Developers of Sympa
List archive
- From: Sylvain Amrani <address@concealed>
- To: Thomas Berry <address@concealed>
- Cc: sympa dev <address@concealed>
- Subject: [sympa-dev] Re: [Internet] Sympa 5.3b.5 automatic list creation and storing list settings in LDAP
- Date: Fri, 04 May 2007 10:24:29 +0200
Thomas Berry a écrit :
Current configuration:
1. Automatic list creation enabled.
2. Family configured to obtain list members from LDAP directory
3. Each list has a corresponding LDAP directory entry. As an LDAP
directory entry is added, it is expected to be available as a mailing
4. Some of the list settings are stored in the corresponding LDAP group
entry; A TT2 Plugin has been developed to obtain the some of the list's
settings from its corresponding LDAP directory entry. The list
settings are obtained when the list is instantiated. Sympa has been
modified to also update the list for each new message sent to the list.
How would you suggest I remove the family list entry if its
corresponding LDAP directory entry has been removed? Does this method
prevent the list entry from being removed if the LDAP directory is
I would script that in perl, this way :
- Use soap to get your lists from sympa and compute the difference
with your ldap directory. Now you know the lists you have to close
- Be sure to examine the return code of every perl ldap function
call, and the $mesg->code (see Net::LDAP), so you are sure to
prevent any trouble if the ldap directory is unavailable.
- Suspend your smtp traffic for the automatic family you are
working on (using postfix, just add the transport name of your family
to defer_transports and refresh)
- Be sure there is no more message for your nearly closed lists or
- close your dead lists invoking with the --close_list
- remove the expl/closedlistname directory
- un-suspend your smtp traffic for this family (remove your
familyname from defer_transports and refresh)
- If a new message for a just-closed list has arrived and was
suspended during our work, your automatic list creation process will
handle it like a message for an unknown list, so there's no mess for
We use many cron jobs like this and it's very robust. For many lists we
don't want to archive, we put them in a family that we 'close' every
night (--close_family). This way every used list is recreated at next
message, and it's cost-less for sympa.
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