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en - sympa is looping

Subject: The mailing list for listmasters using Sympa

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Chronological Thread  
  • From: "Andreas de Pretis" <address@concealed>
  • To: <address@concealed>
  • Cc: <address@concealed>
  • Subject: sympa is looping
  • Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2004 13:20:06 +0100

Hash: SHA1


I've a really urgent concern and my blood pressure would decrease a
bit if anyone could help/answer/advice me on this one.

We are currently using Sympa 3.4.3 and distributed a HTML-Newsletter
to 6595 subscribers yesterday evening (about 19.00/7pm). At about
01.00/1am today I found our Mailserver nearly collapsing because of
the really high load. After discovering that Sympa still distributed
the newsletter sent about 6 hours ago (the server is an Compaq Alpha
DS10 btw.) i stopped all Sympa/Sendmail processes and had to
recognize that there was something running REALLY amok within sympa
(I've attached the current configuration).

These are the facts I discovered yet:

+) within the problematic period of time (see above) there was
only 1 processing cycle running at

Jan 13 18:52:53 mail sympa[20405]: Processing message for news
with priority 5, <00fa01c3d9fe$0726f4e0$b9c810ac@emmeran>

Jan 13 18:52:53 mail sendmail[15838]: i0DHqHwn011947:
to="| /usr/local/sympa/smrsh/queue news",
(8/0), delay=00:00:36, xdelay=00:00:02, mailer=prog, pri=268393,
dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent

+) only 367 of 6595 have received the newsletter (discovered from

+) but these 367 people got up to 410 newsletter-mails (per person
... each one exactly like the other and the first one (no bounces,
replies, etc.)

+) Sympa works fine since months, even years without any troubles
for the other douzends of lists, newsletters, etc. we have defined
on the same system

+) seconds and minutes after the distribution started there where

Jan 13 18:52:58 mail sendmail[1634]: i0DHqvOM001634:
size=153785, class=-30, nrcpts=1, msgid=<news.49@anonymous>,

Jan 13 18:52:58 mail sendmail[32333]: i0DHqwwn032333:
size=154050, class=-30, nrcpts=1, msgid=<news.49@anonymous>,
proto=ESMTP, daemon=MTA,
relay=localhost []

Jan 13 18:53:00 mail sendmail[3962]: i0DHqwBU003962:
size=153785, class=-30, nrcpts=2, msgid=<news.49@anonymous>,

Jan 13 18:53:02 mail sendmail[11353]: i0DHr19T011353:
size=153785, class=-30, nrcpts=3, msgid=<news.49@anonymous>,

and so on ... distributing to the same addresses over and over

Jan 13 18:52:58 mail sendmail[32333]: i0DHqwwn032333:
delay=00:00:00, mailer=esmtp, pri=238050, stat=queued
Jan 13 18:52:58 mail sendmail[1634]: i0DHqvOM001634:
address@concealed (511/511), delay=00:00:01,
mailer=relay, pri=237785, relay=[] [],
dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent (i0DHqwwn032333
Message accepted for delivery)

Jan 13 18:53:02 mail sendmail[24565]: i0DHr0wn024565:
to=<address@concealed>, delay=00:00:01,
mailer=esmtp, pri=268015, stat=queued
Jan 13 18:53:03 mail sendmail[3962]: i0DHqwBU003962:
address@concealed (511/511), delay=00:00:05,
xdelay=00:00:03, mailer=relay,
pri=267785, relay=[] [], dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent
(i0DHr0wn024565 Message accepted for

Jan 13 18:53:03 mail sendmail[15511]: i0DHr2wn015511:
to=<address@concealed>, delay=00:00:01,
mailer=esmtp, pri=298015, stat=queued
Jan 13 18:53:03 mail sendmail[15511]: i0DHr2wn015511:
to=<address@concealed>, delay=00:00:01, mailer=esmtp,
pri=298015, stat=queued
Jan 13 18:53:03 mail sendmail[15511]: i0DHr2wn015511:
to=<address@concealed>, delay=00:00:01, mailer=esmtp,
pri=298015, stat=queued
Jan 13 18:53:04 mail sendmail[32079]: AUTH=client,
relay=[], mech=, bits=0Jan 13 18:53:04 mail
sendmail[11353]: i0DHr19T011353:
address@concealed (511/511), delay=00:00:03,
xdelay=00:00:02, mailer=relay, pri=297785,
relay=[] [], dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent
(i0DHr2wn015511 Message accepted for delivery)

and this goes on, and on, and on, and on ... over and over, always
the same addresses and sometimes an
additional new one ...

And every time sympa is invoked (not just sendmail).

