Subject: Developers of Sympa
List archive
- From: Gábor Hargitai <address@concealed>
- To: address@concealed
- Subject: [sympa-dev] Bugfixes
- Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2005 20:44:27 +0100
Hi all
I fixed the bug, I attach the
updated error.tt2 and notice.tt2 file. I also attach the perl script
which finds missing error or notice messages. I copied the new messages
at the end of the files and also made english messages. Please review
them I'm not perfect in english. I also left two messages in form
***************** because I couldn't find out any good message.
I modified wwsympa.fcgi a little bit, I attached the diff.
In the online HTML documentation the node25, 26, and 27 are missing (24.
Using Sympa commands, Index, About this document ... )
[% FOREACH error = errors %] [% IF error.msg == 'unknown_action' %] [%|loc(error.action)%]%1 : unknown action[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'unknown_list' %] [%|loc(error.list)%]%1 : unknown list[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'already_login' %] [%|loc(]You are already logged in as %1[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'no_email' %] [%|loc%]Please provide your email address[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'incorrect_email' %] [%|loc(]Address "%1" is incorrect[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'incorrect_listname' %] "[% error.listname %]" [%|loc%]: bad listname[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'no_passwd' %] [%|loc%]Please provide your password[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'user_not_found' %] "[% %]" [%|loc%]: user unknown[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'passwd_not_found' %] [%|loc%]No password for user[%END%] "[% %]" [% ELSIF error.msg == 'incorrect_passwd' %] [%|loc%]Provided password is incorrect[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'incomplete_passwd' %] [%|loc%]Provided password is incomplete[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'no_user' %] [%|loc%]You need to login[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'may_not' %] [%|loc(error.action)%]%1 : you are not allowed to perform this action[%END%] [% IF ! %]
[%|loc%]you need to login[%END%] [% END %] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'no_subscriber' %] [%|loc%]List has no subscribers[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'no_bounce' %] [%|loc%]List has no bouncing subscribers[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'no_page' %] [%|loc(]No page %1[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'no_filter' %] [%|loc%]Missing filter[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'file_not_editable' %] [%|loc(error.file)%]%1 : file not editable[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'already_subscriber' %] [%|loc(error.list)%]You are already subscribed to the list %1[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'user_already_subscriber' %] [%|loc(,error.list)%]%1 is already subscribed to the list %2[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'failed_add' %] [%|loc(error.user)%]Failed to add user %1[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'failed' %] [%|loc(error.action)%]%1: action failed[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'not_subscriber' %] [% IF %] [%|loc(]Not subscribed: %1[%END%] [% ELSE %] [%|loc(error.list)%]You are not subscribed to list %1[%END%] [% END %] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'diff_passwd' %] [%|loc%]The passwords you typed do not match[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'missing_arg' %] [%|loc(error.argument)%]Missing argument %1[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'no_bounce' %] [%|loc(]No bounces for user %1[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'update_privilege_bypassed' %] [%|loc(error.pname)%]You have changed a parameter without permissions: %1[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'config_changed' %] [%|loc(]Config file has been modified by %1. Cannot apply your changes[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'syntax_errors' %] [%|loc(error.params)%]Syntax errors with the following parameters : %1[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'no_such_document' %] [%|loc(error.path)%]%1 : No such file or directory[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'no_such_file' %] [%|loc(error.path)%]%1 : No such file[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'empty_document' %] [%|loc(error.path)%]Unable to read %1 : empty document[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'no_description' %] [%|loc%]No description specified[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'no_content' %] [%|loc%]Failed : your content is empty[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'no_name' %] [%|loc%]No name specified[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'incorrect_name' %] [%|loc(]%1 : incorrect name[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'index_html' %] [%|loc(error.dir)%]You're not authorized to upload an INDEX.HTML in %1[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'synchro_failed' %] [%|loc%]Data have changed on disk. Cannot apply your changes[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'sync_include_admin_failed' %] [%|loc%]Loading admins failed[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'no_owner_defined' %] [%|loc%]There is not any owner defined for the list[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'cannot_overwrite' %] [%|loc(error.path)%]Cannot overwrite file %1[%END%] : [% error.reason %] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'cannot_upload' %] [%|loc(error.path)%]Cannot upload file %1[%END%] : [% error.reason %] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'cannot_create' %] [%|loc(error.path)%]Cannot create %1[%END%] : [% error.reason %] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'cannot_create_dir' %] [%|loc(error.path)%]Cannot create directory %1[%END%] : [% error.reason %] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'cannot_unzip' %] [%|loc(]Cannot unzip file %1[%END%] : [% error.reason %] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'error_during_unzip' %] [%|loc(]Errors while unzipping file %1[%END%] : [% error.reason %] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'file_no_copied' %] [%|loc(]File %1 is not copied[%END%] : [% error.reason %] [%ELSIF error.msg == 'directory_no_copied' %] [%|loc(]Directory %1 and its contents are not copied[%END%] : [% error.reason %] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'full_directory' %] [%|loc(]Failed : %1 not empty[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'init_passwd' %] [%|loc%]You did not choose a password, request a reminder of the initial password[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'change_email_failed' %] [%|loc(error.list)%]Could not change email for list %1[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'change_email_failed_because_subscribe_not_allowed' %] [%|loc(error.list)%]Could not change your subscription address for the list '%1' because your new address is not allowed to subscribe.[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'change_email_failed_because_unsubscribe_not_allowed' %] [%|loc(error.list)%]Could not change your subscription address for the list '%1%' because you are not allowed to unsubscribe.[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'shared_full' %] [%|loc%]The document repository exceed disk quota.[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'ldap_user' %] [%|loc%]Your password is stored in an LDAP directory, therefore Sympa cannot post you a reminder[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'select_month' %] [%|loc%]Please select archive months[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'inaccessible_archive' %] [%|loc(error.year_month)%]Archives from %1 are not accessible[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'renamming_archive_failed' %] [%|loc%]Could not rename the archive[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'err_missing_arg_list' %] [%|loc%]Error: missing argumentlist[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'msg_error' %] [%|loc%]Message error[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'list_already_exists' %] [%|loc%]The list already exists[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'add_failed' %] [%|loc%]Failed to add user[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'no_authentication_service_name' %] [%|loc%]*****************[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'may_not_rename_deleted_message' %] [%|loc%]Could not rename deleted message[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'cannot_save_config' %] [%|loc%]Cannot save config[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'chdir_error' %] [%|loc%]Unable to change directory[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'incorrect_server_config' %] [%|loc%]Incorrect server config: wrong wwsympa UID[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'already_closed' %] [%|loc%]The list is already closed[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'missing_argument' %] [%|loc(error.argument)%]Missing argument: %1[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'failed_to_install_aliases' %] [%|loc%]Failed to install aliases[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'wrong_param' %] [%|loc%]Wrong parameters[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'may_not_remove_arc' %] [%|loc%]May not remove archive[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'failed_to_remove_aliases' %] [%|loc%]Failed to remove aliases[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'arc_not_found' %] [%|loc%]Archive not found[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'month_not_found' %] [%|loc%]Selected month not found[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'not_allowed' %] [%|loc%]This reception mode is not allowed[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'unable_to_rename_bounces' %] [%|loc%]Could not rename the bounces directory[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'empty_archives' %] [%|loc%]The archive is empty[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'unable_to_load_create_list_templates' %] [%|loc%]Unable to load the templates required to create a list[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'no_bouncing_subscriber' %] [%|loc%]List has no bouncing subscribers[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'internal_scenario_error' %] [%|loc%]Internal error in scenario create_list[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'unable_to_load_list_of_topics' %] [%|loc%]Unable to load the list of topics[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'scenari_wrong_access' %] [%|loc%]Unable to open the scenari directory[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'no_reception' %] [%|loc%]*****************[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'msg_not_found' %] [%|loc%]No message found in archives matching Message-ID[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'failed_to_include_members' %] [%|loc%]Failed to include members[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'unable_to_create_dir' %] [%|loc%]Unable to create directory[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'unable_to_check_list_using_smtp' %] [%|loc%]Unable to check list using smtp[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'no_entry' %] [%|loc(]No entry found with email %1[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'read_error' %] [%|loc(error.filepath)%]Cannot read file %1[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'may_not_create_deleted_dir' %] [%|loc%]May not create the deleted directory[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'list_required' %] [%|loc%]The list parameter is missing[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'missing_cert' %] [%|loc%]Cannot find certificate for this list[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'no_database' %] [%|loc%]Cannot find any database. WWSympa requires a RDBMS to run.