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en - Re: [sympa-users] list_data configuration changes not active

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  • From: Amos <address@concealed>
  • To: "address@concealed >> address@concealed" <address@concealed>
  • Subject: Re: [sympa-users] list_data configuration changes not active
  • Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2017 18:06:00 -0500

Hopefully this will be addressed at the hackathon?

On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 5:34 AM, Stefan Hornburg (Racke) <address@concealed> wrote:
On 10/10/2016 10:21 AM, Stefan Hornburg (Racke) wrote:
> On 10/09/2016 09:41 AM, IKEDA Soji wrote:
>> Hi Racke,
>> 2016/09/30 18:22、Stefan Hornburg (Racke) <address@concealed> のメッセージ:
>>>> On 09/22/2016 09:10 AM, IKEDA Soji wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Didn't you comb out the log output? Even with default log level, much more lines can be shown.
>>>> BTW, can you wait for a while (for several to tens of minutes) after addition/removal of moderators and check if change
>>>> is available?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> -- Soji
>>> Hello,
>>> I found one problem which prevents updating the admin_table with the moderator changes, which
>>> really should be done after changing the corresponding configuration in the UI.
>>> Apparently it skips the database update when certain TTLs aren't exceeded, so I attached
>>> a patch which fixes this particular problem.
>>> This is only part of the problem, as deleted moderators can even after hours still post
>>> to the mailing list (which restricts posting to moderators).
>> I worry that, if editor_include or owner_include refers heavy datasource(s), response by edit_list page will be slowed down.  I think that is one of reasons why TTL had been introduced.
>> Any ideas?
> Hello Soji,
> I would prefer the accuracy in the database any day about the speed of the edit_list, especially
> with Sympa UI running into internal server errors because of inconsistencies caused by this problem
> and users with heavy datasource are probably a minority in the Sympa world.
> Also, this should be clearly documented.
> So this implies that changing ttl to 0 in the config would get rid of our problem
> locally?
> Regards
>            Racke


a similar problem happens if I add/remove moderators on a list which only allows moderators to post.

While the config and the database is updated, the Sympa process which validates these messages
apparently has old information in $self->{_admin_cache}, which is AFAICS coming from %list_in_lists,
a hash in Sympa::List.

So the FCGI process is apparently a different process with its own set of %list_in_lists.

If I clear the cache $self->{_admin_cache} in Sympa::List::get_admins, it works as expected.

Sorry, if I misunderstand but this seems quiet broken to me.