+) The sympa msg queue (/var/spool/sympa/msg in our case) snapshot
I've made after discovering problems
contains 292 msgs, 2 with newsletter-content the rest was bouncing
... (i thought bounces are only
stored in $queuebounce?) ... in the $queuebounce directory there
are 491 bounced messages too

+) the sympa.log contains:

Jan 13 19:14:48 mail bounced[32352]: Subscriber not found in list
news : address@concealed
Jan 13 19:14:58 mail wwsympa[7186]: [client] [user
address@concealed] [list news] do_resetbounce:
failed deleting
Jan 13 19:14:58 mail wwsympa[7186]: [client] [user
address@concealed] [list news] do_resetbounce:
bounces for address@concealed reset
Jan 13 19:15:21 mail bounced[32352]: Subscriber not found in list
news : address@concealed
Jan 13 19:20:17 mail bounced[32352]: Subscriber not found in list
news : address@concealed
Jan 13 19:21:06 mail bounced[32352]: Subscriber not found in list
news : address@concealed
Jan 13 19:22:22 mail bounced[32352]: Subscriber not found in list
news : address@concealed
Jan 13 19:22:23 mail bounced[32352]: Subscriber not found in list
news : address@concealed
Jan 13 19:22:46 mail bounced[32352]: Subscriber not found in list
news : address@concealed
Jan 13 19:22:54 mail bounced[32352]: Subscriber not found in list
news : address@concealed
Jan 13 19:23:15 mail bounced[32352]: Subscriber not found in list
news : address@concealed
Jan 13 19:23:21 mail bounced[32352]: Subscriber not found in list
news : address@concealed
Jan 13 19:23:26 mail bounced[32352]: Subscriber not found in list
news : address@concealed
Jan 13 19:23:52 mail bounced[32352]: Subscriber not found in list
news : address@concealed
Jan 13 19:24:14 mail last message repeated 2 times
Jan 13 19:24:20 mail bounced[32352]: Subscriber not found in list
news : address@concealed
Jan 13 19:24:22 mail last message repeated 3 times
Jan 13 19:24:31 mail bounced[32352]: Subscriber not found in list
news : address@concealed
Jan 13 19:25:01 mail last message repeated 2 times
Jan 13 19:25:21 mail bounced[32352]: Subscriber not found in list
news : address@concealed
Jan 13 19:25:23 mail bounced[32352]: Subscriber not found in list
news : address@concealed
Jan 13 19:25:25 mail bounced[32352]: Subscriber not found in list
news : address@concealed
Jan 13 19:25:52 mail bounced[32352]: Subscriber not found in list
news : address@concealed
Jan 13 19:26:00 mail bounced[32352]: Subscriber not found in list
news : address@concealed
Jan 13 19:26:13 mail bounced[32352]: Subscriber not found in list
news : address@concealed
Jan 13 19:26:16 mail last message repeated 2 times
Jan 13 19:26:36 mail bounced[32352]: Subscriber not found in list
news : address@concealed
Jan 13 19:26:56 mail bounced[32352]: Subscriber not found in list
news : address@concealed
Jan 13 19:27:14 mail bounced[32352]: Subscriber not found in list
news : address@concealed
Jan 13 19:27:15 mail bounced[32352]: Subscriber not found in list
news : address@concealed
Jan 13 19:27:42 mail bounced[32352]: Subscriber not found in list
news : address@concealed
Jan 13 19:28:14 mail bounced[32352]: Subscriber not found in list
news : address@concealed
Jan 13 19:28:55 mail last message repeated 3 times
Jan 13 19:29:06 mail bounced[32352]: Subscriber not found in list
news : address@concealed

and this goes on, and on, and on till 01.00/1am ... sometimes a
new address appeared

The only two things I did with the newsletter/sympa-configuration

+) adding all users (in packages to 2000 each) via the
web-interface's 'multiple add'
feature ... (btw. as I currently saw, it seems the
'comment_subscribe'-field in the
mysql-db contains a trailing \n or \r\n)

+) the main robot for our sympa-installation is ... for
this particular
newsletter I set

anonymous_sender address@concealed (equal to the
newsletter-address; this
is changed now, as you see in the attached configuration)

and defined the aliases like

address@concealed: ...
address@concealed: ...

instead of

news: ...
news-request: ...

+) resetting a bounce (see above sympa.log excerpt) while sympa still

Could anyone tell me what could have gone wrong or where I could do
some research to find out more about this really annoying incident
(some recipients which got ~400 mails where CEOs, etc. from major
austrian companies). Did anyone experience similar problems? ... Are
there any subscriber-limitations?

I'd most appreciate any kind of help or tipps ...

Thanks in advance and kind regards,
Andreas de Pretis

UPtime Systemlösungen GmbH
Tel.: +43 (1) 713 61 80 - 27
Fax : +43 (1) 713 61 80 - 10
Mob.: +43 699 201 58 627
Mail: <address@concealed>
Web : <>

Version: PGP 7.0.4


Attachment: config
Description: Binary data

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