Subject: Developers of Sympa
List archive
- Report date limite, setit2003, 12/03/2002
TTL and cache subscribers.db files,
John Douglass, 12/04/2002
- Re: [sympa-dev] TTL and cache subscribers.db files, Olivier Salaun - CRU, 12/06/2002
LDAPs for authentication modification suggestion,
John Douglass, 12/04/2002
- Re: [sympa-dev] LDAPs for authentication modification suggestion, Olivier Salaun - CRU, 12/06/2002
- Demande d'informations techniques générales pour nouveau developeur Sympa, jfleost, 12/06/2002
General Informations about Sympe source code to a new developer,
jfleost, 12/06/2002
Re: [sympa-dev] General Informations about Sympe source code to a new developer,
Olivier Salaun - CRU, 12/06/2002
- Re: [sympa-dev] Re: General Informations about Sympe source code to a new developer, Pierre THIERRY, 12/06/2002
Re: [sympa-dev] General Informations about Sympe source code to a new developer,
Olivier Salaun - CRU, 12/06/2002
- Re: [sympa-dev] Re: General Informations about Sympe source code to a new developer, Olivier Salaun - CRU, 12/06/2002
- patch, and wwsympa.fcgi mode change,
Adam Bernstein, 12/10/2002
- Re: [sympa-dev] patch, and wwsympa.fcgi mode change, Olivier Salaun - CRU, 12/11/2002
v.4 suggestions,
gcrimp, 12/12/2002
- v.4 suggestions (English version), gcrimp, 12/12/2002
Users updating additional user fields with wwsympa,
Charles Clarke, 12/13/2002
Re: [sympa-dev] Users updating additional user fields with wwsympa,
Olivier Salaun - CRU, 12/13/2002
- Re: [sympa-dev] Re: Users updating additional user fields with wwsympa, Charles Clarke, 12/13/2002
Re: [sympa-dev] Users updating additional user fields with wwsympa,
Olivier Salaun - CRU, 12/13/2002
S/MIME certificate extraction: why "openssl -subject"?,
christian mock, 12/17/2002
Re: [sympa-dev] S/MIME certificate extraction: why "openssl -subject"?,
Aumont - Comite Reseaux des Universites, 12/17/2002
- Re: [sympa-dev] S/MIME certificate extraction: why "openssl -subject"?, christian mock, 12/18/2002
Re: [sympa-dev] S/MIME certificate extraction: why "openssl -subject"?,
Aumont - Comite Reseaux des Universites, 12/17/2002
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