Subject: Developers of Sympa
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[sympa-developpers] encountered some problems upgrading to 6.1.25 (from 6.1.14)
- From: <address@concealed>
- To: address@concealed
- Subject: [sympa-developpers] encountered some problems upgrading to 6.1.25 (from 6.1.14)
1. mysql database upgrade problems:
list_table column creation_epoch_list change from int(11) -> datetime
cancelled due to some cells value not NULL
this needs three steps: add temp column type datetime after
creation_epoch_list, next: set temp to from_unixtime(creation_epoch_list)
where not isnull(creation_epoch_list), alter table drop creation_epoch_list,
and alter table temp create_epoch_list datetime.
So far only this table and column, but my guess is that more int(11) will
move to datetime in the future.
logs_table id_logs primary key failed (all cells had 0 value): if existent
drop the column, and alter table logs_table add column id_logs bigint(20)
auto-increment primary key
2. /etc/sympa/sympa.conf moved to /etc/sympa.conf: add comment to review the
conf file as some definitions are not yet implemented, e.g. gecos, etc.
3. sympa.conf check: there is a module to check for presence of "not used in
the distribution" config variables. Make this to a warning!
This will solve problem 2 as well. I need own config as the MTA aliases is
done via mysql and this type alias file handler is using the MTA database
credentials and access points.
- [sympa-developpers] encountered some problems upgrading to 6.1.25 (from 6.1.14), teus, 08/15/2022
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