Subject: The mailing list for listmasters using Sympa
List archive
Re: [sympa-users] Script to export subscribers to text/excel, etc.?
- From: Liam Kirsher <address@concealed>
- To: address@concealed
- Cc: Michelle Murrain <address@concealed>
- Subject: Re: [sympa-users] Script to export subscribers to text/excel, etc.?
- Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 12:25:27 -0700
Maybe this will help as a starting point... I send my subscribers a weekly backup for our mutual peace of mind. In this case I'm also saving the user's subscriber options, but you can just change the SQL statement to whatever you want.
## sympa_backup
## backup the sympa mailing lists
## 1. extract from mysql database
## 2. compress using gzip
## 3. send as MIME attachment
## Liam K. 5/21/04
use MIME::Lite;
# note: these are the list names, which must be unique across all
# domains hosted on this site, together with email address of recip.
%list_names = (
name_of_list => 'address@concealed',
# create a date string
($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = localtime(time);
$date = sprintf("%4d%02d%02d_", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday);
$formatted_date = sprintf("%d/%d/%d", $mon+1, $mday, $year+1900);
foreach $list (sort keys %list_names) {
#print "processing $list...\n";
$SUBJECT="List backup on $formatted_date for $list";
$select = "SELECT * INTO OUTFILE \'$TXTFILE\' ";
$select .= "LINES TERMINATED BY \'\\n\' ";
$select .= "FROM subscriber_table WHERE list_subscriber = \'$list\'";
#print $select, "\n";
# extract list addresses from database
#print "extracting addresses from database...\n";
system ( "/usr/bin/mysql -usympa -p<sympa password here> -e \"$select\" sympa") == 0 or die "failed to extract addresses!";
# compress list, overwriting if necessary
#print "compressing list...\n";
system ( "/bin/gzip -f $TXTFILE") == 0 or die "failed to gzip file!";
# Create a new multipart message:
#print "creating MIME\n";
$msg = new MIME::Lite
From => "$ENV{LOGNAME}",
To => "$MAILTO",
Subject => "$SUBJECT",
Type => 'multipart/mixed';
# Add parts (each "attach" has same arguments as "new"):
#attach $msg
#Type => 'text/plain',
#Data => "Here's the $list list, as of $formatted_date.";
attach $msg
Type => 'application/octet-stream',
Encoding => 'base64',
Path => "/tmp/$ATTFILE",
Filename => "$ATTFILE";
# Output the message to sendmail
#print "sending via SENDMAIL\n";
open (SENDMAIL, "| /usr/lib/sendmail -t -oi");
# cleanup
unlink "/tmp/$ATTFILE";
At 01:16 PM 6/15/2004 -0400, you wrote:
Hi there,
In looking around, I couldn't find it, but I imagine someone on this list has written a simple CLI script to extract subscribers from sympa lists?
If so, could I get a copy? If not, I have to write one, so I'll send it in when I'm done.
Michelle Murrain
mmurrain at dbdes dot com
413-222-6350 ph
617-889-0929 ph
952-674-7253 fax <--- new
Page: address@concealed
AIM:pearlbear0 ICQ:129250575
Y!: michelle_murrain Jabber: address@concealed
"Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching." - Satchel Paige
Liam Kirsher <liamk/AT/numenet/DOT/com>
415-509-6822 (cell)
Script to export subscribers to text/excel, etc.?,
Michelle Murrain, 06/15/2004
Re: [sympa-users] Script to export subscribers to text/excel, etc.?,
Liam Kirsher, 06/15/2004
Re: [sympa-users] Script to export subscribers to text/excel, etc.?,
Serge Aumont, 06/15/2004
- Re: [sympa-users] Script to export subscribers to text/excel, etc.?, Ryan Williams, 06/15/2004
Re: [sympa-users] Script to export subscribers to text/excel, etc.?,
Serge Aumont, 06/15/2004
Re: [sympa-users] Script to export subscribers to text/excel, etc.?,
Liam Kirsher, 06/15/2004
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