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announce - [sympa-announce] Sympa 6.1.19 released!

Subject: Announcements of new sympa release

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  • From: <>
  • To:
  • Subject: [sympa-announce] Sympa 6.1.19 released!
  • Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2014 15:16:13 +0100

Title: Sympa 6.1.19 released [Sympa mailing list server]

Sympa 6.1.19 released

RENATER is proud to release the newest version of Sympa to the open-source community.

Sympa 6.1.19 is the latest stable version of Sympa.

A large part of what is made available today is due to the hard work and dedication of Soji Ikeda. Let he be once again thanked for all his commits, improvements and suggestions: Thanks Soji! :-)

This release includes... See below!

Important notes

  • Feature: Per-language css.tt2 will override any portion of main css, not fully replacing it. So they may be used for locale-specific customization. Background: Default css.tt2 specifies the font families covering Western scripts (Latin, Cyrillic, ...). East Asian users may prefer consistent font family supporting Western along with Eastern scripts (Han, Hangul, ...). Once sympa is installed, you will find these dedicated CSS in default/web_tt2/<locale>, where <locale> can be “ja_JP”, “ko_KR”, “zh_CN” and “zh_TW”.
  • Change: Now alias maintenance utilities other than newaliases may be used without special configure options nor patch to Changes:
    • aliaswrapper and virtualwrapper were deprecated and replaced with sympa_newaliases-wrapper.
    • New alias management program which will typically be called by via sympa_newaliases-wrapper.
    • New site configuration parameters aliases_db_type and aliases_program will control behaviour of alias database maintenance.
    • configure script:
    • Options --with-sendmail_aliases and --with-virtual_aliases were deprecated. Use --with-aliases_file instead.
    • New options --with-makemap and --with-postalias, along with options --with-newaliases and --with-postmap are available.
    • Option --with-postmap_arg was removed.
    • Alias managers can handle postmap/makemap style maps (delimited by whitespace), not only newaliases style maps (delimited by colon).
  • Change: wwsympa: Non-privileged users can access to some restricted functions.
    • Any users can access to skinsedit function and execute it.
    • The remove_template function won't check argument. These are due to typos in some tables (hashes) defining functions. In addition, there are a few ineffective definitions in the tables.
  • Bug fix: [#6180][#6979][#7079][#8056] Web session would be broken by nearly simultaneous multiple HTTP requests, such as browsing an archive page with a few images.
    • Database change is needed: two new fields were added to session_table: prev_id_session (varchar(30)) and refresh_date_session (int(11))?. As usual, MySQL and SQLite will be automatically updated. Postgres, Oracle and Sybase users will need to manually edit their database structure.
    • Optional Crypt-CipherSaber is needed to use encrypted cookie feature. Fixes:
    • Made transition between session IDs not to occur on each access; they occur with interval specified by cookie_refresh parameter.
    • Made raw session ID not to be disposed to clients; encrypted IDs changed by each request are used for cookie values. The first point prevents session to be broken, while it slightly weakens against the replay attack. The second point keeps inpredictability of session cookies.

Message sending

  • Feature: [Submitted by S. Shipway, univ. Auckland] When mail merge is activated, new parameters can be used, taken from the mail headers:
    • subject
    • x-originating-ip
    • message-id
    • date
    • x-original-to
    • from
    • to
    • thread-topic
    • content-type
  • Feature: New site config parameter “sender_headers” to specify header fields by which message sender is detected. This is a enhancement to S. Shipway's improvement.
  • Change: [Submitted by S. shipway, univ. Auckland] When Sympa receives a mail without 'From' field, it tries to find the sender by parsing the 'Envelope-From', 'X-Sender' and 'return-Path' fields before giving up and moving the message to bad.
  • Bug fix: Message::fix_html_part() breaks texts encoded by several charsets such as UTF-16. Convert parts always except their charset is UTF-8 or US-ASCII. Sympa may be crashed by the UTF-16 texts without BOM. It is due to a feature of Encode module. Update MIME-Charset to 1.010 to prevent crash. ToDo: Workaround for modules such as MHonArc, StripScripts not supporting UTF-16.
  • Bug fix: When sending a crypted message, it was possible that very few users would have provided their certificate to the list. In such a situation, if either all the the non VERP receipients array of receipients was empty, the message was not sent at all (the message distribution was stopped and the non VERP receipients were not distributed). Fixed by checking the number of receipients for each situation and issuing an info in the logs but without stopping the overall distribution.
  • Bug fix: [Reported by S. Shipway, univ. Auckland] When merge was activated on a list, Sympa would merge even signed messages. Signed messages should not be altered in any way, so merge is deactivated when such a message is sent to a list. Note that an alternate solution would be to remove the incoming signature and make the list sign the message, if it has a certificate. This solution should be investigated in later versions of Sympa.
  • Bug fix: When DKIM was activated, removing invalid DKIM signatures would break S/MIME signature.
  • Bug fix: When adding footers, nothing appeared in the mail received by subscribers in the following condition:
    • footer_type was set to “append”
    • the mail was multipart/html This was due to the footer being added to the text/plain part only. Now it is added to the text/teml part as well.
  • Bug fix: If merge_feature was on, whole or part of subscribers could be disposed by including ”[% to %]” into messages. Fixed by removing 'receipients' item of bulk packets from the parameter passed to Bulk::merge_msg().

