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en - [sympa-users] Help digest_plain.tt2 in french

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  • From: <address@concealed>
  • To: address@concealed
  • Subject: [sympa-users] Help digest_plain.tt2 in french
  • Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2009 08:44:52 +0200

I would like to have a message in HTML which lists the messages and carries
a bond towards those. That functions is well but the second part of the
is badly coded.
I put after the TT2 and the message.
If somebody has an idea of correction for my file TT2, I am taking.
Thank you.

From: [% fromlist %]
To: [% to %]
Reply-to: [% replyto %]
Subject: [% FILTER qencode %][%|loc(,date)%]%1 Digest %2[%END%] [% IF
total_group > 1 -%]([% current_group %]/[% total_group %])[% END %][%END%]
Content-Type: multipart/report; boundary=boundary42

Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8";

<html><head><title>[%|loc(,date)%]%1 Digest
<p>[%|loc%]Table of contents:[%END%]</p>
[% FOREACH m = msg_list -%]
<p><a href="#N[% %]">[% %] - [% m.subject %]</a> - [% m.from %]</p>
[% END %]

[% FOREACH m = msg_list -%]
<p><a name="N[% %]">[% %] -</a> Date: [% %] envoyé par : [%
m.from %] <br>
Sujet: [% m.subject %]<br>

<p>[% m.plain_body %]</p>
<p>Répondre à l'expéditeur : <a href="mailto: [% m.from %]"> [% m.from %]
[% END %]
<p>[%|loc(,date)%]End of %1 Digest %2[%END%]</p>

Sommaire :

1 - [adhesions-cgcp] test 08:30 compilé - EYMER Jean-Claude


1 - Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2009 08:27:20 +0200 (CEST) envoy� par : EYMER
Sujet: [adhesions-cgcp] test 08:30 compilé

** Attention : Cette partie était initialement encodée en UTF-8 Certains
caractères ont pu être perdus ou altérés ** test 08:30 compil?? test 08:30
compil?? test 08:30 compil??

R�pondre � l'exp�diteur : EYMER Jean-Claude

  • [sympa-users] Help digest_plain.tt2 in french, jceymer, 06/28/2009

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