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devel - Re: [sympa-developpers] [sympa-commits] sympa[8261] branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib: [dev] split AUTOLOAD of Site to Site and Robot,

Subject: Developers of Sympa

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  • From: Guillaume Rousse <address@concealed>
  • To: address@concealed
  • Subject: Re: [sympa-developpers] [sympa-commits] sympa[8261] branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib: [dev] split AUTOLOAD of Site to Site and Robot,
  • Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2012 14:02:40 +0100

Le 17/12/2012 09:18, address@concealed a écrit :
2012-12-17 09:18:15 +0100 (lun. 17 déc. 2012)

Log Message

[dev] split AUTOLOAD of Site to Site and Robot,
to prevent Site accessors overriding Robot accessors.
I'm not a big fan of AUTOLOAD ... It defeats static analysis, either by dedicated tools such as Test::Pod::Coverage, or just by running grep in source tree. It also often has side-effects, such as the need to define an empty DESTROY method to avoid it being called when an object is garbage-collected, for instance.

However, I understand we have quite a large number of attributes (despite I don't get the distinction between 'attributes' and 'parameters' later in your code), and that it would be painful to manually repeat an attribute for each of them. So, I could live with it, especially as I have no better alternative to suggest :)

However, I'd really prefer all those read-only accessors being called get_foo/bar instead of just foo/bar:
- it would be more consistent with other piece of code (see Sympa::VOOT::Provider, for instance)
- a get_foo() has an explicit read-only semantics, whereas a foo() method raising an exception if an argument is passed is clearly a trap
- some of those attribute names sound much like a verb than a noun:
$robot->request(), for instance, is quite unfortunate, and suggest an action

+ Log::do_log('debug3', 'Autoloading %s', $AUTOLOAD);
+ $AUTOLOAD =~ m/^(.*)::(.*)/;
+ my $pkg = $1;
+ my $attr = $2;

-=item listmasters
+ my $type = {};
+ ## getters for site/robot attributes.
+ $type->{'RobotAttribute'} =
+ scalar(grep { $_ eq $attr } qw(etc home name));

+ ## getters for site/robot parameters.
+ $type->{'RobotParameter'} = scalar(
+ grep { $_ eq $attr }
+ qw(blacklist list_check_regexp loging_condition loging_for_module
+ pictures_path request sympa)
+ ) ||
+ scalar(grep { !defined $_->{'title'} and $_->{'name'} eq $attr }
+ @confdef::params);
Implementation remarks...

First, the use of scalar() is useless here, as turning an empty list to 0 doesn't change much for later evaluation in boolean context a few lines thereafter.

Second, this whole block of code would be more readable by first computing the list of available attribute names, then using a single $type variable to store the lookup result.

# generate list of available class attributes
my @attributes = qw(etc home name);
my @parameters =
qw(blacklist list_check_regexp loging_condition loging_for_module
pictures_path request sympa),
map { $_->{'name'} } grep { !$_->{'title'} } @confdef::params

# which type of method do we need here ?
my $type =
grep { $_ eq $attr } @attributes ? 'attribute' :
grep { $_ eq $attr } @parameters ? 'parameter' :

Last, if this code is supposed to be called multiple times, it would be more efficient to index those values once for all instead of enumerating them each time.

package Robot;

# index available attributes and parameters names
my %attributes = map { $_ => 1 } qw(etc home name);
my %parameters = map { $_ => 1 } (
qw(blacklist list_check_regexp loging_condition loging_for_module
pictures_path request sympa),
map { $_->{'name'} } grep { !$_->{'title'} } @confdef::params

if ($attributes{$attr}) {
} elsif ($parameters{$attr}) {
} else {
croak "Can't locate object method \"$attr\" via package \"$pkg\"";

Guillaume Rousse
INRIA, Direction des systèmes d'information
Domaine de Voluceau
Rocquencourt - BP 105
78153 Le Chesnay
Tel: 01 39 63 58 31

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