[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == '404' %] [%|loc%]404[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'failed_someone_else_did_it' %] [%|loc%]Failed to open the file. Someone else already removed it.[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'list_not_closed' %] [%|loc%]The list is not closed[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'Incorrect_privilege' %] [%|loc%]You don't have privilege to do it[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'huummm_didnt_change_anything' %] [%|loc%]Didn't really change the status, nothing to do[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'internal_error' %] [%|loc%]Internal error during processing the Zip file[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'update_failed' %] [%|loc%]Update failed[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'may_not_send_me' %] [%|loc%]May not send the message[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'unknown_authentication_service' %] [%|loc%]Unknown authentication service[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'spool_error' %] [%|loc%]Unable to read spool[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'exportation_failed' %] [%|loc%]The exportation failed[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'no_soap_service' %] [%|loc%]No SOAP service was defined in sympa.conf (soap_url parameter)[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'subscriber_not_found' %] [%|loc(]Subscriber %s not found[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'no_identified_user' %] [%|loc%]Cannot identify the user[%END%] [% ELSIF error.msg == 'no_html_message_available' %] [%|loc%]No HTML version of the message available[%END%] [% ELSE %] [% error.msg %] [% END %]
[% END %] [% FOREACH notice = notices %]
[% IF notice.msg == 'sent_to_owner' %]
[%|loc%]Your request has been forwarded to the list owner[%END%]
[% ELSIF notice.msg == 'add_performed' %]
[%|loc(]%1 subscribers added[%END%]
[% ELSIF notice.msg == 'performed' %]
[%|loc(notice.action)%]%1 : action succeeded[%END%]
[% ELSIF notice.msg == 'list_config_updated' %]
[%|loc%]Configuration file has been updated[%END%]
[% ELSIF notice.msg == 'upload_success' %]
[%|loc(notice.path)%]File %1 successfully uploaded![%END%]
[% ELSIF notice.msg == 'unzip_success' %]
[%|loc(notice.path)%]File %1 unziped![%END%]
[% ELSIF notice.msg == 'file_erased' %]
[%|loc(notice.path)%]Old file %1 has been erased[%END%]
[% ELSIF notice.msg == to_moderate %]
[%|loc(notice.path)%]File %1 waiting for moderation[%END%]
[% ELSIF notice.msg == 'save_success' %]
[%|loc(notice.path)%]File %1 saved[%END%]
[% ELSIF notice.msg == 'password_sent' %]
[%|loc%]Your password has been emailed to you[%END%]
[% ELSIF notice.msg == 'you_should_choose_a_password' %]
[%|loc%]To choose your password go to 'preferences', from the upper
[% ELSIF notice.msg == 'no_msg' %]
[%|loc(notice.list)%]No message and no document to moderate for list %1[%END%]
[% ELSIF notice.msg == 'subscribers_update_soon' %]
[%|loc%]The list of list members will be built/updated soon (a few
[% ELSIF notice.msg == 'add_performed' %]
[%|loc(]%1 addresses have been subscribed[%END%]
[% ELSIF notice.msg == 'done' %]
[% ELSIF notice.msg == 'list_restored' %]
[%|loc%]The list has been restored[%END%]
[% ELSIF notice.msg == 'no_msg_document' %]
[%|loc(notice.list)%]There isn't any message or document waiting for
moderation on list %1[%END%]
[% ELSIF notice.msg == 'performed_soon' %]
[%|loc%]It will be performed soon[%END%]
[% ELSIF notice.msg == 'to_moderate' %]
[%|loc(notice.path)%]To moderate %1[%END%]
[% ELSIF notice.msg == 'list_closed' %]
[%|loc%]The list has been closed[%END%]
[% ELSIF notice.msg == 'list_purged' %]
[%|loc%]The list has been purged (closing a pending list makes it
[% ELSIF notice.msg == 'subscribers_updated_soon' %]
[%|loc%]Subscribers will be updated soon[%END%]
[% ELSIF notice.msg == 'subscribers_updated' %]
[%|loc%]The subscribers have been updated[%END%]
[% ELSIF notice.msg == 'you_have_been_authenticated' %]
[%|loc%]You have been authenticated[%END%]
[% ELSIF notice.msg == 'may_not_remove_arc' %]
[%|loc%]You may not remove archive[%END%]
[% ELSE %]
[% notice.msg %]
[% END %]
<br />
[% END %]
--- sympa-5.0b.1-orig/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi 2005-01-12 09:35:07.000000000 +0100 +++ sympa-5.0b.1/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi 2005-02-16 20:38:17.684577497 +0100 @@ -3076,7 +3076,7 @@ $param->{'filepath'} = $list->{'dir'}.'/'.$in{'file'}; if ((-e $param->{'filepath'}) and (! -r $param->{'filepath'})) { - &error_message('read_error'); + &error_message('read_error', {'filepath' => $param->{'filepath'}}); &wwslog('info','do_viewfile: cannot read %s', $param->{'filepath'}); return undef; } @@ -7619,7 +7619,7 @@ &wwslog('info','do_close_list: already closed'); return undef; }elsif($list->{'admin'}{'status'} eq 'pending') { - &wwslog('info','do_close_list: closing a pending list make it purged'); + &wwslog('info','do_close_list: closing a pending list makes it purged'); $list->purge($param->{'user'}{'email'}); &message('list_purged'); return 'home'; @@ -11876,7 +11876,7 @@ $param->{'email'} = $in{'email'}; unless (defined $param->{'which'}) { - &error_message('no_entry'); + &error_message('no_entry', {'email' => $in{'email'}}); &wwslog('info','do_search_user: no entry for %s', $in{'email'}); return 'serveradmin'; }
Description: Perl program
- [sympa-dev] Bugfixes, Gábor Hargitai, 02/16/2005
Archive powered by MHonArc 2.6.19+.