>> Regards,
>> -- Soji
>>> Regards
>>>    Racke
>>>> 2016/09/22 14:24、Mp Mptri (via sympa-users Mailing List) <address@concealed
>>>> <mailto:address@concealed>> のメッセージ:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I turned logging level to 2.
>>>>> Test scenario:
>>>>> - list is type newsletter, only moderators allowed to send
>>>>> - removing editor/moderator from list via web ui, then sending mail from its address
>>>>> --> mail still gets delivered
>>>>> Log output:
>>>>> 2016-09-22T06:55:13.839014+02:00 mysympaserver wwsympa[26656]: debug2 Sympa::List::sync_include_admin() Removing
>>>>> editor address@concealed <mailto:address@concealed> to list testlist
>>>>> 2016-09-22T06:55:35.602066+02:00 mysympaserver sympa_msg[26669]: notice Sympa::Spindle::ProcessIncoming::_twist()
>>>>> Processing Sympa::Message <address@concealed <mailto:address@concealed>.1474520134.26704>;
>>>>> address@concealed <mailto:address@concealed>;
>>>>> address@concealed
>>>>> <mailto:message_id=address@concealed>; address@concealed
>>>>> <mailto:sender=address@concealed>
>>>>> 2016-09-22T06:55:35.642741+02:00 mysympaserver sympa_msg[26669]: debug2 Sympa::List::is_admin(Sympa::List
>>>>> <address@concealed <mailto:address@concealed>>, actual_editor, address@concealed
>>>>> <mailto:address@concealed>, )
>>>>> So it looks like the configuration with address@concealed <mailto:address@concealed> is still
>>>>> active, even though it has been removed already as the logs say...
>>>>> Any explanation for this?
>>>>> regards,
>>>>> mp
>>>>> 2016-09-22 6:04 GMT+02:00 Mp Mptri <address@concealed <mailto:address@concealed>>:
>>>>>    Hi,
>>>>>    I did further testing, the error posted before is not my issue. This error is seen only if I remove a moderator
>>>>>    and then add it again without reloading the page.
>>>>>    regards,
>>>>>    mp
>>>>>    2016-09-22 5:56 GMT+02:00 IKEDA Soji <address@concealed <mailto:address@concealed>>:
>>>>>        Hi,
>>>>>        2016/09/21 19:23、Mp Mptri (via sympa-users Mailing List) <address@concealed
>>>>>        <mailto:address@concealed>> のメッセージ:
>>>>>>        Hi,
>>>>>>        I did one more test for adding a moderator (which was successfully removed before) and now see following
>>>>>>        error in log:
>>>>>>        2016-09-21T12:17:03.444969+02:00 sympa wwsympa[18897]: err main::#1662 > main::do_edit_list#12463 >
>>>>>>        Sympa::List::sync_include_admin#7488 > Sympa::List::add_list_admin#4159 Unable to add admin
>>>>>>        address@concealed <mailto:address@concealed> to table admin_table for list Sympa::List
>>>>>>        <address@concealed <mailto:address@concealed>>:
>>>>>>        2016-09-21T12:17:03.445302+02:00 sympa wwsympa[18897]: err main::#1662 > main::do_edit_list#12463 >
>>>>>>        Sympa::List::sync_include_admin#7490 Failed to add new editor(s) to list Sympa::List <address@concealed
>>>>>>        <mailto:address@concealed>>
>>>>>>        Any hints?
>>>>>        Is there the reason of failure (perhaps addition to admin_table failed) in some lines before the lines you shown?
>>>>>>        2016-09-21 11:27 GMT+02:00 Mp Mptri <address@concealed <mailto:address@concealed>>:
>>>>>>            Hi,
>>>>>>            there is an error in sympa log if adding another moderator:
>>>>>>            2016-09-21T11:17:09.375147+02:00 xxxxx wwsympa[18890]: err main::#1662 > main::do_edit_list#12434 >
>>>>>>            Sympa::List::new#376 > Sympa::List::load#808 > Sympa::List::_load_list_config_file#8852 Expecting a
>>>>>>            paragraph for "creation" parameter in /var/lib/sympa/list_data/testlist/config, ignore it
>>>>>>            Log entry tells to ignore - but may this lead to my issue?
>>>>>>            regards,
>>>>>>            mp
>>>>>>            2016-09-21 9:21 GMT+02:00 IKEDA Soji <address@concealed <mailto:address@concealed>>:
>>>>>>                Hi,
>>>>>>                On Wed, 21 Sep 2016 08:35:16 +0200
>>>>>>                Mp Mptri <address@concealed <mailto:address@concealed>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> - version 6.2.16
>>>>>>> - configuration change: via web UI, add/orr remove an addiontal moderator
>>>>>>> Test scenario:
>>>>>>> - moderators only allowed to send to specified list
>>>>>>> - the newly added moderator sends mail and gets rejected (but gets the mail
>>>>>>> information that he is added as moderator before)
>>>>>>> - sympa restart and everything is fine immediately
>>>>>>> --> same behaviour on removing an moderator
>>>>>>> Logs show "rejected() because sender not allowed", after restart sympa
>>>>>>> evrything fine with logs too...
>>>>>>                How about the logs during addition/removal of moderators?
>>>>>>                Regards,
>>>>>>                 -- Soji
>>>>>>                BTW reply would be better to be sent to the list.  Thanks.
>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>> mp
>>>>>>> 2016-09-21 7:26 GMT+02:00 IKEDA Soji <address@concealed <mailto:address@concealed>>:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> Would you please tell details of the problem?
>>>>>>>> - What is the version of Sympa you are using?
>>>>>>>> - How you changed configuration? Whom you added, whom you removed,
>>>>>>>>  whom you didn't touch and so on?
>>>>>>>> - Are there something odd in the log?
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> -- Soji
>>>>>>>> On Tue, 20 Sep 2016 06:52:54 +0200
>>>>>>>> "Mp Mptri" (via sympa-users Mailing List) <address@concealed
>>>>>>                <mailto:address@concealed>>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> If I change configuration of a list (via web ui), in my case add/remove
>>>>>>>>> editors, the corresponding configuration file is populated like expected
>>>>>>>>> but this configuration never becomes active - until a sympa restart is
>>>>>>>>> initiated. How to change this behaviour? Any hints?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> 株式会社 コンバージョン  セキュリティ&OSSソリューション部   池田荘児
>>>>>>>> 〒140-0014 東京都品川区大井1-49-15 アクセス大井町ビル4F
>>>>>>>> e-mail address@concealed <mailto:address@concealed>  TEL 03-6429-2880
>>>>>>                --
>>>>>>                株式会社 コンバージョン  セキュリティ&OSSソリューション部   池田荘児
>>>>>>                〒140-0014 東京都品川区大井1-49-15 アクセス大井町ビル4F
>>>>>>                e-mail address@concealed <mailto:address@concealed>  TEL 03-6429-2880
>>> --
>>> Ecommerce and Linux consulting + Perl and web application programming.
>>> Debian and Sympa administration.
>>> <config-ttl.patch>

Ecommerce and Linux consulting + Perl and web application programming.
Debian and Sympa administration.

  • Re: [sympa-users] list_data configuration changes not active, Amos, 04/04/2017

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