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en - [sympa-users] script to parse list config files

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  • From: Dan Pritts <address@concealed>
  • To: address@concealed
  • Subject: [sympa-users] script to parse list config files
  • Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2010 17:47:02 -0400

attached is a perl script i wrote to parse a sympa list config file.
Maybe useful to someone. It was harder than i thought it would be.
and i couldn't figure out which sympa module/function to use to get
sympa to do the heavy lifting for me.

with a modern sympa it would be easier to just 'use Storable'
and read the config.bin files; except, note that this contains
the total config hash of the list, which includes values like
robot defaults, etc.

Dan Pritts, Sr. Systems Engineer
office: +1-734-352-4953 | mobile: +1-734-834-7224

ESCC/Internet2 Joint Techs
July 11-15, 2010 - Columbus, Ohio
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use constant DEBUG => 0;

my $listdir="/home/sympa/list_data";

chdir $listdir;

sub dprint {
return 1 unless (DEBUG);
print $_[0];
if ( $_[0] !~ /\n$/) { print "\n" };
return 1;

# %lists{listname}{owneremail}=ownergecos
my %lists;
# %allowners{owneremail}=1 or not
my %allowners;

#foreach my $list ("tsg") {
foreach my $list (glob("*")) {
next unless -f $conffyle;

# $/ is the end-of-line indicator; undef lets it slurp
# the whole whoel file into one string
local $/=undef;
open (CONFIG, $conffyle) || die "Couldn't open $conffyle";
$string = <CONFIG>;
close CONFIG;

# remove comment lines
$string =~ s{^#.*?$}{\n}mg;

# remove excessive blank lines
$string =~ s/\n\n+/\n\n/sg;

my @config=split (/\n\n/,$string);
#&dprint("config size is $#config");
foreach $stanza (@config) {
my @stanza=split(/\n/,$stanza);
if ( $#stanza == 0 ) {
#&dprint("arg is $arg, value is $value\n\n");
} else {
if ( ( defined $stanza[0] ) && ( $stanza[0] eq
"owner" ) ) {
&dprint("owner stanza, $email, $gecos\n\n");
} else {
foreach $stanzaline (@stanza) {
&dprint("line: $stanzaline") }


sub parseowner {
my $list=shift(@_);
my $email=$gecos="";
FOREACH: foreach my $line (@_) {
if ($line =~ /(reception|profile)/) {
#&dprint(">parsing $line");
chomp $line;
if ( $line =~ /^\W*email/ ) {
$email =~ s{^\W*\w+ }{};
$email = lc($email);
#&dprint(">>found email: $email");
if ( $line =~ /^\W*gecos/ ) {
$gecos =~ s{^\W*\w+ }{};
#&dprint(">>found gecos: $gecos");

# prints perl syntax containing a per-user array of lists owned.
# i included this in another script.
foreach my $luser ( keys %allowners)
# if you only wanted local users
#next if $luser !~ /example\.com/;

print q#$lusers{'#;
print $luser;
print q#'}=[#;

my %owners;
foreach my $l (keys %lists) {
foreach my $owner (keys %{ $lists{$l}->{'owners'} }) {
if ( defined ($lists{$l}->{'owners'}->{$luser} ) ) {
#print "$l\n";
print qq{"}.$l.qq{",};

# note q%% constructs
print q%];%, qq%\n\n%;

# how many lists for each owner?
foreach my $owner (keys %owners) {
print "$owners{$owner} lists owned by $owner .\n";

# which lists do these people own?
foreach my $luser ( 'address@concealed' ) {
foreach my $l (keys %lists) {
if (defined $lists{$l}->{'owners'}->{$luser}) {
print "$luser is an owner of $l\n";

  • [sympa-users] script to parse list config files, Dan Pritts, 06/29/2010

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