Subscribers management

  • Feature: [Reported by so many listmasters we lost the count] Exclusion table was just a display of the users excluded. list owners could not do anything to restore subscriptions; This page is now a form, similar to the review page, which allows to restore users subscriptions.
  • Feature: [Submitted by S; shipway, univ. Auckland] Added quick access links in the review page to reach all users whose emails start with a given letter.
  • Bug fix: [#8684][Reported by D. Fournier, CNRS] In some cases, such as changing a user email address through the Sympa admin > Users web interface, the email value was not set in the “update” config paragraph, leading to logs stating: 'Missing key “email” in param “update” in...'.


  • Change: [Submitted by S. Shipway, univ. Auckland] several changes in privilegs to ease everyday lists moderation:
    • Owners and lismasters can moderate messages and shared repository
    • Editors can moderate subscriptions
    • 'del' and 'add' sceanrios are evaluated to make their result available in each page.
  • Bug fix: [Reported by M. Ferrante] Scenari: Inconsistent handling of header fields in rule conditions. New features:
    • ”[msg_header→field][index]” returns the value of particular field. Index may be negative.
    • ”[msg_header→field]” still returns list of field values, additionally, ordering will be preserved. Fixes:
    • Conditions is_listmaster, is_owner, is_editor and is_subscriber can handle multiple values.
    • They also parse arguments as header field values to get address parts.
  • Bug fix: Limit the header fields to be checked by scenarios.
    • In spam_status scenario, last occurrences of X-Spam-status and so on will be checked, since others are not trustworthy.
    • Also, the last X-sender field would be checked.
    • In send scenario, first occurrences of Content-Type and so on will be checked, since they must appear only at once.
  • Bug fix: [#7825] [Reported by D. Marant, Université Lille 1] spam_status scenario had no effect for messages sent to command addresses. Fixed a typo in sympa::DoCommand().
  • Bug fix: [#7526] [Submitted by Evili del Rio] SQL Filters always returned false. Though what SQLSource::fetch() returns may be arrayref of references to array of rows, it was treated as an arrayref of rows.


  • Feature: i18n of options for list parameters and subscriber options.
    • Options on edit_list page are shown by i18n'ed titles.
    • Only listmasters can view real config values.
    • Subscriber options on review pages, command results, subscriber option pages and so on are shown by i18n'ed titles (along with real option values).

This release also includes updated translations for the following languages. we will never thank enough the Sympa translators whose work is so valuable to help Sympa to spread around the world:

  • Basque (thanks to “Dabid”)
  • Catalan
  • Czech
  • English
  • Finnish (thanks to J.P. Paloposki)
  • French (RENATER team)
  • Galician (thanks to X. Mosquera)
  • German (thanks to R. Heider)
  • Italian
  • Japanese (thanks to Soji Ikeda)
  • Occitan (thanks to C. Valmary)
  • Portuguese (Brazil) (thanks to I. fontes Ferreira and “Gomex”)
  • Russian (thanks to S. Dukachev)
  • Spanish (thanks to A. Marin) Please note that Spanish translators have their own mailing list now: . You can subscribe to this list if you want to get involved in Sympa translation into Spanish.
  • Swedish (thanks to P. Freyhult and M. Amnefelt)
  • Turkish

Several translation projects were added since last release: Ido, Esperanto and Latin. If you want Sympa to be translated into your own language - and agree to do part of this yourself or with friends, just ask the . If you don't want to feel isolated, just do as Spanish translators did: ask us to create a dedicated mailing list for translators in your language.


