Subject: Developers of Sympa
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- From: Guillaume Rousse <address@concealed>
- To: address@concealed
- Subject: [sympa-developpers] documentation style
- Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 18:20:16 +0200
Le 19/09/2013 17:35, David Verdin a écrit :
DocumentationBear in mind than POD is made to document an API. This means than POD is unsuitable for private function, and for functions located in an executable, where standard comments still make sense.
* We shall stick to the current practice of documenting using POD
* we will keep on putting sub documentation right above the subs>
(that's my only disagreement with Damian Conway until now). I think
that improves code comprehension.
* The template for documenting source files is the following:AFAIK, POD parser is able to infer them automatically.
=head2 foo($bar)
=head3 parameters
=item * $bar
=head3 Return value
Using enumeration for function/method names would force us to use
explicit depth level to each enumerations:
=item * foo($bar)
=over 2
=item + parameters
=over 4
=item - $bar
=item + return value
Soji suggested to use enumeration to match perlpodstyle(1). That's mostly a cosmetic issue, I think, and I don't really care. Take note however than as we're slicing pod with code, there should be only one pair or =over/=back tag for a whole API section (class methods, instance methods, functions), not one for every subroutine:
=item Class:method1()
sub method1 {
=item Class:method2()
sub method2 {
=head1 INSTANCE methods
What I do care however is to enforce a consistent formatting for documention subroutine prototype:
- for a function: function($param1, $param2, ...)
- for a class method: Class->method($param1, $param2, ...)
- for an instance method: $instance->method($param1, $param2, ...)
Of course, this means we have to get rid of the few ugly routines being usable either as a method, either as a function...
Also, while on the documentation topic:
Each package should have a name and a description, preferentially using a similar wording a others.
I'm still very sceptic about the random usage of AUTHORS and COPYRIGHT POD sections in multiple files. Especially as this leads to duplicated informations (we already have copyright information in file headers), outdated informations (I think Renater copyright is missing, for instance), and discrepancies (Olivier has its name orthographied either as Salaun or Salaün, depending of the file). For me this kind of information is not file-specific (except a very few case), but global for the whole project, and should be centralized in one single place, and eventually refered to from file headers and executable documentation.
Guillaume Rousse
INRIA, Direction des systèmes d'information
Domaine de Voluceau
Rocquencourt - BP 105
78153 Le Chesnay
Tel: 01 39 63 58 31
Description: Signature cryptographique S/MIME
[sympa-developpers] documentation style,
Guillaume Rousse, 10/07/2013
- Re: [sympa-developpers] documentation style, IKEDA Soji, 10/14/2013
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