Subject: Developers of Sympa
List archive
Re: [sympa-developpers] [sympa-commits] sympa[8124] branches/sympa-6.2-branch: [*feature] Per-language css. tt2 will override any portion of main css, not fully
- From: Etienne MELEARD <address@concealed>
- To: address@concealed
- Subject: Re: [sympa-developpers] [sympa-commits] sympa[8124] branches/sympa-6.2-branch: [*feature] Per-language css. tt2 will override any portion of main css, not fully
- Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2012 11:04:19 +0100
I second that !
The other thing I can think of is right aligned languages (arabic).
Le 11/12/12 10:51, David Verdin a écrit :
Great feature for i18n, Soji,
As we speak about it: I understood, aa long time ago, that a properly localized application was supposed to adapt its layout to the selected languages.
Souldn't we, for example, switch places between side menus and main panel in the web interface?
Le 07/12/12 20:18, address@concealed a écrit :
sympa[8124] branches/sympa-6.2-branch: [*feature] Per-language css.tt2 will override any portion of main css, not fully
2012-12-07 20:18:15 +0100 (ven. 07 déc. 2012)
Log Message
[*feature] Per-language css.tt2 will override any portion of main css, not
replacing it. So they may be used for locale-specific customization.
Background: Default css.tt2 specifies the font families covering Western
scripts (Latin, Cyrilic, ...). East Asian users may prefer consistent font
family supporting Western along with Eastern scripts (Han, Hangul, ...).
Modified Paths
* branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/
* branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/crash.tt2
* branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/css.tt2
* branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/main.tt2
* branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/
Added Paths
* branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/ja_JP/
* branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/ja_JP/css.tt2
* branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/ko_KR/
* branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/ko_KR/css.tt2
* branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/zh_CN/
* branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/zh_CN/css.tt2
* branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/zh_TW/
* branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/zh_TW/css.tt2
Modified: branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/ (8123
=> 8124)
--- branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/ 2012-12-07 14:50:24
UTC (rev 8123)
+++ branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/ 2012-12-07 19:18:15
UTC (rev 8124)
@@ -162,9 +162,17 @@
view_template.tt2 \
-EXTRA_DIST = $(webtemplate_DATA)
+localetemplates = ja_JP/css.tt2 ko_KR/css.tt2 zh_CN/css.tt2 zh_TW/css.tt2
+EXTRA_DIST = $(webtemplate_DATA) $(localetemplates)
+ for t in $(localetemplates); do \
+ dir=`dirname $$t`; \
+ [ -n "$$dir" ] && \
+ install -d -m 755 $(DESTDIR)$(webtemplatedir)/$$dir; \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$t $(DESTDIR)$(webtemplatedir)/$$dir; \
+ done
cd $(DESTDIR)$(webtemplatedir); \
$(LN_S) -f review.tt2 search.tt2; \
$(LN_S) -f lists.tt2 which.tt2; \
Modified: branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/crash.tt2 (8123
=> 8124)
--- branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/crash.tt2 2012-12-07 14:50:24 UTC (rev
+++ branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/crash.tt2 2012-12-07 19:18:15 UTC (rev
@@ -8,17 +8,21 @@
<title> [% main_title %] - [% action %] </title>
-[% IF custom_css || session.custom_css %]
+[% IF custom_css %]
<style type="text/css">
-[% PROCESS css.tt2 %]
+[% custom_css %]
[% ELSE %]
<link rel="stylesheet" href="[% css_url %]/style.css" type="text/css" media="screen"
title="Sympa CSS" />
[% END %]
[% PROCESS css_ie.tt2 %]
+[% TRY %]
+[% PROCESS "$locale/css.tt2" %]
+[% CATCH %]
+[% END %]
<!-- the following CSS have to be improved before to be used -->
<!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="[% css_url %]/print.css" type="text/css"
media="print" /> -->
<!-- <link rel="alternative stylesheet" href="[% css_url %]/fullPage.css" type="text/css"
media="screen" title="View Full Page" /> -->
Modified: branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/css.tt2 (8123 =>
--- branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/css.tt2 2012-12-07 14:50:24 UTC (rev
+++ branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/css.tt2 2012-12-07 19:18:15 UTC (rev
@@ -1,12 +1,4 @@
-[% IF css == 'style.css' || custom_css || session.custom_css %]
-[% IF custom_css || session.custom_css %]
-[% FOREACH color IN ['color_0' 'color_1' 'color_2' 'color_3''color_4'
'color_5' 'color_6' 'color_7' 'color_8''color_9' 'color_10' 'color_11'
'color_12' 'color_13' 'color_14' 'color_15'] %]
- [% IF session.$color %]
- [% $color = session.$color %]
- [% END %]
- /* [% $color %] */
-[% END %]
-[% END %]
+[% IF css == 'style.css' || session.custom_css %]
@media screen { }
* {
Added: branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/ja_JP/css.tt2 (0 =>
--- branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/ja_JP/css.tt2
(rev 0)
+++ branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/ja_JP/css.tt2 2012-12-07 19:18:15
UTC (rev 8124)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+[%# $Id: $ %]
+<!-- begin ja_JP/css.tt2 -->
+<style type="text/css">
+@media screen { }
+* {