  • Bug fix: [Reported by P. Aepli, univ. Genève] Multi-valued parameters obtained from Shibboleth IdP were badly parsed. This as due to the fact that Sympa stored additional parameters under the form: “key1=value1;key2=value2;etc.” As Shibboleth uses semi-columns to separate values in multivalued attributes, values were misinterpreted as new
    • empy
    • attributes. Fixed by separating keys and values by totally unlikely strings.

Sympa database

  • Feature: [Submitted by S. Shipway, univ. Auckland] ODBC is now supported for email data sources.
  • Bug fix: Too short DKIM database field. Expaned dkim_privatekey_spool from 1000 to 2000 o.
  • Bug fix: [debian#642464] [Originally submitted by E Bouthenot, Debian Project] Initial installation or upgrade with SQLite failed. cf.
  • Change: Supplemental Unicode characters beyond BMP can't be used on MySQL. As of MySQL 5.5.3, text types supported UTF-8 characters with 4 octets (a.k.a. utf8mb4). By them, additional characters such as CJK ideographs used in persons' names can be used. Change: Try to set 'utf8mb4' then 'utf8' as client-side character set. Note:
    • Server also must enable utf8mb4, or supplemental characters will be ignored silently. Add “character-set-server=utf8mb4” line to my.cnf.
    • Tables must be defined with “DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4” option, or run “ALTER TABLE” queries to change default character sets of preexisting tables.
  • Bug fix: MySQL: session charset is cleared. connect() sets “mysql_auto_reconnect” driver attribute to true when the processes are running under mod_perl or CGI environment so that ping() will always succeed and then “SET NAMES utf8” will be skipped. Fixed by resetting that attribute as soon as connect() succeeded.
  • Bug fix: [#8466][#8468][Initially Submitted by Marton J., Budapesti M?\197?\177szaki ?\195?\169s Gazdas?\195?\161gtudom?\195?\161nyi Egyetem] Oracle cannot handle messages as long type. * DBI::Oracle has a default setting of LongReadLen=80. As a result, driver does not fetch a record in bulkspool_table containing a long column that have value longer than 80 characters. * DBI::Oracle raises error if messages larger than approximately 2600 o (4000 o in base64 encoding) was sent. Fixes:
    • Original patch was for Sympa 6.0.1; it was rewritten for sympa-6.1-branch.
    • Set $dbh→{'LongReadLen'} to be max_size * 2.
    • Give SQL the messages as bound parameters to avoid long text literals.
    • Rewritten patch also includes support for Sybase which needs similar concern.
  • Bug fix: [#8628][Submitted by Marton J., Budapesti M?\197?\177szaki ?\195?\169s Gazdas?\195?\161gtudom?\195?\161nyi Egyetem] Inproper connection pool-handling: database user is not taken into account. Modified patch was applied.
  • Bug fix: [#8629][Submitted by Marton J., BME, Hungary] Oracle date writer formula was broken: after noon, 1 day is added.
  • Bug fix: [#8669] create_db.SQLite was not uptodate.
  • Bug fix: [#7459][Submitted by Mitar] Tables in PostgreSQL user schema are not detected during upgrade process.

List families

  • Feature: Now you can define a “scenari” directory in the lists family directory. These scenarii will be available for lists instantiated from this family. The “scenari” directory must be put directly in the family directory, not in the overall “families” directory. For example, if you want to define scenarii specific to the “staff” family, you must define a scenari directory in the /home/sympa/etc/families/staff/ directory. Not in /home/sympa/etc/families/.
  • Feature: Now the list of files parsed (in addition to config.tt2) when instantiating a family are defined in a new (sympa.conf and robot.conf parameter called 'parsed_family_files'. This parameter must contain a comma-separated list of file names. If these files exist, with the '.tt2' extension in a family, they will be parsed and added to the list directory. The default value of the parameter is 'message.footer,message.header,message.footer.mime,message.header.mime,info'.
  • Change: Now 'message.footer','message.header','message.footer.mime','message.header.mime','info' files are updated in existing lists when a family is instantiated. note that it will overwrite any other customization.
  • Bug fix: In scenarios, the field [msg→spam_status] was never taken into account because the message objects fields were not made available to scenarios. Fixed by adding a new test in Scenario::request_action. Now any Message field can be accessed in scenarios.

