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en - Re: [sympa-users] sympa will not send msg

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  • From: "GSLT Systems Administrator" <address@concealed>
  • To: address@concealed
  • Subject: Re: [sympa-users] sympa will not send msg
  • Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2004 00:37:40 +0200

hi all!

i just wanted to add that i also am running postfix. i checked the
queues and logs but it looks just fine, emails going in/out to/from
the lists except for the gramform list which only accepts the email
but does not send, as a stated below.

another thing, as you can read in that log i sent --i am running
debug_level 3.

a third thing, i noticed that there are moderated emails still in the
spool for this list, though not the ones i send to it.

... 512 Oct 14 12:34 .gramform_ID1/
... 512 Oct 14 14:44 .gramform_ID2/
... 37217 Oct 14 12:34 gramform_ID1.distribute
... 36798 Oct 14 14:44 gramform_ID2.distribute

where ID1 and ID2 are some id for the messages respectively. also when
trying to distribute these messages i get

> dist gramform ID1

Command not understood: ignoring end of message.
No command found in message

can i safely remove these messages?

i would appreciate any suggestions from you on how to get it going
without making a new list.


>>>>> "GSLT" == GSLT Systems Administrator <address@concealed> writes:
GSLT> i have a really big problem with sympa on solaris 9. one list,
GSLT> gramform, will not send incomming messages. as you can see below in
GSLT> the log it accepts the message and archives it but also states

GSLT> "No subscriber for sending msg in list gramform"

GSLT> but that list have subscribers and when doing review they show up, i
GSLT> have of course also checked the db.

GSLT> other lists work just fine... anyone know what's up? tried to search
GSLT> your archives and web but nothing turned up. should i flush something
GSLT> or reread some configs? restarting sympa does not work, same problem
GSLT> still there...

Systems Administrator
Swedish National Graduate School of Language Technology

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