+ font-family:"ヒラギノ角ゴ ProN W3", "Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN", "ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3", "Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro", "メイリオ", Meiryo,
"MS Pゴシック", TakaoPGothic, "IPAexゴシック", IPAexGothic, "IPA Pゴシック", IPAPGothic, "VL Pゴシック", "VL PGothic", sans-serif;
+<!-- end ja_JP/css.tt2 -->
Added: branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/ko_KR/css.tt2 (0 =>
--- branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/ko_KR/css.tt2
(rev 0)
+++ branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/ko_KR/css.tt2 2012-12-07 19:18:15
UTC (rev 8124)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+[%# $Id: $ %]
+<!-- begin ko_KR/css.tt2 -->
+<style type="text/css">
+@media screen { }
+* {
+ font-family:AppleGothic, "맑은 고딕", "Malgun Gothic", "백묵 굴림", "Baekmuk
Gulim", sans-serif;
+<!-- end ko_KR/css.tt2 -->
Modified: branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/main.tt2 (8123 =>
--- branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/main.tt2 2012-12-07 14:50:24 UTC (rev
+++ branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/main.tt2 2012-12-07 19:18:15 UTC (rev
@@ -8,20 +8,21 @@
<title> [% main_title %] - [% action %] </title>
-[% IF custom_css || session.custom_css %]
+[% IF custom_css %]
<style type="text/css">
-[% PROCESS css.tt2 %]
+[% custom_css %]
[% ELSE %]
<link rel="stylesheet" href="[% css_url %]/style.css" type="text/css" media="screen"
title="Sympa CSS" />
[% END %]
[% PROCESS css_ie.tt2 %]
+[% TRY %]
+[% PROCESS "$locale/css.tt2" %]
+[% CATCH %]
+[% END %]
<!-- RSS chanel -->
[% IF list -%]
[% IF arc_public_access %]<link rel="alternate" type="application/xml"
title="[%|loc%]RSS Latest messages[%END%]" href="[% base_url%][% path_cgi
%]/rss/latest_arc/[%list%]?count=20"/>[% END -%]
Added: branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/zh_CN/css.tt2 (0 =>
--- branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/zh_CN/css.tt2
(rev 0)
+++ branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/zh_CN/css.tt2 2012-12-07 19:18:15
UTC (rev 8124)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+[%# $Id: $ %]
+<!-- begin zh_CN/css.tt2 -->
+<style type="text/css">
+@media screen { }
+* {
+ font-family:"儷黑 Pro", "LiHei Pro", "华文黑体", STHeiti, "微软雅黑", "Microsoft YaHei",
"MS Hei", SimHei, sans-serif;
+<!-- end zh_CN/css.tt2 -->
Added: branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/zh_TW/css.tt2 (0 =>
--- branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/zh_TW/css.tt2
(rev 0)
+++ branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/zh_TW/css.tt2 2012-12-07 19:18:15
UTC (rev 8124)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+[%# $Id: $ %]
+<!-- begin zh_TW/css.tt2 -->
+<style type="text/css">
+@media screen { }
+* {
+ font-family:"儷黑 Pro", "LiHei Pro", "Apple LiGothic", "微軟正黑體", "Microsoft
JhengHei", sans-serif;
+<!-- end zh_TW/css.tt2 -->
Modified: branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/
(8123 => 8124)
--- branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/ 2012-12-07 14:50:24
UTC (rev 8123)
+++ branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/ 2012-12-07 19:18:15
UTC (rev 8124)
@@ -6298,11 +6298,14 @@
if(($in{'editcolors'})&&($in{'subaction'} eq 'test')){
+ ## Do not include language subdirectories.
+ ## The css.tt2 by each languages will override styles in main CSS.
+ my $tt2_include_path = $robot->make_tt2_include_path('web_tt2');
return unless ($in{'custom_color_number'} =~ /color_/);
$param->{'custom_color_number'} = $in{'custom_color_number'};
$param->{'custom_color_value'} = $in{'custom_color_value'};
- $param->{'custom_css'} =
- $session->{'custom_css'} = $param->{'custom_css'} ;
+ $session->{'custom_css'} =
$session->{$in{'custom_color_number'}} = $in{'custom_color_value'};
@@ -6314,12 +6317,24 @@
+ $param->{'session'}{'custom_css'} = $session->{'custom_css'};
+ ## generate custom CSS
+ my $custom_css;
+ unless (tt2::parse_tt2($param, 'css.tt2', \$custom_css,
+ $tt2_include_path
+ )) {
+ my $error = &tt2::get_error();
+ $param->{'tt2_error'} = $error;
+ &wwslog('info', "do_skinsedit : error while parsing custom CSS");
+ undef $custom_css;
+ }
+ $param->{'custom_css'} = $custom_css;
if (($in{'subaction'} eq 'install')||($in{'installcss'})) {
- my $lang = &Language::Lang2Locale($param->{'lang'});
- my $tt2_include_path =
- $robot->make_tt2_include_path('web_tt2', $lang);
+ ## Do not include language subdirectories.
+ ## The css.tt2 by each languages will override styles in main CSS.
+ my $tt2_include_path = $robot->make_tt2_include_path('web_tt2');
my $date= time;
my $style_file;
@@ -17496,9 +17511,9 @@
printf "Content-type: text/css\n\n";
$param->{'css'} = $in{'file'};
- my $lang = &Language::Lang2Locale($param->{'lang'});
- my $tt2_include_path =
- $robot->make_tt2_include_path('web_tt2', $lang);
+ ## Do not include language subdirectories.
+ ## The css.tt2 by each languages will override styles in main CSS.
+ my $tt2_include_path = $robot->make_tt2_include_path('web_tt2');
unless (&tt2::parse_tt2($param,'css.tt2' ,\*STDOUT, $tt2_include_path)) {
my $error = &tt2::get_error();
Re: [sympa-developpers] [sympa-commits] sympa[8124] branches/sympa-6.2-branch: [*feature] Per-language css. tt2 will override any portion of main css, not fully,
David Verdin, 12/11/2012
- Re: [sympa-developpers] [sympa-commits] sympa[8124] branches/sympa-6.2-branch: [*feature] Per-language css. tt2 will override any portion of main css, not fully, Etienne MELEARD, 12/11/2012
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