastinating medher...
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