Sympa customization

  • Change: Custom vars values can take any character string as values (previously, spaces were forbidden).
  • Change: custom colors along with configured colors are shown during testing colors. Improved _javascript_.js:chooseColorNumber() to update position.

Archives management

Lists management

  • Bug fix: The “info.conceal” scenario was neither packaged nor installed.

Web interface

  • Bug fix: Several fixes on style sheets (CCS).
    • Fixed broken css.tt2: Special characters were replaced by entities.
    • Tune metrics of some items so that pages may be shown properly by most of modern browsers.
    • Added some workaround for IE bugs, though they are not bugs of Sympa. Now IE 7 or later more or less correctly render. Note: IE 6 or earlier is not.
  • Bug fix: [#8712][Reported by L. Didry, CIRIL] In the main admin edition page, the database password was displayed as clear text. replaced by a series of stars.
  • Bug fix: [#8916][Reported by Adam Bernstein, Electric Embers] wwsympa/search: Date is not displayed in human readable form in “other similar subscribers” results. Format date and update_date fields in tt2 parameters.
  • Bug fix: [#8662][Reported by A. Bernstein, Electric Embers] wwsympa: arcsearch crashed on non-UTF-8 bytes in HTML, with error “Malformed UTF-8 character (fatal)”. Marc::Search uses Unicode internally to utilize case-insensitive match. Fixed by replacing ”:utf8” input layer with ”:encoding(utf8)”, since former won't really check inputs.

SOAP interface

  • Bug fix: [#7318] Encoding problem on sympasoap. UTF-8 strings were encoded twice as latin-1 strings.

Data sources

  • Change: In attribute values for ldap_2level_query, characters '\', '(', ')', '*' and 'null' (\0) are escaped
  • Bug fix: [Reported by F. Périchon] Users included from data sources can unsubscribe from a list provided the “unsusbscribe” scenario allows them. Unsubscription worked well, but when re-subscribing to the list, both the listmasters and the users received an error; this was because the user counter was not increased when re-including a subscriber. Fixed by changing the test and increase the counter when just removing someone from the exclusion table.
  • Bug fix: [Reported by Ö. Sahin, univ.Lyon 2] When List::new sub was called, sync_include_admin was systematically executed, except when specifically stated. If using a lot of owenr and editor datasources, this resulted in large amount of queries to these datasources when searching lists or displaying the list of lists. This is now modulated. When calling get_lists, calling sync_include_admin is now optional and executed if the limits of the 'ttl' and 'ditribution_ttl' parameters are not exceeded.

Sympa configuration

  • Bug fix: Some wwsympa.conf parameters were not defined in @confdef::params, and some were redundantly defined their defaults in wwslib::load_config(). Fixes:
    • These were added to @confdef::params: custom_archiver review_page_size viewlogs_page_size htmlarea_url
    • This was removed: robots (wwsympa.conf parameter)
    • Let wwslib::load_conf() get defaults from @confdef::params. More known bugs:
    • This inconsistently refers both wwsympa.conf and sympa.conf/robot.conf: arc_path
    • This refers sympa.conf/robot.conf by default and wwsympa.conf: cookie_domain
    • These refers sympa.conf/robot.conf, though they are defined as wwsympa.conf parameters: password_case title default_home ldap_force_canonical_email


  • Bug fix: tools::get_filename() has been ignoring symbolic links. Because ”-r” file test operator returns false on symlinks. Expand symlink paths by Cwd::abs_path() then test them by -r. This will be a part of fixes for bug #7383.
  • Bug fix: [#7819] Creation of list is notified to super listmasters even if it belongs to virtual robot.
  • Bug fix: [#8711][Submitted by a nice anonymous contributor aka “Luke”] When using NFS lock, timeout and stale_lock_timeout were inverted and the timout value was increased.
  • Bug fix: [#8661][Reported by Y. Rouillard, INRA] Lock::remove_lock() doesn't properly destroy Lock object. Clear entire lock entry not only filehandle of it.
  • Bug fix: [#8650] pod2man fails with non-ASCII characters in POD. Partially backported from 6.2-branch: Use E<...> for non-ASCII letters so that POD sources contain only ASCII. In conjunction corrected several descriptions out-of-date.


The Sympa developpers

The Sympa software is provided by RENATER
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  • [sympa-announce] Sympa 6.1.19 released!, david.verdin, 02/05/2014

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