Subject: Developers of Sympa
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- From: Olivier LACROIX <address@concealed>
- To: address@concealed
- Subject: wwsympa quits because of a bad test
- Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 13:54:28 +0200
Since the 3.3.6b4, there is a test to avoide httpd restart when wwsympa.fcgi
changes. The date of wwsympa.fcgi is compared to the script start date. But
the test is flase. You use 'gt' for numerical values instead of '>'.
Bellow the patch.
*** wwsympa.fcgi.orig Thu Oct 17 12:30:41 2002 --- wwsympa.fcgi Thu Oct 17 13:46:55 2002 *************** *** 751,757 **** } # exit if wwsympa.fcgi itself has changed ! if ((stat($ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'}))[9] gt $birthday ) { do_log('notice',"Exiting because $ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'} has changed since fastcgi server started"); exit(0); } --- 751,757 ---- } # exit if wwsympa.fcgi itself has changed ! if ((stat($ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'}))[9] > $birthday ) { do_log('notice',"Exiting because $ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'} has changed since fastcgi server started"); exit(0); }ATTENTION : NOUVEAU TELEPHONE ET FAX DEPUIS LE 23 MAI 2002
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- wwsympa quits because of a bad test, Olivier LACROIX, 10/17/2002
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